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发布时间:2018-09-08 10:18
【摘要】:苹果是蔷薇科苹果属植物的果实,其原产地位于欧洲的中东部及中亚地区,在19世纪中叶传入中国。苹果是世界四大水果之一,目前全国种植面积为250多万公顷。苹果富含有大量的碳水化合物、维生素和微量元素。寒富苹果为抗寒优质苹果品种,其具有丰富的营养,肉质酥脆、汁多味浓的口感,因此深受广大人民的喜爱。由于寒富苹果具有良好的品质,因此其种植面积不断增加,从而造成销售价格偏低;为了提高农户收益,将寒富苹果加工成苹果酒是最佳选择。苹果酒中含有重要的活性成分多酚,具有良好的营养价值。目前对寒富苹果深加工产品的研究很少,对寒富苹果酒多酚变化情况及抗氧化活性的分析报道至今还没有。因此本试验以寒富苹果为试验材料,希望通过寒富苹果酒的发酵过程,对其多酚变化规律进行研究,为寒富苹果酒的生产提供理论依据。结果表明:在寒富苹果发酵的过程中,通过添加不同的抗氧化剂(氯化钠、赖氨酸、维生素C、柠檬酸、葡萄糖氧化酶)探讨对寒富苹果酒的影响,探索出发酵液的总糖、酒精度、pH值和色泽的规律。结果表明:总糖在20天发酵期内整体呈下降趋势,由初始0天的22%降至15天的2.2%左右;后期基本没有变化,因此抗氧化剂对糖度影响不大。酒精度整体呈上升趋势;由初始0天的0°上升至15天的8.0°以上,其中未添加抗氧化剂与添加氯化钠、赖氨酸样品的酒精度达到8.5°。pH值在4左右波动,pH值对发酵没有影响。在发酵前期一般呈现深褐色;添加维生素C的发酵液呈黄色,发酵颜色较好。发酵中期颜色基本接近,发酵液呈黄褐色。发酵末期一般呈现稻草黄色,添加赖氨酸为浅黄色。陈酿过程中把酒的颜色从深黄到浅黄依次顺序是维生素C、氯化钠、未添加抗氧化剂、葡萄糖氧化酶、柠檬酸、赖氨酸。因此发酵过程中抗氧化剂对发酵液的色泽有一定影响。多酚作为寒富苹果的主要营养成分,在发酵的过程中通过添加不同的抗氧化剂来研究其多酚的变化规律。结果表明:寒富苹果原汁中总酚含量为297.543mg/L。总酚在发酵过程中整体趋势是先减少再增加在第5天达到最大值然后减少之后趋于平稳直至发酵结束。添加氯化钠的初始含量为374.653mg/L,第5天时最大值为449.588 mg/L,发酵结束时为176.202 mg/L。不同抗氧化剂对发酵结束后总酚含量的影响由大至小依次为添加维生素C、氯化钠、葡萄糖氧化酶、未添加抗氧化剂、柠檬酸、赖氨酸。接着对4种多酚(绿原酸、咖啡酸、儿茶素、根皮素)进行分析。在发酵初期绿原酸含量在90mg/L左右,咖啡酸含量在5-10mg/L,儿茶素含量在8mg/L左右,根皮素含量在2mg/L左右。在最终发酵产品中使用氯化钠为抗氧化剂,其绿原酸、儿茶素及根皮素保留最好,保留量分别是绿原酸24.84mg/L、儿茶素2.28mg/L、根皮素3.95mg/L。使用葡萄糖氧化酶为抗氧化剂,其咖啡酸保留最好,保留量是11.66mg/L。在寒富苹果发酵的过程中,通过添加不同的抗氧化剂酿制寒富苹果酒,对发酵液的抗氧化活性进行分析。试验发现各样品的DPPH清除能力整体都呈下降趋势,从90%左右降至80%左右。在T-AOC法中的第3天抗氧化能力都出现增强的现象。ABTS法中说明其抗氧化能力在发酵的期间存在一定的波动性,发酵结束进入陈酿阶段时进入平稳状态。3种方法中DPPH法和ABTS法说明添加维生素C的抗氧化能力最强,T-AOC法说明添加氯化钠的抗氧化能力最强。综上所述,抗氧化剂对寒富苹果酒的发酵液影响较弱。其中添加氯化钠对多酚及抗氧化性有一定的影响。因此选用氯化钠作为抗氧化剂较为理想。
[Abstract]:Apple is the fruit of Rosaceae apple. It originated in the middle and east of Europe and Central Asia. It was introduced into China in the middle of the 19th century. Apple is one of the four major fruits in the world. At present, the planting area in China is more than 2.5 million hectares. Apple is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Because of its good quality, the planting area of Hanfu apple is increasing constantly, which leads to the low selling price. In order to improve the farmers'income, it is the best choice to process Hanfu apple into cider. Polyphenols are important active ingredients and have good nutritional value. At present, there are few studies on the processed products of Hanfu apple wine, but there are no reports on the changes of polyphenols and antioxidant activities of Hanfu apple wine. The results showed that the effects of different antioxidants (sodium chloride, lysine, vitamin C, citric acid, glucose oxidase) on the fermentation of Hanfu apple wine were studied, and the total sugar, alcoholicity, pH value and color of fermentation broth were explored. The results showed that the total sugar decreased from 22% of the initial 0 days to 2.2% of the 15 days during the 20 days fermentation period, and the antioxidants had little effect on the sugar content in the later period. The alcoholicity of sodium disulfide and lysine reached 8.5 degrees.The pH value fluctuated around 4,but the pH value had no effect on the fermentation.The fermentation broth with vitamin C was dark brown in the early stage of fermentation,the fermentation broth with vitamin C was yellow and the fermentation color was better.The color of the fermentation broth was similar in the middle stage of fermentation,and the fermentation broth was yellowish brown. Light yellow. Vitamin C, sodium chloride, no antioxidants, glucose oxidase, citric acid, lysine were added in the order of the wine color from dark yellow to light yellow in the aging process. Therefore, antioxidants in the fermentation process have a certain effect on the color of the fermentation broth. Polyphenols as the main nutrients of Hanfu apple, passed through the fermentation process. The results showed that the total phenol content in Hanfu apple juice was 297.543 mg/L. The total phenol content in Hanfu apple juice decreased first, then increased to the maximum value on the 5th day, then decreased, and then stabilized until the end of fermentation. The initial content of sodium chloride was 374.653 mg/L. The maximum value was 449.588 mg/L on the 5th day and 176.202 mg/L at the end of fermentation. The effects of different antioxidants on total phenol content after fermentation were as follows: vitamin C, sodium chloride, glucose oxidase, no antioxidant, citric acid, lysine. Then four kinds of polyphenols (chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, catechin, rhizodermatin) were added. The content of chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, catechin and phloretin were 90 mg/L, 5-10 mg/L, 8 mg/L and 2 mg/L at the beginning of fermentation. The caffeic acid retention rate was 11.66 mg/L when the glucose oxidase was used as antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of the fermentation broth of Hanfu cider was analyzed by adding different antioxidants during the fermentation of Hanfu apple. The antioxidant capacity of vitamin C increased on the third day of T-AOC method. ABTS method showed that the antioxidant capacity of vitamin C fluctuated during the fermentation period and entered a stable state at the end of fermentation. In summary, the effect of antioxidants on the fermentation broth of Hanfu cider was weak. Among them, the addition of sodium chloride had a certain effect on polyphenols and antioxidant properties. Therefore, sodium chloride was preferred as an antioxidant.




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