本文关键词:面向城市消防站选址规划的时空动态火灾风险建模分析 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 机器学习 空间计量经济学模型 时空加权回归 小波分析 马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛 时间序列分析 定位-分配模型
[Abstract]:At present, the construction of urbanization in China is at a stage of rapid development. At the same time, the risk of urban fire is high. Our country city fire planning lagging behind the rapid development in urbanization, especially for the future development of the city and the development of fire risk are not considered comprehensively, at the same time, considering the fire risk of fire resource layout effect of temporal and spatial dynamic distribution under the less. In this paper, through introducing the relevant mathematical model considering the influence of temporal and spatial variation of fire in the city, fully considering the characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of fire, and on the basis of the development of a city, and adapt to the development of dynamic fire station location planning model, which can provide theoretical support for improving the scientific nature of city fire protection planning. The main works are as follows: 1., the spatial distribution of fires in urban scale is studied by using machine learning algorithm and spatial econometrics model to model the occurrence of urban fires in city scale, so as to predict or explain the spatial distribution of fires. First, we use machine learning algorithms to analyze. The resampling results obtained from the feature selection show that the prediction accuracy of the random forest model (RF) is the highest among the four machine learning algorithms in the training set. The distance from the sample point to the fire station, the distribution of the population, the distribution of the plant, the density of roads, the distribution of temperature and altitude are the independent variables selected into RF, which indicate that these variables contribute most to the fire risk. At the same time, the prediction effect of random forest algorithm on the training set and test set is good, and the difference is not significant, which shows that the algorithm is more robust. Then, through the analysis of spatial econometrics model, the results show that the AIC of SAC is the smallest, that is, the best fitting effect. The results showed that road density had a positive correlation with fire density, while the three variables of temperature, altitude and distance from fire station were negatively correlated with fire density. The results show that human activities play an important role in the occurrence of fire, and also have a relatively large contribution to the spatial regression model. At the same time, the SAC model shows good performance on the training set, but the prediction effect of the test set is quite different from the training set. This shows that the spatial general-purpose model is more suitable for the interpretation of fire risk. In general, in terms of the applicability of the model, we find that RF can show more robust predictive ability and stronger robustness. The spatial econometric model, they can from a specific data set (training set) hidden in spatial distribution and clustering of the spatial weight matrix to accurately describe the variables of large space law and influence of city fire occurred under the city scale, more suitable for explaining the occurrence of fire, but on the whole. In the random forest algorithm. At the same time, the final SAC and RF models are predicted on the whole data set, and the results show that SAC is better than RF in general. Through the analysis and visualization of the residual error of the model, the results show that SAC can explain the spatial structure of fire more than RF. Through the analysis method of wavelet transform in time series of fire and meteorological factors of 2. city scale fire time distribution research, which reveals the potential rule and change in common in time series, after the use of classical autoregressive moving average time series of fire frequency model and MCMC fitting, finally get the development trend of city the time dimension of the fire risk. First of all, through the wavelet transform to time series analysis of fire frequency, the results show that there are four characteristic time scales, respectively, for 4,18,34,56 months, the fire frequency of periodic fluctuation in 56 months (4-5 years) so that on the time scale of the most cyclical, suitable for the analysis of periodic fire in large interannual scale the. It can be deduced from the qualitative results that the frequency of fire will decline in 2010-2011 years and will continue to rise. Secondly, the time series of meteorological factors is analyzed by wavelet analysis, and it is found that different variables have different characteristic time scale sets. They all contain 18 months of the characteristic time scale, which shows that the meteorological factors and the time series of the frequency of the fire have a common average change period of 12 months. Finally, by using the classical time series model to model the frequency of the fire, the ARIMA (0,1,1) model is used to model the model by comparison. On the other hand, we use the MCMC model to model the time series. The results show that the maximum length of the sunshine is the largest, which indicates that it has the greatest impact on the fire. Meanwhile, the relationship between sunshine duration and relative humidity is positive, indicating a positive correlation with the frequency of fire occurrence. The average temperature and precipitation are negative, indicating a negative correlation with the frequency of fire occurrence. In addition, the MCMC model which removes the meteorological variables is compared with the MCMC model including the meteorological variables. The results show that the MCMC model with meteorological factors is better fitted and better able to describe the fluctuation in the time series. Study on the temporal and spatial distribution of 3. city scale fires by using the least squares method (OLS) based global linear regression model (LM) analysis, comparison of the global model and local model in fire risk prediction effect, finally can get the spatio-temporal model of fire risk distribution. First, we use the space cross validation (SCV) to select the independent variables. The results of linear regression training using SCV show that the spatial distribution of road density and factory enterprises is the most important variable in fire risk modeling, and is closely related to the occurrence of fire. However, the former is positively related to fire risk while the latter is negatively correlated. After that, we use the selected independent variables to carry out the GWR.
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