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发布时间:2018-08-24 21:06
【摘要】:压裂水平井是当今常规及非常规油气藏开采的有效手段,是降低成本、提高产量的主要途径。本文针对不同油藏类型条件下的压裂水平井井底压力动态特征,建立了多段压裂水平井及考虑缝网特征的压裂水平井试井解释数学模型,深入研究了试井典型曲线特征及其影响因素,为实际试井资料的解释工作打下理论基础。主要研究内容如下:(1)建立了考虑井筒储集效应及表皮效应的均质盒状油藏压裂水平井试井解释数学模型,根据源函数方法得到了压裂水平井井底压力的Laplace空间解,将推导出的源函数进行分阶段计算并运用Stehfest数值反演以及Matlab软件编程计算得到了均质油藏中压裂水平井的压降分布图以及无因次井底压力及压力导数双对数曲线,对典型曲线的阶段性特征和裂缝半长等影响因素进行了详细讨论。(2)建立了考虑井筒储集效应及表皮效应的双重介质盒状油藏压裂水平井试井解释数学模型,利用源函数方法得到了 Laplace空间中压裂水平井井底压力解;利用分阶段计算的方法将对应的源函数进行计算,通过数值反演以及Matlab软件编程计算绘制了双重介质油藏中压裂水平井的压降分布图以及无因次井底压力及压力导数双对数曲线,对典型曲线的阶段性特征进行了描述,对窜流系数等影响因素对试井曲线的影响情况进行了深入讨论。(3)建立了考虑井筒储集效应及表皮效应的线性复合油藏压裂水平井试井解释数学模型,根据源函数方法求得了压裂水平井井底压力的Laplace空间解,将推导出的源函数进行分阶段计算,利用数值反演及软件编程计算得到了复合油藏中压裂水平井的无因次井底压力及压力导数双对数曲线,对典型曲线的阶段性特征以及流度比等因素对曲线的影响情况进行了详细讨论。(4)建立了考虑井筒储集效应、表皮效应以及缝网特征的复合油藏压裂水平井试井解释数学模型,通过边界元方法对模型进行了求解,运用Stehfest数值反演以及Matlab软件编程得到了封闭矩形外边界条件下多段压裂水平井无因次井底压力及压力导数双对数曲线,对典型曲线的阶段性特征进行了描述,对缝网区域的渗透率等因素对曲线的影响情况进行了全面分析。通过对上述试井解释理论模型的研究,能够对不同类型油藏条件下压裂水平井试井典型曲线有更加清晰的认识和了解,为实际试井资料的解释工作提供理论指导。
[Abstract]:Fracturing horizontal well is an effective means to exploit conventional and unconventional reservoirs and is the main way to reduce cost and increase production. In this paper, according to the bottom-hole pressure characteristics of fracturing horizontal wells under different reservoir types, a mathematical model of well test interpretation for multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells and fracturing horizontal wells considering fracture pattern characteristics is established. The characteristics of typical well test curves and their influencing factors are deeply studied, which lays a theoretical foundation for the interpretation of actual well test data. The main research contents are as follows: (1) A mathematical model of well test interpretation for horizontal well fracturing in homogeneous box reservoir considering wellbore reservoir effect and skin effect is established, and the Laplace spatial solution of bottom hole pressure in fractured horizontal well is obtained according to source function method. The derived source function is calculated by stages, and the pressure drop distribution and the logarithmic curves of bottom-hole pressure and pressure derivative in homogeneous reservoir are obtained by using Stehfest numerical inversion and Matlab programming. The stage characteristics of typical curves and the influencing factors such as half length of fracture are discussed in detail. (2) A mathematical model of well test interpretation for fractured horizontal wells in dual medium box reservoirs considering wellbore reservoir effect and skin effect is established. The bottom hole pressure solution of fractured horizontal well in Laplace space is obtained by using source function method, and the corresponding source function is calculated by using the method of stage calculation. Through numerical inversion and Matlab software programming, the pressure drop distribution map and dimensionless bottom pressure and pressure derivative double logarithmic curves of fractured horizontal wells in dual medium reservoirs are drawn, and the stage characteristics of typical curves are described. The influence of factors such as channeling coefficient on well test curve is discussed in depth. (3) A mathematical model of well test interpretation for fractured horizontal wells in linear composite reservoirs considering wellbore reservoir effect and skin effect is established. According to the source function method, the Laplace space solution of the bottom hole pressure of the fractured horizontal well is obtained, and the derived source function is calculated in stages. By using numerical inversion and software programming, the dimensionless bottom hole pressure and pressure derivative double logarithmic curves of fracturing horizontal wells in complex reservoir are obtained. The stage characteristics of typical curves and the effect of mobility ratio on the curves are discussed in detail. (4) A mathematical model of well test interpretation for fracturing horizontal wells in complex reservoirs considering wellbore reservoir effect, skin effect and fracture pattern characteristics is established. The model is solved by the boundary element method, and the logarithmic curves of dimensionless bottom pressure and pressure derivative of multistage fracturing horizontal wells under closed rectangular outer boundary conditions are obtained by using Stehfest numerical inversion and Matlab software programming. The stage characteristic of typical curve is described, and the influence of permeability of fracture zone on curve is analyzed. Through the study of the theoretical model of well test interpretation mentioned above, the typical curves of fracturing horizontal well testing under different reservoir conditions can be clearly understood and understood, which provides theoretical guidance for the interpretation of actual well test data.


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