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发布时间:2018-01-15 19:33

  本文关键词:新型转向压裂液实验研究 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 转向压裂 压裂液 超分子凝胶 基础性能 暂堵转向性能

【摘要】:伴随着非常规低渗透油气资源开发的快速发展,现有增产措施已满足不了油田生产的需求。储层改造技术已从常规水力压裂发展为大规模体积改造技术。将转向压裂技术应用于体积改造逐渐成为一种主流的改造方式。转向压裂工艺主要采用的是在压裂液中加入暂堵剂的方式来对原裂缝进行封堵,从而实现新裂缝的转向。而现有暂堵剂多存在暂堵强度低、滤失量大、解堵难、对岩芯伤害大等缺陷,因此不能满足转向压裂工艺的要求。本文采用超分子化学理论开发了一种新型转向压裂液体系,该压裂液体系的最大特点是利用地层的连续升温作用,在温度刺激下依靠自身相变就能将水力压裂优先产生的裂缝暂堵,从而开启新裂缝,如此反复作业可使单次压裂施工获得多条油气渗流通道,施工结束后转向压裂液同样在温度刺激下破胶解堵,最终达到体积改造的目的。本文研究的主要内容有:(1)通过对转向压裂技术机理进行研究,分析了转向压裂的技术原理、裂缝破裂延伸机理及转向压裂的最佳时机,明确了转向压裂的工艺特征。(2)采用超分子化学方法开发了 4种不同的转向压裂液体系,并应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、差示扫描量热法、红外光谱等手段进行研究和表征;分析了盐、客体分子的类型及浓度对凝胶体系的影响;对比了4种转向压裂液体系的成胶破胶性能,并优选出具有良好性能的转向压裂液体系。(3)根据压裂液的性能要求对新型转向压裂液进行基础性能实验评价,结果表明新型转向压裂液具有良好的配伍性、流变性、成胶破胶及热稳定性、抗滤失性、低伤害及破胶返排性能,能够满足转向压裂工艺的施工要求。(4)通过新型转向压裂液的暂堵转向性能实验评价,表明其对钻孔岩芯、造缝岩芯具有良好的封堵、解堵及转向性能,最大封堵强度可达62.3MPa/m。通过新型转向压裂液的开发与性能实验评价可知:新型转向压裂液体系是一种全新的基于超分子凝胶的转向压裂液体系,具备压裂液的一般性能,同时还能实现裂缝的有效封堵和转向。因此该新型转向压裂液可满足转向压裂工艺的要求,对非常规低渗透储层的改造具有非常重要的应用价值。
[Abstract]:Along with the development of low permeability unconventional oil and gas resources in the rapid development of the existing measures to increase oil production has been unable to meet the demand. Reservoir reconstruction technology has developed from conventional hydraulic fracturing for the development of large-scale transformation technology. Volume will turn to the application of fracturing technology in volume reconstruction has gradually become a mainstream way of transformation. The main technique of fracturing is the way to join the temporary plugging agent used for plugging the original cracks in the fracturing fluid, so as to realize to the new crack. But the existing temporary plugging agent is temporary plugging of low strength, filtration, plugging difficult, defects of core damage etc., therefore it can not meet the requirements of steering fracturing technology is adopted in this paper. The theory of supramolecular chemistry has developed a new fracturing fluid system, the biggest characteristic of the fracturing fluid system is the formation of continuous heating, temperature stimulation depends on the phase change in the water can be force The temporary plugging fracturing occurs preferentially, thus opening a new crack, so repeated operation can make single fracturing to obtain multiple oil and gas flow channel, after the construction of fracturing fluid in the same temperature to stimulate gelout plugging, and ultimately achieve the purpose of volume reconstruction. The main contents of this paper are: (1) through study on steering mechanism of fracturing technology, analyzes the technical principle of fracturing steering, fissure extension mechanism and the best time to clear the process of fracturing, steering characteristics of fractured. (2) by using the method of supramolecular chemistry has developed 4 different steering fracturing fluid system, and the application of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy study and characterization; analysis of salt, influence the type and concentration of the guest molecules in gel system; comparison of 4 kinds of steering fracturing fluid gel breaking performance and advantages Which has good performance to the fracturing fluid system. (3) according to the performance requirements of the evaluation of fracturing fluid based on new steering performance test results show that the new fracturing fluid, fracturing fluid has to compatibility, good rheological properties, gel breaking and thermal stability, anti filtration, low damage and gel breaking back discharge performance, can meet the requirements of the construction of divert fracturing. (4) the new steering fracturing fluid plugging experiment shows that the steering performance evaluation of drill cores, created fracture core has good plugging, plugging and steering performance, the maximum sealing strength can reach 62.3MPa/m. through new steering development and performance experimental evaluation of fracturing fluid the new fracturing fluid system is a steering fracturing fluid system based on a new supramolecular gel, with the general performance of the fracturing fluid, and it can realize the effective crack closure and the new turn. The type steering fracturing fluid can meet the requirements of the steering fracturing technology and has a very important application value for the transformation of the unconventional and low permeability reservoirs.



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