[Abstract]:Based on the characteristics of graphite-like layered structure of anthracite with high coal content, anthracite was modified by intercalation and ball milling to improve its structural activity and dispersibility, and to prepare coal-based functional powder filler instead of carbon black. Improve the properties of rubber composites. In the swelling test of anthracite, it was found that pyridine / xylene treated coal had the highest swelling rate, had intercalation effect, and effectively enlarged the interlayer spacing of aromatic lamellae. When the anthracite sample is modified by the polymerization of acrylic amine, the graphite diffraction peak shifts to a small angle, which realizes the intercalation modification of the aromatic lamellar layer, and the intercalation degree increases first and then decreases with the increase of coal sample content. During the grinding and peeling modification of anthracite, the content of-2 渭 m granularity of the coal sample modified by sulfonate-TB is about 91%, and the particles have little contact with each other, and the dispersity is very good. The mechanical properties of the rubber filled with LA-TA modified coal samples were improved greatly compared with the pure rubber. The tensile strength of the rubber was 15.8MP. it was similar to the filling property of the carbon black 330. The permeability of the modified pulverized coal filled styrene-butadiene rubber composite is also decreased significantly compared with that of pure styrene-butadiene rubber, and the relative permeability is only 6.72 of pure rubber, which has good gas barrier performance. A new method for preparing coal-based functional materials with enhanced and barrier effects was obtained by intercalation and abrasion modification.
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