本文选题:生态保护红线 + 保障机制 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, along with the high development of economy, the environmental pollution problem in China is serious, the ecological environment is destroyed seriously, the main manifestation is air pollution, water body pollution and soil pollution, biodiversity is reduced sharply, desertification,Natural disasters occur frequently.Ecological crisis and environmental problems have affected the sustainable development of social economy.In the face of increasingly serious ecological environmental problems, in recent years, China has also formulated a series of environmental protection laws and regulations, basically established a legal protection system for the construction of ecological civilization, but the composition of the system, the composition of the principles,The construction of the system is still not systematic, incomplete and so on.The achievement of ecological civilization is not obvious, so we must innovate the legal guarantee system, system and principle according to the idea of ecological civilization and the need of reality, so as to provide practical legal guarantee for ecological civilization.In 2014, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Technical Guide for the delineation of the National Ecological Protection Red Line-Ecological functional baseline (pilot), which marks that China will comprehensively carry out the work of delineating the Eco-protection Red Line, which reflects the Ministry of Environmental Protection's promotion of the planning of the main functional areas.To implement the strictest source protection system and to reform the management system of ecological environment protection. On January 1, 2015, the people's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law (Amendment) was formally implemented, and it was pointed out in the form of articles.The state delimits the red line of ecological protection in key ecological functional areas, sensitive areas of ecological environment and fragile areas, and implements strict protection. This is the first time that China has established the red line system of ecological protection in the form of legislation.However, as a system innovation of environmental protection in our country, the red line system of ecological protection is not implementable by itself, it must have the support of relevant legal safeguard mechanism to make it come to the ground, however,At present, the study of ecological red line in the field of institutional protection is still in its infancy, which needs further demonstration and enrichment.This paper discusses the methods of interpretation, literature research, system analysis and case analysis.The research content, first is elaborated the ecological protection red line basic theory; secondly, to the ecological protection red line legal demand to do the systematic discussion; again, to the current ecological protection red line legal safeguard mechanism to do the actual effect analysis; finally,Summed up the ecological protection of the red line legal protection mechanism to improve the proposal.By exploring the existing problems and defects of the current ecological protection red line protection mechanism and studying the legal protection of the ecological protection red line, it is hoped that it can provide system suggestions for the implementation of the ecological protection red line system in practice.The innovation of this paper is as follows: firstly, the relationship between the red line system of ecological protection and the construction of ecological civilization in China is discussed, and the importance of the red line system of ecological protection to ecological protection is analyzed.This paper discusses the connotation of ecological protection red line and the responsibility of crossing the line in combination with the legal provisions of "people's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law (Amendment)" on the red line of ecological protection.The theoretical significance of this paper is firstly to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the legalization of ecological protection red line by clarifying the connotation and value goal of ecological protection red line.The second is to analyze the theoretical basis of the red line of ecological protection, and to study the inherent relationship between the red line of ecological protection and the concept of "the people's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law (Amendment)".To achieve the ecological protection of the red line system and China's socialist ecological civilization system organic integration.The practical significance of this paper is to analyze and restrict the implementation of ecological protection red line on the basis of clarifying the concept and connotation of ecological red line, and to probe into the perfection of the system, in the hope of providing suggestions for the effective landing of the system.
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