发布时间:2024-02-27 11:15
【文章页数】:216 页
List of Publications
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Abbreviations and definitions of some terms
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction and purpose of the present study
1.2. Stable isotopes in dissolved nitrate
1.2.1 N isotopic composition
1.2.2 O isotopic composition
1.3. δ15N values of Nitrate sources
1.3.1. Atmospheric deposition
1.3.2. N-bearing fertilizers
1.3.3. Sewage and manure
1.3.4. Soil organic N
1.3.5. Nitrate sources in fresh water
1.4.8 δ18O values of Nitrate sources
1.4.1. Atmopheric nitrate deposition
1.4.2. Synthetic fertilizer
1.4.3. Nitrification of N-bearing organic matters
1.5. Factors affecting N and O isotopic compositions
1.5.1. Mixing
1.5.2. Amonification
1.5.3. Ammonia volatilization
1.5.4. Assimilation
1.5.5. Nitrification
1.5.6. Denitrification
1.6. Identifying nitrate sources by using ducal isotope methods and waterchemistry
Chapter 2. Methodologies
2.1. Sampling
2.1.1. Description of the sampling area
2.1.2. Surface water sampling
2.1.3. Local nitrate sources sampling
2.2. Exploration of the experimental methods in determining N and O isotopicratios
2.3. Sampling preparation and analytical procedure
2.3.1. Sampling preparation for the determination of δ15N and δ18O-NO3
2.3.2. Chemical analysis major anions
2.3.3. Chemical analysis of N isotopic compositions
2.3.4. Chemical analysis of O isotopic compositions
Chapter 3. Researches in Taihu Lake
3.1. Study on Taihu Lake during December.2007
3.1.1. Concentrations of major anions
3.1.2. NO3
-/Cl- concentration ratio variation
3.1.3. δ15N value in Nitrate
3.1.4. δ18O value in Nitrate
3.1.5. δ15N and δ18O values in Nitrate
3.1.6. Summary
3.2. Study on Taihu Lake during January and July of 2009
3.2.1. Spatial distribution,temporal variations of major anion concentrations
3.2.2. Spatial distribution, temporal variations of δ15N-NO3
- values
3.2.3. Spatial distribution, temporal variations of δ18O-NO3
- values
3.2.4 Using δ15N and δ18O-NO3
- values to assess the nitrate source and denitrification
3.2.5. Summary
3.3. Comparison between chapter 3.1 and chapter 3.2
Chapter 4. Researches in Chaohu Lake
4.1. Spatial distribution, temporal variations of major anions
4.2. Spatial distribution, temporal variations of δ15N-NO3
- values
4.3. Spatial distribution, temporal variations of δ18O-NO3
- values
4.4. Using δ15N and δ18O-NO3
- values to assess the nitrate source anddenitrification
4.5. Summay
Chapter 5. The comparison between Taihu Lake and Chaohu Lake
Chapter 6. Summary and Prospects in future
6.1. Summary
6.2. Combining other isotopic tools to identify nitrate sources
6.2.1. Isotopic ratios of plants
6.2.2 Water isotopic ratios
6.2.3. Boron isotopic ratios
6.2.4. Strontium isotopic ratios
6.2.5. Lithium isotopic ratios
6.2.6. O isotopic ratios of phosphate
Chapter 7. Conclusions
第一章 研究目的和研究的同位素方法的介绍
第二章 实验方法的介绍
第三章 结果和讨论
第四章 结论