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发布时间:2020-04-02 19:05
【摘要】:Biodegradable thermoplastics have been traditionally obtained from modified cellulose and starch. In addition to biopolymers such as cellulose and starch, agricultural byproducts such as corn stover and wheat straw, poultry byproducts such as feathers and coproducts of biofuel production such as distillers dried grains are inexpensive and abundant sources that could be used to develop biodegradable thermoplastics. Finding alternative sources for biodegradable thermoplastics will be necessary in the near future due to the issues concerning the price and availability of the cellulose, starch and synthetic thermoplastics currently in use. Corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is an inexpensive and abundant co-product of ethanol production with limited industrial applications. Similarly, poultry feathers are renewable resources, inexpensive and abundantly available but have limited applications. Although these byproducts are non-thermoplastic, they can be chemically modified and made into thermoplastic products. Using the byproducts for high value industrial applications will increase the value of these agricultural crops, poultry business and reduce our dependence on petroleum resources by providing cheap and sustainable resource for biodegradable thermoplastics. In this research, DDGS and chicken feathers have been modified to produce biodegradable thermoplastics for the first time. Acetylation and cyanoethylation were used to obtain thermoplastics from DDGS and chicken feathers with properties similar to or better than those of modified cellulose or proteins such as cellulose triacetate and acetylated soy protein, respectively. The products obtained were studied for their chemical structure, thermal behavior, morphological and mechanical properties. This research demonstrates that co-products of biofuel production and poultry byproducts can be modified to obtain biodegradable thermoplastics with properties suitable for textile, composite and other film applications. The modified DDGS and feathers have been compression molded to form useful thermoplastic films. This research also demonstrates the feasibility of using agricultural and poultry byproducts and co-products for biothermoplastics and could lead to the industrial development of biothermoplastics from inexpensive, abundant and renewable resources. Creativity in this research falls into the following two aspects:we developed degradable thermoplastic materials from oil-and-zein-free corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) using acetylation and cyanoethylation for the first time, and reported the effect of different reaction conditions on the properties of modified DDGS products. We also first showed that degradable thermoplastic materials can be made from chicken feathers by acetylation and cyanoethylation, and reported the effect of different reaction conditions on the properties of modified chicken feather products.


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