发布时间:2021-04-06 19:19
【文章页数】:157 页
心立方体 Ag3PO4的晶胞结构[39], (a) 球棒模型, (b) 多面体模型; (c) Xnit-cell structure of the cubic Ag3PO4, showing (a) ball and stick and (b) pns. Red, purple, and blue spheres represent O, P, and Ag atoms, respectivepattern of the body-centered cubic Ag3PO4子结构特征
1.3 体心立方体 Ag3PO4的晶胞结构[39], (a) 球棒模型, (b) 多面体模型; (c) XRD 图g. 1.3 Unit-cell structure of the cubic Ag3PO4, showing (a) ball and stick and (b) polyheigurations. Red, purple, and blue spheres represent O, P, and Ag atoms, respectively; (c)pattern of the body-centered cubic Ag3PO41.2 电子结构特征
【文章页数】:157 页
心立方体 Ag3PO4的晶胞结构[39], (a) 球棒模型, (b) 多面体模型; (c) Xnit-cell structure of the cubic Ag3PO4, showing (a) ball and stick and (b) pns. Red, purple, and blue spheres represent O, P, and Ag atoms, respectivepattern of the body-centered cubic Ag3PO4子结构特征
1.3 体心立方体 Ag3PO4的晶胞结构[39], (a) 球棒模型, (b) 多面体模型; (c) XRD 图g. 1.3 Unit-cell structure of the cubic Ag3PO4, showing (a) ball and stick and (b) polyheigurations. Red, purple, and blue spheres represent O, P, and Ag atoms, respectively; (c)pattern of the body-centered cubic Ag3PO41.2 电子结构特征