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发布时间:2018-01-05 00:31

  本文关键词:热提质对低阶煤水分复吸与自燃特性影响研究 出处:《中国矿业大学(北京)》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 热提质 水分复吸 机理 吸湿预氧化 自燃

[Abstract]:Low rank coal reserves, is China's important energy reserves; its high quality and clean use of energy, has important strategic significance. But the low rank coal quality and easy to relapse after hot water, resulting in lower production efficiency, increased transportation costs; storage process encountered rain and snow after high humidity environment, easy to induce spontaneous combustion and bring security risks. Therefore, the heat quality and lack of safety and economy, hindered the popularization and application of comprehensive industrial technology and low rank coal. For the low rank coal hot water quality after relapse / the problem of spontaneous combustion, this paper studies the law basis to strengthen the system, explore moisture re adsorption differences and causes of differences in the characteristics of spontaneous combustion clear, hot - water - quality and relapse of spontaneous combustion characteristics of internal relationship. The main research contents and results include: 1. low rank coal heat after upgrading the moisture re adsorption of low rank coal law study selected two representative (brown coal and long flame coal mining). With a fixed bed reactor for thermally upgrading at 105~900 Deg. C, through constant temperature and humidity box moisture re adsorption experiment, systematically studied the different temperature and humidity storage environment (10~40 C 15~98%RH) under the upgrading of low rank coal moisture re adsorption law. The results show that (1) the relative humidity is less than 40%RH, and temperature the higher the relapse, the lower the moisture content; 98%RH, relapse moisture content was increased to 12%. ambient temperature of 900 DEG C higher quality samples, relapse balance shorter time. Different temperature of lignite moisture relapse behavior differences than the long flame coal obviously. (2) the environmental humidity is bigger, water balance the content of (EMC). The higher humidity is larger than 60%RH, and the increase of temperature, EMC decreased firstly and then increased, 600 DEG and 400 DEG C lignite long flame coal quality and EMC respectively. The lowest humidity 80%RH, the moisture content of each temperature of lignite were higher than coal-fired power plant coal quality index 8%. (3) sample size (3mm) The smaller and the influence of environmental temperature on EMC. The relapse samples with high moisture content, grain size effect is obvious. (4) the quality of rotary kiln thermal broken sample EMC than fixed bed with low grade samples; unlike fixed bed, the broken ash in the small heat accumulation, decreasing particle size, adsorption / the smaller the EMC.2. moisture re adsorption kinetic model through the analysis of the adsorption isotherm and kinetics model analysis of moisture re adsorption process, found that: (1) 105/400 samples are widely distributed in the C and bound water and free water, and the adsorption of 600/900 and the potential is lower than C sample characteristic curve inflection point, increasing the free moisture content (. 2) the adsorption isotherms of coal and 105/400 C quality and samples with the Dent model; adsorption isotherm of 600/900 C quality samples in accordance with the DS2 model. The quality and temperature increase, or increase the order of coal (lignite, long flame coal), the first adsorption amount decreased; 600/900 C quality The first adsorption capacity of samples is very low, relapse water mainly from hole filling. Second the adsorption capacity decreases first and then increases, the second adsorption capacity of 600 DEG and 400 DEG C and lignite long flame coal were minimal. (3) water fast / slow relapse experience two stages, 4H more than EMC 85%, the initial moisture content of two order kinetics model fitting degree is higher than that of 0.999. samples is low, the initial adsorption rate is high, but at 400.EMC high quality and lowest sample sample, hydrophilic adsorption sites of high concentration or developed pore structure, easy to form a water film, the adsorption rate constant low.3. low rank coal thermal structure after upgrading the nature of change and relapse mechanism of water using a variety of characterization means (element analyzer, muffle furnace, scanning electron microscopy SEM, nitrogen adsorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR peak fitting) analysis of coal quality variation, decomposition of hydrophilic functional groups, the destructive effect of pore structure, The influence of structure changes on the properties of moisture re adsorption, reveals the chemical nature of water absorption reversibility differences, internal relation and quality conditions, put forward the description model of moisture re adsorption mechanism. The results show that (1) the quality and temperature increased, O content decreased, the highest equilibrium moisture content (mhc*) decreased first and then increased, 223y12.470.60x0.16x1.3710x- (28) - (10)? The coincidence relation; the content of O 9%, mhc* 4.5%.vdaf and mhc* significant correlation between the minimum ratio ad. (2) and the increase of temperature, coal surface collapse; serious fold, long flame coal surface is contraction cracks. The pore volume of lignite and specific surface area increased. 