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发布时间:2021-01-28 10:07
  地表水-地下水(Surface Water-Groundwater,SW-GW)相互作用是地表水与地下水之间在不同时空尺度上发生的水量与物质交换,是水循环中不可忽视的关键环节。开展SW-GW相互作用研究可为水资源管理和水质保护提供水量均衡和物质归趋方面的支撑信息。江汉平原位于长江中游,是我国重要的商品粮、棉、油基地和淡水渔业基地,区内河渠纵横交错,地下水位埋深浅(一般小于2米),地表水与地下水之间有着密切的水力联系。受自然条件与人类活动的共同影响,平原内出现了湿地退化、水体污染、原生劣质水、冷浸田等地质环境问题,这些问题均与SW-GW相互作用有着紧密关联。因此,开展江汉平原SW-GW相互作用研究对于认识区内的生态环境问题是十分必要的,但目前人们对于区内SW-GW相互作用特征和强度等方面的认识仍不清楚。平原内的地表水体与孔隙含水层之间存在一侧向延伸的弱透水层,相似的水文地质条件在世界其它低平原地区也广泛存在,但国内外已有研究多关注地表水和与其有直接水力联系的含水层之间的交换,对于地表水和含水层之间通过侧向延伸的弱透水层进行相互作用这一模式尚未给予足够的重视。作为自然界水体中的一种典型污染... 

【文章来源】:中国地质大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:145 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background and Significance of the Research
    1.2 Surface water-groundwater interaction
        1.2.1 Characterization of SW-GW interaction
        1.2.2 Quantification of SW-GW interaction
    1.3 Ammonium geochemistry
        1.3.1 Geochemical behavior of ammonium in SW-GW system
        1.3.2 Nitrogen isotope geochemistry
    1.4 Jianghan Plain
        1.4.1 Geology and Hydrogeology
        1.4.2 SW-GW interaction
        1.4.3 Nitrogen pollution
    1.5 Objectives of the research
Chapter 2 The indications of environmental tracers to surface water-groundwater interactions in Jianghan Plain
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Methods
        2.2.1 Field sampling
        2.2.2 Chemical analysis
    2.3 Results and discussions
        2.3.1 Hydrochemistry
        2.3.2 Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes
        2.3.3 Tritium distribution
    2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Characterizing surface water-groundwater interactions in the interior of Jianghan Plain
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Methods
        3.2.1 Hydrogeologic simulation
        3.2.2 Hydrogeologic calculation
        3.2.3 Collection and modeling of tritium data
    3.3 Results
        3.3.1 Results from hydrogeologic simulation
        3.3.2 Vertical fluxes based on hydrogeologic calculation
        3.3.3 Groundwater residence time and exchanging flux based on OTIS model
        3.3.4 Groundwater residence time and vertical flux based on the dispersion model
    3.4 Discussions
        3.4.1 General characteristics of SW-GW interactions in the interior of JHP
        3.4.2 Links to water quality in JHP
    3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Sources and fate of high levels of ammonium in surface water and shallow groundwater of the Jianghan Plain, Central China
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Method
        4.2.1 Field sampling
        4.2.2 Chemical and isotopic measurements
    4.3 Results and discussions
        4.3.1 Distribution of ammonium in surface water and shallow groundwater
15N signatures to identify sources and fate of ammonium">        4.3.2 15N signatures to identify sources and fate of ammonium
        4.3.3 Environmental indication
    4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Effect of seasonal hydrologic changes on ammonium behavior in shallow groundwater at Jianghan Plain
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Materials and methods
        5.2.1 Field site
        5.2.2 Sediment characterization
        5.2.3 Monitoring of water level and water chemistry
    5.3 Results and Discussions
        5.3.1 Seasonal variations of hydrology and hydrochemistry
        5.3.2 Nitrogen species and isotope of sediments
        5.3.3 Seasonal variation of nitrogen species
        5.3.4 Seasonal variation of nitrogen isotope in ammonium
        5.3.5 Effect of hydrologic changes on ammonium behavior
    5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 The mass balance of ammonium in surface water - hyporheic zone - groundwater system in a typical N-contaminated stream reach at Jianghan Plain
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Materials and Methods
        6.2.1 Field site
        6.2.2 Sampling and measurement of streambed sediment
        6.2.3 Tracer experiment
    6.3 Results
        6.3.1 Sediment characteristics
        6.3.2 Hyporheic-zone characterization
    6.4 Discussions
        6.4.1 Contribution of hyporheic zone to ammonium mass balance
        6.4.2 Difference of hydro-biochemistry for the stream center and margin
    6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions and suggestions
    7.1 Conclusions
    7.2 Suggestions

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