本文关键词:LVDS转千兆以太网适配器的设计及应用 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: FPGA 以太网 LVDS 成像光谱仪 适配器
【摘要】:伴随着经济高速发展而来的愈来愈严重的大气污染问题,使得大气污染治理更加紧迫,而在治理过程中,对大气的监测是不可缺少的一环。本课题所属的课题组长期以来从事研制用于大气监测的成像光谱仪,目前已形成星载和机载多种产品。为了更方便的对成像光谱仪产品进行测试,针对成像光谱仪的接口都是LVDS接口的特点,设计了 LVDS转USB2.0适配器,LVDS转USB3.0适配器和LVDS转千兆以太网适配器,通过使用这些适配器,可以方便的将成像光谱仪与普通PC或者笔记本电脑连接起来,提高了测试系统的便捷性。本文的主要内容是对LVDS转千兆以太网适配器的设计及应用。本文的主要内容分为以下三个方面:第一部分介绍了 LVDS转千兆以太网适配器设计的研究背景和意义,简述了目前成像光谱仪的数据采集系统在国内外的研究现状。对于以太网技术的诞生和发展做了简单的概述,然后介绍了 OSI参考模型和TCP/IP协议族,并重点说明了适配器所用到了 UDP协议、IP协议、ARP协议和以太网帧的技术细节,包括数据包格式,每个字段所代表的意义和各个协议的工作方式。第二部分的重点是适配器的设计。包括适配器的硬件逻辑设计、硬件电路设计和上位机测试软件的设计。按照功能的不同,将整体逻辑设计细分为四个模块逐个设计,分别是串并转换模块,数据缓冲模块、UART模块和UDP/IP模块。介绍了各个模块的功能,说明了在设计过程中遇到的问题和解决的办法。在硬件电路设计中,介绍了电源模块电路、FPGA电路、MAC芯片电路、PHY芯片电路和外围接口电路,说明了提高信号传输质量的方法。上位机采用C++编写,分成了四个模块来完成不同的功能。第三部分是对适配器的测试,包括功能测试和性能测试,测试结果表明适配器可以完成稳定传输图像数据的功能,最高传输速率可达140Mbps,误码率为0。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, more and more serious air pollution problems, make the air pollution control more urgent, and in the process of control. The monitoring of the atmosphere is an indispensable part. The subject group has been developing an imaging spectrometer for atmospheric monitoring for a long time. At present, there are many kinds of products on board and airborne. In order to test the imaging spectrometer more conveniently, the interface of imaging spectrometer is the characteristic of LVDS interface. The LVDS to USB2.0 adapters LVDS to USB3.0 adapters and LVDS to Gigabit Ethernet adapters are designed by using these adapters. The imaging spectrometer can be easily connected to a PC or laptop. The main content of this paper is the design and application of LVDS to gigabit Ethernet adapter. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first part introduces. The research background and significance of LVDS to gigabit Ethernet adapter design. The present research status of imaging spectrometer data acquisition system at home and abroad is briefly described, and the birth and development of Ethernet technology are briefly summarized. Then, the OSI reference model and TCP/IP protocol family are introduced, and the technical details of UDP protocol IP protocol and Ethernet frame are emphasized. Includes the packet format, the meaning that each field represents and how each protocol works. The second part focuses on the design of the adapter, including the hardware logic of the adapter. According to the different functions, the whole logic design is divided into four modules one by one, namely serial-parallel conversion module, data buffer module. UART module and UDP/IP module. The functions of each module are introduced, the problems encountered in the design process and the solution are explained. In the hardware circuit design, the power supply module circuit is introduced. The FPGA circuit is composed of FPGA chip circuit and peripheral interface circuit. The method of improving the quality of signal transmission is explained. The upper computer is programmed with C language. It is divided into four modules to complete different functions. The third part is the testing of the adapter, including functional testing and performance testing, the test results show that the adapter can achieve the function of stable transmission of image data. The maximum transmission rate is up to 140 Mbpsand the error rate is 0.
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