[Abstract]:As a kind of renewable clean energy, hydropower plays an important role in China's economic development and energy allocation. The active development of hydropower projects can not only provide water supply, power supply, irrigation and breeding, but also improve the waterproofing and flood control capacity of rivers, and strengthen the functions of soil and water conservation, waterlogging control, shipping and so on. However, with the increasing efforts of hydropower construction, the impact of watershed ecosystem is also increased, and environmental problems are increasingly prominent. The research on watershed ecosystem health has started late in our country, and the evaluation mechanism is deficient. Especially, the assessment of watershed ecosystem health and the standards and systems of watershed environmental management during the operation period of hydropower projects are not perfect. Therefore, the assessment of ecosystem health and the management of hydropower basin environment are urgent problems to be paid attention to and dealt with. Watershed ecosystem health as a brand-new research field, its research theory and method has not yet been mature, especially for hydropower development watershed ecosystem health assessment, has not yet formed a complete set of theory, in the evaluation method, the selection of indicators, The evaluation criteria and the establishment of the model need to be further studied and explored. At present, there are still many defects in the establishment of environmental management system of hydropower development basin in China. In this paper, "the watershed ecosystem of hydropower development" is taken as the research object, and the status quo of the ecosystem health of the hydropower development basin is studied as the starting point, and the hydropower development basin of the Sichuan section of the Jialing River is taken as the evaluation object. The theory, method and practice of ecosystem health assessment in hydropower development basin were discussed and studied. Referring to the study of river health evaluation system at home and abroad, using the framework of "PSR" evaluation model as the foundation, adopting the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the index right, the ecosystem health of hydropower development basin is divided into "very healthy, sub-healthy", and "very healthy, sub-healthy". The assessment system of ecosystem health in hydropower development basin was established according to 5 evaluation grades of unhealthy and sick condition. The rationality of the evaluation system established in this paper is verified by the example evaluation analysis of the hydropower development basin in the Sichuan section of the Jialing River. The watershed is divided into the upper section, the middle section and the lower section, respectively, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is established. Through the principle of maximum membership degree, the assessment results of ecosystem health in the Sichuan section of Jialing River are obtained. That is to say, the ecological health of the study area is sub-healthy in general, in which the upper part is healthy and the middle part is sub-health, and the rationality is verified by the conclusion analysis. In this paper, an exploratory study on the environmental management model of hydropower development basin has been carried out. Considering the deficiency of watershed environmental management in river basin management technology, monitoring and early warning, relevant legislation, technological innovation and so on, a set of target management system, governance technology system, monitoring and early warning system is established. The environmental management system of hydropower development basin in five aspects: law and policy guarantee system and administrative management system.
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