[Abstract]:Heavy metal ions and chloramphenicol are toxic to humans, animals and plants, and may have residues in aquatic products. Therefore, the detection of heavy metal ions and chloramphenicol in aquatic products is of great significance to human health and ecological environment. In this paper, glutathione based colloidal gold colorimetry and nucleic acid aptamer based immunoassay were established for the detection of heavy metal ions and chloramphenicol in aquatic products. (1) Glutathione based colloidal gold colorimetry was used to detect aquatic products. The heavy metals Cd~ (2) Pb2 and Hg~ (2) in Glutathione were immobilized on the surface of colloidal gold by the combination of glutathione mercapto and gold nanoparticles. Glutathione can chelate metal ions as recognition elements to make the distance between colloidal gold close and change the surface plasmon resonance effect of colloidal gold. The color of colloidal gold changed from red to blue, and was analyzed qualitatively by UV-Vis absorption spectrum. Under the optimum experimental conditions, the visual detection limits of Cd~ (2) Pb2 and Hg~ (2) were 0.1 渭 M 0.1 渭 M and 1 nm respectively, and the R2 values of the standard curves determined by UV-Vis absorption spectra were 0.9865 ~ 0.9974 and 0.9869, respectively. Moreover, it shows excellent specificity at the concentration of other metal ions. According to this study, we can detect three kinds of heavy metal ions at the same time and establish OR logic gate. The result is the same as the rule of truth table of OR logic gate. At the same time, this study was applied to the detection of zebrafish in aquatic products, and combined with the rule of OR logic gate. The detection results were consistent with our expected results. (2) chloramphenicol in aquatic products was detected by immunosorbent assay based on nucleic acid aptamer. We used chloramphenicol aptamer as the identification probe, first hybridized with some DNA, then specifically combined with chloramphenicol. DNA hybridization was destroyed and chloramphenicol standard solution was detected. When the concentration of Streptomycin was 5 渭 g / mL and the concentration of horseradish peroxidase was 1 mg/m / L, the standard curve linear range of standard curve for detection of chloramphenicol was 0.001 ppb-1 ppm, and the limit of detection was 0.001 ppb,R2, when the concentration of CAP aptamer was 2 nM, and the dilution of Streptomycin was 4000 times. 0.9935, and the detection specificity is high. The results were not affected by other antibiotics. At the same time, this study was also used in the detection of surimi samples, the recovery is good, and the results are in agreement with our expected results.
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