本文关键词:思想政治教育视域下巍山彝族地区农村生态文明建设研究 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 农村生态文明建设 思想政治教育 彝族 巍山县
[Abstract]:The party's the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee "production development, well-off life, rural civilization, clean and tidy village, democratic management" as the construction of new socialist countryside construction task. The party's eighteen general "beautiful Chinese" as the general requirements of a well-off society. The construction of "beautiful Chinese" includes not only the construction of the beautiful city also includes the construction of beautiful countryside construction. The beautiful countryside is the realization of agricultural production, farmers income, rural economic prosperity and development relation between human and environment. The construction of the beautiful countryside is conducive to the realization of sustainable development of agriculture, is conducive to the protection of farmers' physical and mental health, is conducive to the development of the rural economy. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the rural economy has achieved rapid the development of the farmers' living conditions have been greatly improved. But with the development of economy, environmental concerns with the In this paper, the construction of rural ecological civilization. Weishan Yi area, the ecological thought of Marx as a guide, the socialist system China characteristics for the protection, according to the local actual situation, uses the method of literature research, comparative research method, questionnaire research and interviews, in-depth research from four aspects. The introduction of summary from the research background, research contents and methods, the innovation points of the thesis are summarized. The first chapter from the definition of the concept of ecological civilization construction in rural areas, the content, significance, theoretical basis, the relationship between the rural ecological civilization construction and the ideological and political education. The second chapter discusses the Weishan County Ma On Shan as an example, analyzes the ecological civilization the construction of the rural the advantages and existing problems. The third chapter analyzes the causes of the problems of the construction of rural ecological civilization. The fourth chapter is the innovation of this paper, from the ideological and Political Education The angle of education provides a solution to the construction of rural ecological civilization in the Yi nationality areas.
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