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发布时间:2017-12-28 02:10

  本文关键词:增温对大兴安岭多年冻土区泥炭地氮氧化物排放的影响研究 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所)》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 多年冻土区 泥炭地 增温 N_2O排放 冻融作用 氮可利用性变化

[Abstract]:The northern high latitudes are the main concentrated distribution areas of peat land and a sensitive area of global warming. In recent years, the northern high latitude warming effect is obvious, the permafrost degradation in large area. The increasing human activity has made such a change. The carbon and nitrogen cycles in peatlands have been directly or indirectly affected, thus giving rise to positive feedback or negative feedback on climate change. But the domestic about climate warming on peatlands in permafrost regions of the nitrogen cycle research very little, therefore, the study on peat continuous permafrost zone in Greater Khingan Range as the research object, the control field warming experiment based on OTC in situ, and combined with indoor culture experiments, focus on increasing temperature, freezing and thawing, nitrogen effects on peatland the emission of nitrogen oxides by change, clarify the warming under the background of nitrogen oxide emissions from peatlands, seasonal and interannual dynamic emission, reveals the effects of warming on peatland nitrogen oxide emission flux and its main influencing factors, discusses the N_2O emission flux of freeze thawing and response to nitrogen availability changes. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) based on field experiments of OTC in situ warming control, it is found that the increase of soil temperature on the surface layer of peat in permafrost regions is greater than that of air temperature. The average temperature increased by 0.6 degrees. The soil temperature of 5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 50cm and 100cm increased by 2.42, 1.48, 1.21, 0.57, 0.45, 0.48, respectively. The increase of soil temperature resulted in an average increase of 6.6cm in the depth of soil melting, while the effect of increasing temperature on soil water content was less. (2) based on the experimental study of OTC in situ temperature control in the field, it is found that the increase of temperature significantly improves the N_2O emission flux in each observation year and increases the 89%-223%. Performance: from the annual rate of increase, the birch - sphagnum peat in 2013, 2014 and 2015 N_2O emission flux average increase rate were 174%, 128% and 167%; Ledum palustre - sphagnum peat in 2013, 2014 and 2015 N_2O emission flux average increase was 165%, respectively. 123% and 122%. The increase of N_2O emissions from Chai Hua sphagnum peat in August is the largest in August, and the maximum increase is 223% in July. The results show that soil temperature and depth of soil melting are the main factors affecting N_2O emission. (3) based on the experimental study of OTC in situ temperature control in the field, it is found that the increase of temperature significantly improves the NO emission flux in each observation year and increases the 75%-239%. Performance: from the annual rate of increase, the birch - sphagnum peat in 2013, 2014 and 2015 NO emission flux average increase rate were 176%, 226% and 133%; Ledum palustre - sphagnum peat to an average increase of NO emission flux in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively 154%, 177% and 127%. From the monthly increase, the Chai Hua sphagnum peat land increased by 239% in August, while the narrow leaf duer sphagnum peat land reached a maximum increase of 219% in July. The study shows that soil temperature is the main factor affecting NO emission. (4) based on the indoor freezing and thawing simulation experiments, it is found that the freezing thawing and nitrogen addition significantly promote the release of N_2O in the peat land in permafrost regions. The peak of N_2O emission was observed during the freezing and thawing process, and the freezing and thawing effect was especially obvious with the addition of nitrate nitrogen. N_2O emission has a positive correlation with the concentration of NO3-, which indicates that the production of N_2O in permafrost region under freezing thawing is affected by the effectiveness of NO3- and denitrification. The interaction of freezing and thawing with the addition of nitrate accelerates the massive emission of N_2O in peat land in permafrost regions. (5) by simulating the change of nitrogen availability, we found that soil N_2O emission rate increased with the increase of nitrogen input, and nitrogen input had a stimulating effect on N_2O emissions. However, the excitation effect of the underlying soil was delayed compared with the surface soil. Nitrogen input had the most significant influence on the N_2O flux of 0-15cm soil, and the difference of nitrogen treatment and control treatment reached a significant level. Nitrogen input had no significant influence on the N_2O flux of 15-30cm soil, and the N_2O flux in 30-45cm soil was significantly affected by high nitrogen treatment.


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