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发布时间:2018-04-26 16:32

  本文选题:页岩气 + 多脉冲复合压裂 ; 参考:《西安石油大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Shale gas is a new energy source, which is not only a potential alternative energy for conventional natural gas, but also a clean and environmentally friendly energy. At present, in the United States and Canada, commercial exploitation and utilization have been realized. China has rich shale gas reserves, but because of the complexity of the surface environment and geological characteristics of the shale gas reservoir in China, its development technology and technology are still being tested. At present, the shale gas reservoir reconstruction technology based on hydraulic fracturing can not achieve the desired results, and it is very urgent to explore and study the new technology of shale gas development. Therefore, this paper has carried out a multi pulse fracturing technology model for shale gas reservoir. This paper is based on multistage strong pulse high energy. The function principle and characteristic analysis of gas fracturing technology and the study of the geological characteristics of shale gas reservoir are used to study the application of this technology in shale gas reservoir. A model study on the loading capacity of shale gas multi pulse fracturing medicine is carried out, and the software is compiled and calculated. It is concluded that the fully closed fracturing wellhead device is delayed. The control of the ignition device and the multistage charging structure can effectively reduce the energy of the power loss of the pressure gear, thus improve the energy utilization of the fracturing medicine and further generate the multi fracture system to produce better fracturing effect. The theory of shale gas multi pulse fracturing is the theoretical basis, and the multi pulse fracturing technology of shale gas horizontal wells is focused on. In this paper, the isolation type delay ignition control device, the selection and design of solid propellant and the structure of multilevel charge in horizontal well are studied in detail. A fully closed multi pulse stamping process model for horizontal wells in shale gas reservoir is designed, and the process process is considered in combination with hydraulic jet fracturing. In the field, the process model is designed in combination with a well. The calculation software is used to calculate the charge quantity. This technology provides a new way for the development of shale gas in China. Through the study of the mechanism of multi pulse fracturing technology, the fracture calculation model of shale gas reservoir with multi pulse combined hydraulic fracturing technology is set up, which will be complicated. The extended equivalent treatment gives the same azimuth multi crack extension model, which provides the research direction and ideas for further research on the expansion of hydraulic cracks in multiple cracks. It is suggested that the influence of three dimensional multi crack steering and filter loss are further considered.



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