发布时间:2021-07-30 00:46
本文研究了海洋微藻在白斑综合症(white spot syndrome)暴发中的可能作用,以及阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)长期暴露对紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)生物标志物系统的影响(72 d)。1.海洋微藻在养殖对虾白斑综合症传播中的作用研究为了证实海洋微藻是否是养殖对虾白斑综合症的传播途径,我们首先将六种海洋微藻:球定边金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、小球藻(Chlorella sp. )、赤潮异湾藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)和盐藻(Dunaliella salina),与人工注射感染白斑病毒(white spot syndrome virus)的成体日本囊对虾共同培养,用套氏PCR方法检测共培养的微藻能否携带白斑病毒。在此基础上,进一步研究了共培养后的海洋微藻是否能感染幼体日本囊对虾。研究结果表明,除了H. akashiwo,实验海洋微藻均可携带白斑病毒,但它们...
【文章页数】:114 页
图 2-2 微藻与病虾共培养后第 1 天的病毒检测结果泳道 1-7 分别为 I. galbana,S. costatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akaD. salina 和 control 水样的病毒检测结果,泳道 8-14 是对应的病毒检测结果,M:分子量标准Fig. 2-2 Detection of WSSV by nested-PCR in microalgae afterinfected Marsupenaeus japonicus.Lanes 1-7 are WSSV detection results in co-cultured water sampcostatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwo,S. trochoidea,D. salina, respectively; Lanes 8-14 are WSSV detection results in separatcorresponding to 1-7, respectively; M: marker.
图 2-2 微藻与病虾共培养后第 1 天的病毒检测结果泳道 1-7 分别为 I. galbana,S. costatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwD. salina 和 control 水样的病毒检测结果,泳道 8-14 是对应于 1的病毒检测结果,M:分子量标准Fig. 2-2 Detection of WSSV by nested-PCR in microalgae after 1 dinfected Marsupenaeus japonicus.Lanes 1-7 are WSSV detection results in co-cultured water samplescostatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwo,S. trochoidea,D. salina, and respectively; Lanes 8-14 are WSSV detection results in separate mcorresponding to 1-7, respectively; M: marker.
【文章页数】:114 页
图 2-2 微藻与病虾共培养后第 1 天的病毒检测结果泳道 1-7 分别为 I. galbana,S. costatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akaD. salina 和 control 水样的病毒检测结果,泳道 8-14 是对应的病毒检测结果,M:分子量标准Fig. 2-2 Detection of WSSV by nested-PCR in microalgae afterinfected Marsupenaeus japonicus.Lanes 1-7 are WSSV detection results in co-cultured water sampcostatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwo,S. trochoidea,D. salina, respectively; Lanes 8-14 are WSSV detection results in separatcorresponding to 1-7, respectively; M: marker.
图 2-2 微藻与病虾共培养后第 1 天的病毒检测结果泳道 1-7 分别为 I. galbana,S. costatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwD. salina 和 control 水样的病毒检测结果,泳道 8-14 是对应于 1的病毒检测结果,M:分子量标准Fig. 2-2 Detection of WSSV by nested-PCR in microalgae after 1 dinfected Marsupenaeus japonicus.Lanes 1-7 are WSSV detection results in co-cultured water samplescostatum,Chlorella sp.,H. akashiwo,S. trochoidea,D. salina, and respectively; Lanes 8-14 are WSSV detection results in separate mcorresponding to 1-7, respectively; M: marker.