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发布时间:2018-08-28 12:28
【摘要】:本文主要针对目前市场上玉米馒头普遍存在的玉米粉添加量较少、口感粗糙、质地偏硬、不暄软等问题进行研究,改进加工工艺,研究复合配粉加工特性,旨在保证品质前提下提高玉米粉添加量。首先,研究关键工序对小麦玉米混合粉面团拉伸特性和馒头品质的影响,考查面团拉伸特性与馒头品质的关系。结果表明:混合粉馒头加工关键工序工艺条件为:搅拌时间10 mmin,发酵时间80 mmin,醒发时间20 min。质构仪检测面团拉伸特性可应用于馒头加工的过程质量控制。接着,探讨挤压膨化预处理对玉米粉的影响,发现挤压膨化后的玉米粉吸水率显著增大,且吸水后具有较高的黏度,导致所制作的馒头硬度增大,影响比容和感官评分。并研究了玉米粉比例、加水量、玉米粉粒度对混合粉粉质特性、面团拉伸特性、馒头品质的影响。表明过80目的玉米粉比例27.6%(此文中的百分比均以小麦粉、玉米粉混合粉总质量为基准)、加水量51.72%为馒头基础配方。然后,研究了3种品质改良剂对玉米馒头加工及品质的影响,表明:(1)谷朊粉能显著地增大混合粉的面团形成时间、稳定时间,并改善面团的拉伸特性。随着谷朊粉添加量的增大,混合粉馒头的硬度逐渐减小,弹性和感官评分逐渐增大,但添加量超过6%时馒头品质会下降。(2)黄原胶、瓜尔豆胶、羧甲基纤维素钠(简称CMC)、魔芋胶4种亲水胶体的添加均能增大混合粉的吸水率、面团形成时间、稳定时间,降低弱化度,但增大程度存在差异。黄原胶对混合粉粉质特性的影响最显著,然而制得馒头品质较差,添加适量的瓜尔豆胶、CMC、魔芋胶可改善混合粉馒头的品质。其中,添加2%魔芋胶的馒头的比容最大,0.5%魔芋胶的硬度最小,2% CMC的弹性最大,感官评分最高。(3)分别添加0.5%单甘酯、3%精制猪油、1%大豆磷脂均能提高混合粉的稳定时间,提高面团的延展性,减小馒头的硬度,增大比容和感官评分。随后,以硬度为指标,探究几种品质改良剂在馒头抗老化中的应用效果。结果表明:添加CMC、魔芋胶、单甘脂、精制猪油、瓜尔豆胶、大豆磷脂均可以有效地降低馒头在0-12 h贮存过程中的硬化速率和硬度增幅。最后,应用扫描电镜从微观角度证实了品质改良剂改善了混合粉面团的面筋网络结构,且延缓了馒头的硬化。
[Abstract]:In this paper, some problems such as less corn flour addition, rough taste, hard texture, soft communication and so on are studied in order to improve the processing technology and study the processing characteristics of compound flour. The purpose of this paper is to improve the quantity of corn flour on the premise of quality assurance. Firstly, the effects of key processes on the stretching characteristics of wheat and corn flour dough and the quality of steamed bread were studied, and the relationship between dough stretching characteristics and steamed bread quality was investigated. The results showed that the key process conditions of mixed flour steamed bread processing were as follows: stirring time 10 mmin, fermentation time 80 mmin, wake-up time 20 min.. Texture tester can be applied to the quality control of steamed bread processing. Then, the effect of extruding pretreatment on corn flour was discussed. It was found that the water absorption of extruded corn flour increased significantly, and the water absorption had a higher viscosity, which led to the increase of the hardness of steamed bread, which affected the specific volume and sensory score. The effects of corn flour ratio, water content and granularity of corn flour on the properties of mixed flour, dough stretching and steamed bread quality were studied. The results showed that the proportion of corn flour over 80 objectives was 27.6% (the percentage in this paper was based on the total quality of wheat flour and corn flour mixed flour), and the water content was 51.72% as the basic formula of steamed bread. Then, the effects of three quality modifiers on the processing and quality of corn steamed bread were studied. The results showed that: (1) gluten flour could significantly increase the dough forming time, stabilize time and improve the stretching characteristics of dough. With the increase of gluten content, the hardness, elasticity and sensory score of steamed bread with mixed flour gradually decreased, but the quality of steamed bread decreased when the amount of gluten was more than 6. (2) Xanthan gum, guar bean gum, The addition of four hydrophilic colloids (CMC), konjac gum) can increase the water absorption, dough formation time, dough stabilization time and decrease the weakening degree, but the increase degree is different. Xanthan gum had the most significant effect on the properties of mixed flour, but the quality of steamed bread was poor. Adding appropriate amount of guar bean gum CMC, konjac gum could improve the quality of mixed flour steamed bread. Among them, the maximum specific volume of 2% konjac gum and 0.5% konjac gum had the lowest elasticity and the highest sensory score of 2% CMC. (3) addition of 0.5% glycerol monoglycan 3% refined lard and 1% soybean phospholipid could increase the stability time of the mixed powder. Improve dough ductility, reduce the hardness of steamed bread, increase specific volume and sensory score. Then, taking hardness as the index, the application effect of several quality modifiers in steamed bread anti-aging was studied. The results showed that the addition of CMC, konjac gum, monoglyceride, refined lard, guar gum and soybean phospholipid could effectively reduce the hardening rate and hardness increase of steamed bread during 0-12 h storage. Finally, it was proved by SEM that the quality improver improved the gluten network structure of flour dough and retarded the hardening of steamed bread.


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