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发布时间:2022-12-08 00:28
  随着工农业生产的发展,人口的增长,造成水资源严重紧缺,也遭到多种来源的污染。废水对水资源的污染已引起人们极大的关注。废水处理中广为采用的活性污泥法可去除废水中大部分有机污染物和一部分氮磷营养物,残留的氮磷随出水进入水体并给环境造成富营养化等危害。因此,废水中氮磷的处理已成为当前废水处理的热点和难点。 本文在国内外活性污泥法脱氮除磷研究现状的基础上,结合生物除磷机理,驯化培养聚磷菌占优势的活性污泥进行除磷研究。研究了BOD5负荷、厌氧时间、pH值、厌氧好氧交替频率、温度等对活性污泥法除磷效果的影响。对不同工况下活性污泥法除磷数据进行处理,建立了活性污泥法除磷厌氧段磷释放模型、好氧段磷吸收模型、活性污泥种群增长模型和活性污泥法除磷动力学模型。在实验研究基础上,对活性污泥法高性能除磷方法进行了分析研究。主要研究成果如下: (1)厌氧好氧交替环境是活性污泥法除磷的必要条件。15天左右驯化培养后,聚磷菌成为活性污泥中的优势菌群。厌氧段溶解氧不超过0.2mg/L,好氧段溶解氧控制在2.0mg/L左右,进水TP浓度8mg/L时,去除率可以达到95%以上。 (2)污水中易... 

