发布时间:2021-04-10 03:02
【文章来源】:哈尔滨工业大学黑龙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:157 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and research question
1.1.1 Background
1.1.2 Research question
1.2 Research purpose and significance
1.2.1 Research purpose
1.2.2 Research significance
1.3 Literature review
1.3.1 Knowledge management
1.3.2 Organizational characteristics affecting knowledge management
1.3.3 Models for knowledge management research
1.3.4 Environmental knowledge and environmental knowledge management
1.4 Contents, methods and framework of the research
1.4.1 Main contents
1.4.2 Research methods and technical route
Chapter 2 Theoretical analysis of the organizational characteristics and environmental knowledge accumulation process
2.1 Knowledge accumulation process and classification of organizational characteristics
2.1.1 The process of organizational knowledge accumulation
2.1.2 Classification of organizational characteristics affecting knowledge accumulation
2.2 Characteristics and accumulation process of environmental knowledge
2.2.1 Characteristics of environmental knowledge
2.2.2 Environmental knowledge management and accumulation process
2.3 Characteristics and variable definition of member dimension
2.3.1 Characteristics and coefficient of organizational members
2.3.2 Characteristics of relation between the members
2.4 Characteristics and variable definition of organizational dimension
2.4.1 Characteristics of organizational knowledge
2.4.2 Organizational cultural characteristics
2.5 Theoretical framework
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Construction of the environmental knowledge accumulation modelbased on statistical the rmodynamics
3.1 The heat conduction equation based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.1.1 Theory of statistical thermodynamics
3.1.2 The heat conduction equation
3.2 New various knowledeg quantities for applying statistical thermodynamic method
3.2.1 Applicability of statistical thermodynamic method
3.2.2 Definition of new various knowledge quantities
3.3 Construction of environmental knowledge accumulation model based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.3.1 Environmental knowledge temperature field
3.3.2 The knowledge accumulation model based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.3.3 Construction of environmental knowledge accumulation model inorganization
3.4 Simulation method of knowledge accumulation model
3.4.1 Derivation of the knowledge temperature distribution function
3.4.2 Arrangement of knowledge field lattice and definite conditions
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Influences of member dimension characteristics on the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
4.1 The influence of the member's knowledge absorption ability
4.1.1 The influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.1.2 The influence on the environmental knowledge sharing within an organization
4.2 The influence of the member's knowledge innovation ability
4.2.1 The influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.2.2 Influence on the saturation time
4.3 The influence of the member's eco-friendly attitude
4.3.1 The influence on environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.3.2 Influence of the eco-friendly attitude according to change of absorption ability and creative ability
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Influences of organization dimension characteristics on the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
5.1 The influence of the organizational environmental knowledge characteristics
5.1.1 Influence of the ambiguity of environmental knowledge
5.1.2 Influence of the depreciation of environmental knowledge
5.2 The influence of the organizational learning culture
5.2.1 Influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation in the organization
5.2.2 Influence of the saturation time in the organization
5.3 The influence of the eco-friendly organization culture
5.3.1 Influence on the environmental knowledge sharing in the organization
5.3.2 Influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation in the organization
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Empirical analysis and management suggestions
6.1 Comprehensive analysis and key factors for improving environmental knowledge accumulation
6.1.1 Comprehensive analysis on the factors affecting environmental knowledge accumulation
6.1.2 Key factors for improving environmental knowledge accumulation
6.2 Empirical comparison analysis of new environmental knowledge accumulation model
6.2.1 Setting the eco-friendly coefficient of organizational culture
6.2.2 Changes in the accumulation of environmental knowledge in differenteco-friendly coefficients
6.3 Suggestions to improve the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
6.4 Summary
Papers published in the period of Ph.D. Education
[1]组织内部知识转移有效性影响因素研究——基于组织社会化早期员工的视角[J]. 李小聪,王惠. 技术经济与管理研究. 2016(04)
[2]基于知识属性与场论的空间知识辐射效应研究——以长三角地区为例[J]. 许学国,梅冰青,吴耀威. 科技进步与对策. 2016(02)
[3]工作绩效与组织内部知识转移效果关系的实证研究[J]. 杜衍姝,王秀丽. 财会通讯. 2011(21)
[4]知识场的构建、测度与演化研究——基于知识流动视角[J]. 王晓红,张宝生. 情报杂志. 2011(03)
[5]盐产业组织柔性与组织文化系统动力学模型研究[J]. 陈一君,熊山. 四川理工学院学报(社会科学版). 2010(06)
[6]企业文化的刚性特征:分析与测度[J]. 陈传明,张敏. 管理世界. 2005(06)
[7]知识扩散场的构建、分析与应用[J]. 张黎,蓝峻. 管理科学. 2005(02)
[8]绿色技术和绿色技术创新——可持续发展的当代形式[J]. 甘德建,王莉莉. 河南社会科学. 2003(02)
[9]论知识场动力学及其定量研究问题[J]. 李喜岷. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2002(08)
[10]绿色技术界定的动态性[J]. 王伯鲁. 自然辩证法研究. 1997(05)
[1]组织文化对于组织成员作用机制研究:借鉴催化动力学方法[D]. 张莉莉.北京交通大学 2012
