本文选题:草木染 + 儿童布艺玩具 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the change of the times and the development of textile science, chemical dyes have gradually replaced the traditional natural plant dyes with their advantages of industrialization. As a intangible cultural heritage, grass and wood dyeing has gradually faded out of our lives. However, the natural one is eternal after all. Under the environment of advocating green and environmental protection at home and abroad, the natural plant dyes, which are non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free, are indispensable. With the opening of the two-child policy, the safety of children's products is on the agenda, and the safety of children's toy fabric is more and more concerned by consumers. To reduce or eliminate the hidden dangers of children's toys and fabrics and to guide the healthy development of textile market is the responsibility of textile scientific researchers and textile product producers. Based on the methods of consulting literature, market research, questionnaire investigation and design practice, this paper focuses on the theme of designing and developing the green ecological cloth toys for children. First of all, on the basis of consulting and studying the relevant literature, this paper expounds the concept and development course of Chinese traditional plant and wood dyeing, and then discusses the color characteristics and production technology of traditional plant and wood dyeing. This paper analyzes the social value and development prospect of the art of grass and wood dyeing. Secondly, on the basis of consulting and studying relevant documents, this paper expounds the historical development of cloth art toys; through the form of questionnaire, we understand and analyze consumers' psychology and consumer demands; through different markets, Investigation and analysis of the situation of children's cloth toy market in different periods. Thirdly, according to the previous investigation and investigation conclusion, this paper analyzes and explores the design concept, design elements, design decision factors of green ecological grass and wood dyed children's cloth toys, in line with the embodiment of its artistic, functional, The design idea of cultural connotation such as emotion and safety, especially 20 kinds of natural plant dyes, various dyeing techniques, and the design practice of children's cloth toys dyed with grass and wood, and pass the professional color fastness test successfully; Analyze and summarize the design practice and the problems needing attention in use. This article thinks: as the green environmental protection product, the grass and wood dyed cloth art toy has the very good market prospect. The return of vegetation dyeing technology not only makes more modern consumers understand and accept the plant and wood dyeing products, but also promotes the intangible cultural heritage of vegetation dyeing. The design and development of children's toys should strengthen emotion, innovation and green idea, pay attention to design elements such as color, shape, safety, and select suitable natural dyes. Mastering dyeing techniques and ensuring the necessary color fastness is an important prerequisite. Although there are some limitations in grass and wood dyeing, if we can make use of them reasonably and avoid them, we will be able to design and develop children's cloth toys that conform to the market and green ecology.
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