【文章页数】:179 页


Abstract (detailed)
1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景及意义(Background and Significance)
        1.1.1 水体富营养化(Water Eutrophication)
        1.1.2 水体富营养化的机理(Mechanism of Eutrophication)
        1.1.3 水体富营养化的危害(Harm of Eutrophication)
        1.1.4 国内外水体富营养化概况(General Situation of Eutrophication at Home and Abroad)
    1.2 课题提出(Subject Support)
    1.3 研究内容及技术路线(Contents and Technique Approaches)
        1.3.1 研究内容(Contents)
        1.3.2 技术路线(Technical Approaches)
2 文献综述
    2.1 活性污泥法概述(Summarize of the Activated Sludge Method)
        2.1.1 活性污泥法机理(Mechanism of the Activated Sludge Method)
        2.1.2 活性污泥法基本工艺(Basal Technics of the Activated Sludge Method)
    2.2 我国氮磷控制标准(National Control Standards of Nitrogen and Phosphorus)
    2.3 磷在污水中存在形态及除磷方法(Modalities of Phosphorus Existing in Wastewater and Means of Phosphorus Removal)
        2.3.1 水体中磷的来源(Source of Phosphorus Existing in Water)
        2.3.2 磷在污水中的存在形态(Modalities of Phosphorus Existing in Wastewater)
        2.3.3 常见的污水除磷方法(General Means of Phosphorus Removal)
    2.4 生物除磷理论(Theory of Biological Phosphorus Removal)
        2.4.1 生物除磷机理(Mechanism of Biological Phosphorus Removal)
        2.4.2 聚磷菌(Phosphate-accumulating Organisms)
        2.4.3 聚磷菌好氧超量吸磷动力源分析(Power Headspring Analyse of PAOs Excessive Absorb Phosphorus)
        2.4.4 生物除磷的影响因素(Influence Factors of Biological Phosphorus Removal)
    2.5 生物除磷工艺及研究进展(Study Progress of Biological Phosphorus Removal Technics)
        2.5.1 生物除磷工艺(Biological Phosphorus Removal Technics)
        2.5.2 生物除磷工艺运行控制要点(Control Stress of Biological Phosphorus Removal Technics)
    2.6 活性污泥动力学研究(Kinetic Study of Activated Sludge Process)
3 实验研究材料与方法
    3.1 实验装置(Experiment Equipment)
    3.2 驯化污泥和实验水质(Domestication Sludge and Wastewater Quality for Experiment)
    3.3 测试项目及检测方法(Measuremental Items and Analytical Methods)
    3.4 实验设计(Experiment Design)
4 活性污泥法除磷试验研究
    4.1 高比例聚磷菌活性污泥的驯化培养(Cultivation and Domestication of the Activated Sludge with High Scale PAOs)
    4.2 BOD5负荷对活性污泥除磷效果的影响(Effects of BOD5 Load on Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
    4.3 厌氧时间对活性污泥除磷效果的影响(Effects of Anaerobic Time on Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
    4.4 pH 值对活性污泥除磷效果的影响(Effects of pH on Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
    4.5 厌氧好氧交替频率对活性污泥除磷效果的影响(Effects of Anaerobic and Aerobie Alternate Frequency on Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
    4.6 温度对活性污泥除磷效果的影响(Effects of Temperature on Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
    4.7 本章小结(Brief Summary)
5 活性污泥法除磷反应动力学模型研究
    5.1 厌氧段磷释放模型研究(Phosphorus Release Model Study of Anaerobic Phase)
        5.1.1 厌氧段2h 磷释放模型(Phosphorus Release Model of Anaerobic Phase 2h)
        5.1.2 厌氧段1.5h 磷释放模型(Phosphorus Release Model of Anaerobic Phase 1.5h)
        5.1.3 厌氧段1h 磷释放模型(Phosphorus Release Model of Anaerobic Phase 1h)
        5.1.4 磷释放模型参数确定(Determination of Parameters in Phosphorus Release Model)
        5.1.5 其它温度时磷释放模型(Phosphorus Release Models at Other Temperatures)
    5.2 好氧段磷吸收模型研究(Phosohorus Absorb Model Study of Aerobic Phase)
        5.2.1 厌氧2h时好氧段磷吸收模型(Aerobic Phosphorus Absorb Model of Anaerobic Phase 2h)
        5.2.2 厌氧1.5h 时好氧段磷吸收模型(Aerobic Phosphorus Absorb Model of Anaerobic Phase 1.5h)
        5.2.3 厌氧1h时好氧段磷吸收模型(Aerobic Phosphorus Absorb Model of Anaerobic Phase 1h)
        5.2.4 磷吸收模型参数确定(Determination of Parameters in Phosphorus Absorb Model)
        5.2.5 其它温度时磷吸收模型(Phosphorus Absorb Models at Other Temperatures)
    5.3 活性污泥种群增长模型研究(Growth Model Study of Activated Sludge Population)
        5.3.1 种群及种群增长基本模型(Population and Population Growth Basal Models)
        5.3.2 活性污泥种群增长试验研究(Experimental Study of Activated Sludge Population Growth Model)
        5.3.3 活性污泥种群增长模型(Activated Sludge Population Growth Model)
    5.4 本章小结(Brief Summary)
6 活性污泥法除磷统一动力学模型研究
    6.1 活性污泥动力学基本模型(Activated Sludge Kinetic Basal Models)
        6.1.1 Monod 模型(Monod Model)
        6.1.2 Eckenfelder 模型(Eckenfelder Model)
        6.1.3 McKinney 模型(McKinney Model)
    6.2 生化反应统一动力学模型(Biochemical Reaction Universal Kinetic Model)
    6.3 活性污泥法除磷统一动力学模型(Universal Kinetic Model for Phosphorus Removal by Activated Sludge)
        6.3.1 厌氧2h 活性污泥法除磷动力学模型(Activated Sludge Phosphorus Removal Kinetic Model of Anaerobic Phase 2h)
        6.3.2 厌氧1.5h 活性污泥法除磷动力学模型(Activated Sludge Phosphorus Removal Kinetic Model of Anaerobic Phase 1.5h)
        6.3.3 厌氧1h 活性污泥法除磷动力学模型(Activated Sludge Phosphorus Removal Kinetic Model of Anaerobic Phase 1h)
        6.3.4 其它温度时活性污泥法除磷动力学模型(Activated Sludge Phosphorus Removal Kinetic Models at Other Temperatures)
    6.4 本章小结(Brief Summary)
7 活性污泥法高性能除磷方法分析研究
    7.1 厌氧过程流态对活性污泥除磷效果影响的理论分析(Theory Analysis Activated    Sludge Phosphorus Removal Effect of Anaerobic Phase Hydro-state)
    7.2 厌氧好氧交替频率对活性污泥除磷效果影响的理论分析(Theory Analysis Activated Sludge Phosphorus Removal Effect of Anaerobic and Aerobic Alternate Frequency)
    7.3 提高聚磷菌方法的理论分析(Theory Analysis of Enhance PAOs Measure)
    7.4 活性污泥法高性能除磷方法的理论分析(Theory Analysis of Activated Sludge High-powered Phosphorus Removal Measure)
    7.5 本章小结(Brief Summary)
8 结论与建议
    8.1 结论(Conclusions)
    8.2 建议(Suggestions)

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