本文选题:淮山 + 变温压差干制 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The temperature variation and pressure difference drying technology is a promising new technology for the processing of fruits and vegetables, which can effectively preserve the original nutrition and flavor of fruits and vegetables. This paper, taking Huaishan as the research object, uses the QDPH-V5 type temperature differential pressure differential drying equipment developed by the new Mstar Technology Ltd to optimize the drying process of the variable temperature pressure differential system in Huaishan mountain. The effects of hot air drying, microwave drying, vacuum freeze drying and temperature variation and pressure difference are compared. The main results are as follows: (1) the expansion temperature, the air temperature and the time of time have great influence on the rehydration ratio, color and shrinkage of the Yai mountain. Color and lustre, the shrinkage rate first rises and then descends; the rehydration ratio decreases with the rise of the space temperature. The color and lustre rises first and then decreases with the rise of the space temperature, and the shrinkage rate rises with the increase of the space temperature; the ratio of the rehydration of the product rises first and then decreases with the extension of time. (2) the construction of the contraction rate rises. The regression equation of the comprehensive score of the area is: Y=6.97-0.63X1-1.61X2-1.07X3+0.38X1X2-0.14X1X3+0.044X2X3-0.67X12-0.57X22-0.92X32 (R2=0.9396). It can be seen from the equation that the influence of the comprehensive score on the comprehensive score of the Yai mountain film is the space temperature (X1) and the time of time (X2). The optimized temperature and pressure difference drying process parameters are 87 degrees centigrade for the expansion temperature. The air temperature is 74 centigrade, and the time is 138min. Under this condition, the rehydration ratio is 1.82, the color L* value is 91.32, the shrinkage rate is 36.12%. regression analysis results show that the regression model is R2=0.9396, the model can be used for the condition control and the dry result prediction in the drying process. (3) the color and water ratio of microwave drying products, and so on. The sensory indexes of the products were poor, the flavones and allantoin of the products were badly lost, the internal structure was dense, the product hardness was too high, the color of the hot air drying products, the ratio of water to water and other sensory indexes were poor, the loss of the nutritional components, such as protein and flavonoids, was heavy, and the vacuum cold drying products preserved the color of raw materials, and flavonoids and allantoin. The loss rate of nutrients and other nutrients is low, but it is fragile and is not conducive to preservation and transportation. The quality evaluation indexes, such as nutrients, shrinkage and rehydration ratio, are better, and the quality of the products is better.
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