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发布时间:2018-03-09 16:03

  本文选题:氧化石墨烯 切入点:碳纳米管 出处:《江苏大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:氧化石墨烯(GO)和碳纳米管(CNTs)等晶态碳纳米材料作为一类新型的润滑油添加剂,由于比传统的润滑添加剂具有更为优异的抗摩减磨性能、热氧化稳定性和抗腐蚀等特性而被广泛应用在摩擦学领域。本论文首先探究了不同形态碳材料作为润滑添加剂的摩擦磨损性能,然后用聚多巴胺(PDA)修饰GO、CNTs、GO和CNTs的杂化体等碳材料(PDA中含有丰富的酚羟基和氨基基团能提供静电力对Cu离子大量吸附),用简单的水热还原法制备了晶态碳基纳米复合材料,同时研究了这些复合材料作为润滑油添加剂的摩擦学性能。该方法为润滑性能优异的碳基纳米复合材料的制备开辟了新路径。其主要研究内容如下:1)采用改良的Hummers法制备了GO,用水热法制备了碳球(CSs)。将GO和CSs分散到基础油(葵花籽油)中进行摩擦学性能测试。对比测试结果表明二维片状的GO能够有效地降低基础油的摩擦系数,而微米尺寸的CSs的润滑改善作用不明显。2)以GO为载体,PDA为表面修饰剂,Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O为铜源,NaH2PO2·H2O为还原剂,用水热还原法将尺寸约为10-15 nm的Cu纳米颗粒均匀负载在了PDA修饰的GO表面,制备出Cu/PDA/GO纳米复合材料。摩擦学性能测试表明Cu/PDA/GO能够显著地改善基础油的润滑效率,相比于其他添加剂如Cu NPs,GO和Cu/GO,表现出更优越的抗摩减磨性能。Cu/PDA/GO纳米复合材料优越的润滑性是由于复合材料中羟基和氨基官能团的存在,使其能在基础油中长时间稳定地分散,以及Cu NPs在GO表面的均匀分布阻止了GO的团聚,在摩擦过程中快速形成稳定的Cu/PDA/GO摩擦膜,降低界面间的摩擦磨损。3)以CNTs为载体,PDA为修饰剂,Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O为铜源,NaH2PO2·H2O为还原剂,用水热还原法制备了Cu/PDA/CNTs纳米复合材料。Cu NPs尺寸约为4-7 nm,均匀生长在了PDA修饰的CNTs表面。摩擦学性能对比测试表明Cu/PDA/CNTs显著改善了基础油的润滑性,并且相比于其他几种添加剂有更优越的抗摩减磨性能。优良的润滑性是由于Cu NPs在CNTs表面的均匀分布能降低CNTs的团聚,在摩擦过程中,Cu NPs与CNTs的复合在形状多变的摩擦表面发挥着不同尺寸方位的纳米承轴作用。4)GO和CNTs在范德华力作用下杂化在一起,用PDA对杂化体表面修饰,以Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O为铜源,NaH2PO2·H2O为还原剂,水热还原法制备Cu/PDA/GO-CNTs杂化纳米复合材料。Cu NPs的尺寸约为5-10 nm,零散地分布在杂化体表面,Cu,GO和CNTs三者形成一稳定的杂化结构。作为润滑油添加剂,Cu/PDA/GO-CNTs的抗摩减磨性能显著。纳米薄片状的GO易于形成摩擦膜,CNTs起到良好的轴承作用,使滑动摩擦转换为滚动摩擦,Cu NPs则能弥补摩擦表面的凹痕,摩擦过程中,GO、CNTs和Cu NPs三者润滑性能的协同作用,使得Cu/PDA/GO-CNTs杂化复合材料表现出优异的润滑特性。
[Abstract]:As a new type of lubricating oil additive, the crystalline carbon nano-materials such as graphene oxide (GOO) and carbon nanotube (CNTs) have better anti-friction and antiwear properties than traditional lubricating additives. Thermal oxidation stability and corrosion resistance are widely used in tribology. In this paper, the friction and wear properties of carbon materials with different forms as lubricating additives are investigated. Then modified with polydopamine dopamine (PDAA) to modify the carbon materials such as CNTs and GOTsPDAs, there are abundant phenolic hydroxyl groups and amino groups in PDAs, which can provide hydrostatic adsorption of Cu ions. The crystalline carbon matrix nanocomposites were prepared by simple hydrothermal reduction method. At the same time, the tribological properties of these composites as lubricating oil additives were studied. This method opens up a new way for the preparation of carbon matrix nanocomposites with excellent lubricity. Go and CSs were dispersed into the base oil (sunflower seed oil) for tribological test. The results show that the two-dimensional go can effectively reduce the friction coefficient of the base oil. However, the lubricating effect of micron size CSs is not obvious. 2) with go as the carrier PDAas as surface modifier, CuH3COO2 路H2O as copper source NaH2PO2 路H2O as reducing agent, the size of Cu nanoparticles of 10-15 nm was uniformly loaded on the surface of PDA modified go by hydrothermal reduction method. Cu/PDA/GO nanocomposites were prepared. Tribological properties test showed that Cu/PDA/GO could significantly improve the lubricating efficiency of base oil. Compared with other additives such as Cu / NPsGo and Cu / GO. the excellent friction and wear resistance of the nanocomposites. The excellent lubricity of the Cu / PDA / go nanocomposites is due to the presence of hydroxyl and amino functional groups in the composites, which makes them disperse steadily in the base oil for a long time. The uniform distribution of Cu NPs on the surface of go prevents the agglomeration of go, and a stable Cu/PDA/GO friction film is formed rapidly during the friction process, which reduces the friction and wear between the interfaces. 3) using CNTs as the carrier and CNTs as the modifier, the copper source NaH _ 2PO _ 2 路H _ 2O is used as the reducing agent. Cu/PDA/CNTs nanocomposites 路Cu / NPs were prepared by hydrothermal reduction method. The size of the nanocomposites was about 4-7 nm, and they were uniformly grown on the CNTs surface modified by PDA. The tribological properties of Cu/PDA/CNTs improved the lubricity of the base oil. Compared with other additives, Cu NPs has better antifriction and antiwear properties. The excellent lubricity is due to the fact that the uniform distribution of Cu NPs on the surface of CNTs can reduce the agglomeration of CNTs. In the process of friction, the composite of Cu NPs and CNTs acts as nano-bearing axis of different dimensions on the surface of friction with various shapes. 4Go and CNTs are mixed together under van der Waals force. The surface of the hybrid is modified by PDA, and the surface of the hybrid is modified by PDA. Using Cu(CH3COO)2 路H _ 2O as copper source, NaH _ 2PO _ 2 路H _ 2O as reducing agent, The size of Cu/PDA/GO-CNTs hybrid nanocomposite. Cu NPs prepared by hydrothermal reduction method was about 5-10 nm, and distributed scattered on the surface of hybrid material, which formed a stable hybrid structure. As a lubricating oil additive, Cu / PDA / GO-CNTs had remarkable antifriction and antiwear properties. Nano thin sheet go is easy to form friction film CNTs and play a good bearing role. The sliding friction can be converted into rolling friction and Cu NPs can make up the dent of the friction surface. The synergistic effect of the lubricating properties of Cu/PDA/GO-CNTs hybrid composites shows excellent lubricating properties during the friction process.


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