[2]基于复杂社会网络的创新扩散研究[D]. 黄玮强.东北大学 2009
【文章来源】:哈尔滨工业大学黑龙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:157 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and research question
1.1.1 Background
1.1.2 Research question
1.2 Research purpose and significance
1.2.1 Research purpose
1.2.2 Research significance
1.3 Literature review
1.3.1 Knowledge management
1.3.2 Organizational characteristics affecting knowledge management
1.3.3 Models for knowledge management research
1.3.4 Environmental knowledge and environmental knowledge management
1.4 Contents, methods and framework of the research
1.4.1 Main contents
1.4.2 Research methods and technical route
Chapter 2 Theoretical analysis of the organizational characteristics and environmental knowledge accumulation process
2.1 Knowledge accumulation process and classification of organizational characteristics
2.1.1 The process of organizational knowledge accumulation
2.1.2 Classification of organizational characteristics affecting knowledge accumulation
2.2 Characteristics and accumulation process of environmental knowledge
2.2.1 Characteristics of environmental knowledge
2.2.2 Environmental knowledge management and accumulation process
2.3 Characteristics and variable definition of member dimension
2.3.1 Characteristics and coefficient of organizational members
2.3.2 Characteristics of relation between the members
2.4 Characteristics and variable definition of organizational dimension
2.4.1 Characteristics of organizational knowledge
2.4.2 Organizational cultural characteristics
2.5 Theoretical framework
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Construction of the environmental knowledge accumulation modelbased on statistical the rmodynamics
3.1 The heat conduction equation based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.1.1 Theory of statistical thermodynamics
3.1.2 The heat conduction equation
3.2 New various knowledeg quantities for applying statistical thermodynamic method
3.2.1 Applicability of statistical thermodynamic method
3.2.2 Definition of new various knowledge quantities
3.3 Construction of environmental knowledge accumulation model based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.3.1 Environmental knowledge temperature field
3.3.2 The knowledge accumulation model based on the statistical thermodynamics
3.3.3 Construction of environmental knowledge accumulation model inorganization
3.4 Simulation method of knowledge accumulation model
3.4.1 Derivation of the knowledge temperature distribution function
3.4.2 Arrangement of knowledge field lattice and definite conditions
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Influences of member dimension characteristics on the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
4.1 The influence of the member's knowledge absorption ability
4.1.1 The influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.1.2 The influence on the environmental knowledge sharing within an organization
4.2 The influence of the member's knowledge innovation ability
4.2.1 The influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.2.2 Influence on the saturation time
4.3 The influence of the member's eco-friendly attitude
4.3.1 The influence on environmental knowledge accumulation within an organization
4.3.2 Influence of the eco-friendly attitude according to change of absorption ability and creative ability
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Influences of organization dimension characteristics on the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
5.1 The influence of the organizational environmental knowledge characteristics
5.1.1 Influence of the ambiguity of environmental knowledge
5.1.2 Influence of the depreciation of environmental knowledge
5.2 The influence of the organizational learning culture
5.2.1 Influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation in the organization
5.2.2 Influence of the saturation time in the organization
5.3 The influence of the eco-friendly organization culture
5.3.1 Influence on the environmental knowledge sharing in the organization
5.3.2 Influence on the environmental knowledge accumulation in the organization
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Empirical analysis and management suggestions
6.1 Comprehensive analysis and key factors for improving environmental knowledge accumulation
6.1.1 Comprehensive analysis on the factors affecting environmental knowledge accumulation
6.1.2 Key factors for improving environmental knowledge accumulation
6.2 Empirical comparison analysis of new environmental knowledge accumulation model
6.2.1 Setting the eco-friendly coefficient of organizational culture
6.2.2 Changes in the accumulation of environmental knowledge in differenteco-friendly coefficients
6.3 Suggestions to improve the accumulation of environmental knowledge in the organization
6.4 Summary
Papers published in the period of Ph.D. Education
[1]组织内部知识转移有效性影响因素研究——基于组织社会化早期员工的视角[J]. 李小聪,王惠. 技术经济与管理研究. 2016(04)
[2]基于知识属性与场论的空间知识辐射效应研究——以长三角地区为例[J]. 许学国,梅冰青,吴耀威. 科技进步与对策. 2016(02)
[3]工作绩效与组织内部知识转移效果关系的实证研究[J]. 杜衍姝,王秀丽. 财会通讯. 2011(21)
[4]知识场的构建、测度与演化研究——基于知识流动视角[J]. 王晓红,张宝生. 情报杂志. 2011(03)
[5]盐产业组织柔性与组织文化系统动力学模型研究[J]. 陈一君,熊山. 四川理工学院学报(社会科学版). 2010(06)
[6]企业文化的刚性特征:分析与测度[J]. 陈传明,张敏. 管理世界. 2005(06)
[7]知识扩散场的构建、分析与应用[J]. 张黎,蓝峻. 管理科学. 2005(02)
[8]绿色技术和绿色技术创新——可持续发展的当代形式[J]. 甘德建,王莉莉. 河南社会科学. 2003(02)
[9]论知识场动力学及其定量研究问题[J]. 李喜岷. 科学学与科学技术管理. 2002(08)
[10]绿色技术界定的动态性[J]. 王伯鲁. 自然辩证法研究. 1997(05)
[1]组织文化对于组织成员作用机制研究:借鉴催化动力学方法[D]. 张莉莉.北京交通大学 2012
[2]基于复杂社会网络的创新扩散研究[D]. 黄玮强.东北大学 2009