本文关键词:基于球形颗粒接触理论考虑频率影响的砂土剪切波速研究 出处:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 砂土剪切波速 频率 颗粒旋转 球形颗粒接触理论 频散特性 临界频率 弯曲元试验 现场实测
[Abstract]:In general, the sand in nature are tiny sand particles by three-phase aggregate random stacking and filling in the pores among the particles in the liquid phase and gas phase composition, it is not uniform in nature. When the elastic wave propagation in sand medium when compared to the compressional wave, shear wave cannot propagate in liquid and gas phase, can only be spread along the skeleton is composed of sand particles, therefore, shear wave can better characterize the structure of sand, reflect the arrangement and connection characteristics of sand particles, is one of the important dynamic parameters of sand. At the same time, the shear wave velocity of sand also has important engineering significance. In earthquake engineering, the shear wave velocity of sand is an important indicator of sand liquefaction performance, can be used to distinguish dynamic response and resistance to liquefaction site ability. Research on shear wave velocity of sand before focused on the macro scale in recent years, from the micro The concept of nature of scale on its research is more focused on sand particles themselves, not related to the properties of the shear wave itself. This paper starts from the micro scale, contact theory based on spherical particles, considering the effect of frequency on sand particles shear wave propagation caused by the process of rotation, the theoretical research of the shear wave velocity of sand medium. The main work and research results are as follows: (1) three basic assumptions are given in this paper, the sand medium have been studied through model processing. According to the contact theory of spherical particles of micro scale particles, considering the shear wave propagation caused by rotation, shear wave velocity dispersion formula of particle medium is derived the related parameters of which can not be directly measured for the re parameterized, finally get the formula of the shear wave velocity of sand into the frequency parameters. When the parameters in practical engineering sand medium Quality common range changes, quantitative parameter analysis with shear wave velocity of sand are derived. Through the parametric analysis, the elastic modulus of sand particles of sand particles, Poisson's ratio, sand particle density, sand particle radius, sand medium porosity, medium sand effective internal friction angle, the vertical sand unit effective stress, impact frequency of 8 factors on the shear wave velocity of sand, and analyzed the effect of various factors on the shear wave velocity of sand. (2) according to the formula of the shear wave velocity of sand is deduced, using the method of parameter calculation, obtain the shear wave propagation in sand medium dispersion curve, analysis of powder the characteristics of shear wave propagation in sand medium frequency, and that when the sand particle radius shear wavelength is 12 times, which is equal to the particle size of 6 times, and began to show the shear wave velocity with increasing frequency Increases. According to the dispersion characteristics, the definition of critical frequency of sand medium. Through mathematical derivation, exact expressions for the critical frequency are given, the effect to determine the influence of critical frequency of sandy soil medium factors and factors. For the convenience of engineering application, based on the critical frequency of accurate expression, mathematical treatment the simplified formula of the critical frequency of sand medium is obtained. (3) using the equivalent medium theory, the introduction of particle shape correction coefficient, without considering the particle rotation, derivation of equivalent shear modulus of granular materials, and then get the maximum shear wave velocity formula of medium sand equivalent medium theory based on the formula and the shear wave velocity of sand. To use this method to simplify the reasonable mathematical, simplified formula of the shear wave velocity of sand for the engineering application. The method and the equivalent medium theory. By comparison, on this basis, the shear wave velocity of sand using the formula deduced from the equivalent medium theory is modified. (4) the theory and formula of indoor test and on-site bending element under the hole method of shear wave velocity measured in this paper to verify the use of this method. The calculation results respectively with 12 groups of indoor bending element shear wave velocity test data and 50 groups of shear wave velocity field measured data were analyzed to verify the rationality of the theory and formulas, correctness and applicability.
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