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发布时间:2018-11-04 14:19
[Abstract]:Oil and gas pipelines in China are facing the double threats of geological hazards and man-made activities. The safety of oil and gas pipelines is directly related to the safety of energy transportation in China, so the safety of pipelines is a key problem to be solved. By consulting the literature and investigating the cases of pipeline accidents at home and abroad in recent years, it is found that the geological disaster of water damage is one of the key factors threatening the safety of existing pipelines. By referring to all kinds of data and combining with the practical problems encountered in pipeline engineering, this paper first analyzes the present safety, economic and technical situation of oil and gas pipeline transportation. Then according to the investigation results of oil and gas pipelines in southwestern China, looking up the existing achievements and classifying the water damage of pipelines according to the commonly used methods, The classification table of pipeline water damage recognition is obtained according to various classification rules. Combined with the classification results of pipeline water damage, this paper further explains the cause of pipeline water damage and the action form of pipeline water damage. In addition, according to the actual cases of water destruction in Shiting reach of Deyang in Lancheng and Chongqing pipeline, which resulted in the pipeline suspended 380 meters, the paper consulted the data of pipe material, soil parameters, water damage force and so on. The finite element software Abaqus is used to establish the pipe-soil interaction model. Firstly, it is verified that the limit suspension length in the case of pipeline suspension can reach 436m. Then, a numerical analysis model for the suspension of pipes with diameter to thickness ratio of 100: 1 is established, and the maximum suspended length of pipes with different diameters is obtained when the ratio of diameter to thickness is 100: 1. Finally, the limit suspension length of the pipeline with corrosion defect is studied and the limit state equation of suspension length of the pipeline with corrosion defect is established. The specific completion steps are as follows: (1) collecting the data of pipeline corrosion, determining the shape of the corrosion pit of the pipeline studied as cuboid. (2) establishing the model of corrosion pit located at the end of suspended pipe and in the middle of pipeline span, respectively. Considering the influence of the depth, width and length of the corrosion pit on the limit suspension length of pipeline, the curve of the depth affecting the limit suspension length and the curve of width affecting the limit suspension length are drawn. The curve of the limit suspension length is affected by the length of the corrosion pit, and the curve of the maximum displacement of the pipe is affected by the corrosion pit. (3) the influence of the corrosion pit on the limit suspended length of the pipeline and the relationship between the factors affecting it, The limit state equation of pipeline suspension length is established. Common methods for calculating failure probability and reliability are also introduced. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the classification table of pipeline water damage is established according to the cause of the disaster, the dynamic medium and the location of the disaster, the pipeline crossing terrain, the mechanism of water destruction and the water destruction terrain, and the scale of water destruction, and according to the results of the classification. The influence of geological condition, precipitation condition and artificial activity on pipeline water damage disaster is analyzed. (2) when the diameter to thickness ratio is 100: 1 and the diameter of pipe is more than 530 mm, The ultimate suspended length of pipeline remains constant with the increase of pipe diameter. (3) the location of corrosion pits has a great influence on the ultimate suspended length of pipeline. (4) the limit suspension length of pipeline with corrosion defect decreases with the increase of corrosion depth, and (5) the limit suspension length of pipeline with corrosion defect decreases with the increase of corrosion width. The length of corrosion pit has little effect on the limit suspension length of pipeline. (7) the length of corrosion defect, The depth and width have little effect on the maximum displacement of pipeline. (8) the limit state equation of pipeline with corrosion defect is established and the reliability is solved.


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