本文关键词:校区二氧化硫扩散数值仿真研究 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目前我国环境污染日益严重,国家正在加快工业转型升级的脚步,工业污染物的排放直接影响生活环境的空气质量与身体健康。长期生活在气体污染物扩散严重的环境中将会对人体造成严重损害。学校校区是学生学习生活的主要场所,学生的学习与生活环境一直是社会关注的焦点,所以研究学校周边污染物在校区内的扩散状况对学校建设以及污染源的迁移有现实指导意义。本文利用计算流体力学CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)方法,以假想学校校区为研究对象,建立了物理模型和数学模型,通过数值模拟的方法对该学校校区气流流动以及校区内污染物的扩散情况进行三维模拟计算,其中以二氧化硫为主要污染物,分析学校内不同风向时的流场变化以及污染物的扩散情况。模拟结果表明:首先,不同风向时,通过对温度场和浓度场的分析,得到建筑物和人们活动的地面附近的污染物分布:污染源扩散主要是在建筑物外的上空进行扩散,在上空的水平面内,沿着主导风向浓度逐渐减小,而在校区内,由于受到建筑物的遮挡作用,污染物会在建筑物的背风侧形成富集区域。其次,浓度高低取决于该点所处的具体位置,在不同高度水平区域内不同模拟点处的浓度是不同的,在低于建筑物污染物的扩散在很大程度上受到建筑物的影响。随着高度的升高,流场受到的建筑物的影响逐渐弱化,但是高于建筑物一定距离的流场还是要受到建筑物的影响,从而导致风向改变。风会沿着建筑物的顶部角缘向上攀升,流速逐渐增大。污染物随着主导风向越过建筑物之后,主要通过建筑物顶部扩散,在其背面出现回流。
[Abstract]:At present, the environmental pollution in our country is becoming more and more serious, and the country is speeding up the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading. The emission of industrial pollutants directly affects the air quality and health of the living environment. The long-term living in the environment of serious diffusion of gas pollutants will cause serious damage to the human body. The school campus is the main learning life of students. I need a place. The study and living environment of students has always been the focus of attention of the society. Therefore, it is of practical significance to study the diffusion of pollutants around the school in the school area. In this paper, we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (CFDs) for the construction of schools and the transport of pollution sources. The Computational Fluid dynamics method. Taking the hypothetical school campus as the research object, the physical model and the mathematical model are established, and the air flow and the dispersion of pollutants in the campus are simulated by numerical simulation method. With sulfur dioxide as the main pollutant, the flow field change and pollutant diffusion in different wind direction are analyzed. The simulation results show that: first, through the analysis of temperature field and concentration field under different wind direction. The distribution of pollutants near the buildings and the ground where people are active is obtained: the pollutant source diffusion is mainly carried out over the building, and the concentration decreases gradually along the dominant wind direction in the horizontal plane above the building. However, in the campus, due to the blocking effect of the building, the pollutants will form enrichment area on the leeward side of the building. Secondly, the concentration level depends on the specific location of the point. The concentrations at different simulation points are different in different height areas, and the diffusion of pollutants below buildings is largely affected by buildings. The flow field is gradually weakened by the influence of the building, but the flow field above a certain distance of the building is still affected by the building, which leads to the change of the wind direction. The wind will climb up along the top corner edge of the building. With the dominant wind direction passing over the building, the contaminants diffused mainly through the top of the building, and reflux appeared on the back of the building.
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