[Abstract]:Advanced glycosylation end product (AGEs) is a glycosylated metabolite produced in the body, and.AGEs, associated with aging related diseases, is also produced during food processing, accumulating between protein, sugar and other nutritious ingredients, especially fatty foods. Studies have shown that food derived AGEs is a potential hazard to human health. In this paper, the effects of the addition of linoleic acid (LA) on the taste, free radicals, intermediate products and final products in the simulation system are studied with the simulation system close to the real food storage and the effects of the addition of linoleic acid (LA) on the simulation system. This paper establishes two simulative bodies. The system, respectively, is an amino acid system: (1) GLY:D- glucose (D-Glc) +L- lysine (L-Lys) +LA; (2) GL:D-Glc+L-Lys; protein system: (1) GBY:D-Glc+ bovine serum protein (BSA) +LA; (2) GB:D-Glc+BSA. amino acid system using electronic tongue (E-tongue), electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, colorimetric analysis The relationship between taste change, AGEs and free radical changes, and to explore the effect of LA on the taste, intermediate products and free radicals in the amino acid system. The protein system uses polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), infrared chromatography (FT-IR), conductivity, fluorescence chromatography, circular two chromatography (CD) and other methods to analyze the changes of the structure of saccharification BSA, and then study the changes of the structure of saccharifying BSA. The effect of LA on protein saccharification and protein two level changes. The main results are as follows: 1.E-tongue analysis shows that the addition of LA affects the change of bitterness, the taste of the astringency (the taste of the representative polymers), the increase of the content of bitterness and astringency. Therefore, the LA is the key factor of the change of the reaction taste, and the LA is also triggered. The key factor of saccharification reaction.2.ESR analysis shows that there is a highly reactive free radical in GL, and these groups are mainly produced by the mallard reaction (MR) component (D-Glc, L-Lys), and the free radicals produced in.GLY are mainly produced by LA peroxidation rather than MR., and LA promotes AGEs to form mainly through LA peroxidation, rather than MR pathway -MS/MS and colorimetric analysis were used to analyze the variation of representative AGEs. The results showed that AGEs was mainly formed by Strecker degradation in GL. In GLY,.AGEs was mainly produced by LA peroxidation, and the amount of production was more.4.SDS-PAGE analysis. In the glycosylation process, the content of Tian ran BSA gradually decreased, protein polymer and cross linked products were found. As the content increased gradually, the addition of.LA made the crosslinking, the polymerization reaction more intense, and the data to promote more AGEs to produce.5.FT-IR showed that the two grade structure of protein in GB and GBY was lower than that of natural BSA, and the beta folding was the opposite. This shows that the participation of LA is more obvious in promoting the loosening of the structure of BSA two, resulting in protein saccharification, crosslinking and polymerization. The electrical conductivity of GB and GBY increased gradually as the reaction progressively increased, but the conductivity of GBY was lower than that of GB, because the addition of LA would make the protein structure change and produce the polymerization products of large molecular weight, which made the resistivity of the samples of.7.GB and GBY increased, and the fluorescence values regularly reduced the.GBY-Oh samples and GB-0h samples with the reaction. The difference of fluorescence value is significant (P0.01), which indicates that the addition of LA makes the fluorescence value of the model reduce the blue shift of the.GBY sample absorption peak, which represents the structural change and the formation of new substances, indicating that the LA in the model is the main factor of the structural change of protein,.8.CD is mainly the sugar base of the two grade structure of the protein in the far ultraviolet spectrum region (190-250 nm). The results show that the BSA two structure in GB and GBY is loose and the degree of GBY change is more obvious. The experimental results are different from the natural BSA two structure, which indicates that LA has a promoting effect on the reaction of protein glycosylation, which leads to the more obvious changes in the structure of BSA two. Through the above experiments, the addition of LA to MR model (GL, GB) The main results are two conclusions: on the one hand, LA promotes the formation of highly reactive free radicals, thus promoting lipid peroxidation, further triggering the Strecker degradation reaction, and producing a large number of AGEs and flavor substances, which are the key factors for the change of GL taste, and on the other hand, LA promotes the loosening of the BSA structure of the BSA. Obviously, protein saccharification, cross-linking and polymerization are aggravated.
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