900 C after upgrading the pore volume increased to 134.19 * 10-3cm3/g; long flame coal first slightly increased after 400 DEG C, after upgrading the pore volume of 23.69 * 10-3cm3/g. and the minimum heat 20~50nm mesoporous microporous lignite increased, increased sharply at 600/900 DEG C after upgrading; upgrading the long flame coal does not change Such as lignite significantly, the holes in the 2~10nm. (3) hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups in order. High content of hydroxyl carbonyl hydroxyl and carboxyl group, the greatest impact on mhc*. The linear correlation between 0.82~0.95 different temperature lignite hydrophilic group content and mhc*; and long flame coal only 0.16~ 0.53. (4) the main mechanism of water complex suction characteristic changes: 105~600 C lignite hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups gradually reduced, reducing the adsorption quantity of mhc* decreased; 600~900 C microporous lignite increased under high humidity environment, micropore filling free water, mhc* increased. But the 600 C lignite surface is hydrophobic tar coverage, mhc* minimum. The quality of long flame coal the hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups than the same temperature of lignite, the pore volume change of mhc* 2~10nm has a significant influence on the quality and sample.400 C minimum pore volume, and surface hydrophobicity and special structure, water molecules are difficult to The formation of stable adsorption water clusters, like fresh research and hygroscopic pre oxidation of mhc*.4. lowest moisture re adsorption effect on the spontaneous combustion characteristic of heat after upgrading, and its moisture re adsorption / absorption oxidation samples were measured in a temperature programmed combustion device, comparison of oxygen uptake, cross point temperature (CPT) temperature, spontaneous combustion tendency the parameters such as rate difference and FCC determination, analysis of the spontaneous combustion characteristic changes of heat moisture re adsorption / absorption and sample pre oxidation. The results showed that (1) and the increase of temperature, the spontaneous combustion tendency of fresh sample decreased. But the heat after upgrading the moisture re adsorption like critical temperature of oxygen consumption is more than 60% lower than the fresh sample the accelerated oxidation stage; oxygen consumption changes a short period after the "platform" consumption accelerated.200~500 C lignite moisture re adsorption kind of HR (near CPT heating rate) than the fresh sample; accelerated oxidation stage, the instantaneous heating up rate increases faster; spontaneous combustion Orientation was significantly higher than that of fresh samples, more prone to spontaneous combustion. And long flame coal spontaneous combustion tendency is lower than that of lignite, and the moisture re adsorption has little influence on the spontaneous combustion characteristics. (2) moisture pre oxidation even after 2 days of spontaneous combustion tendency of 200~500oc lignite (the quality than the fresh sample) was significantly increased at 400 and after 30 days of pre oxidation sample moisture to coal spontaneous combustion tendency continues to increase. (3) 105~300 C lignite easy relapse than water, moisture absorption oxidation effect of CPT kind of like water relapse, and oxygen consumption were not significantly different at.400/500 quality and the sample is not easy to relapse moisture, but relapse of a small amount of water, CPT increased oxygen consumption decreased significantly. Compared with moisture oxidation, moisture content moisture re adsorption kind of added value is proportional to the increasing value of FCC (5y0.23x9.2110- (28) -?).5. heat and moisture and oxidation on the influence mechanism of the spontaneous combustion characteristics by SEM, X Ray spectrometer (EDS), infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption instrument, surface chemical structure of each sample were measured microcalorimeter, pore structure and moisture absorption difference, analysis of free radicals in situ by X-band electron spin resonance, spontaneous combustion process of different samples are described, to explore the internal relationship between the heat the quality and structure of water - hydrophilic oxygen - relapse hygroscopic pre oxidation and spontaneous combustion characteristics. The results show that (1) thermal upgrading and moisture pre oxidation leads to structural changes in the nature of coal spontaneous combustion tendency of change is the essential reason of.105~500oC lignite fresh sample pre oxidation in air, the number of surface oxygen content and internal oxidation activity group increased; aliphatic side chains, oxygen containing functional group and (after upgrading generation) new free radical oxidation of active groups, with the increase of the surface area, to enhance the sample pretreatment and the moisture absorption of spontaneous combustion. Wetting heat and promote heat gathering at the same time, enhance the pre oxidation indirectly affect spontaneous combustion; degree of hygroscopicity large sample, spontaneous combustion tendency increased significantly. (2) the formation of heat and moisture and pre oxidation to free radicals. The oxidation temperature, moisture absorption and oxidation of fresh sample kind of free radical concentration relative increase rate decreases after the increase, but the increase rate of oxidation absorption higher. (3) oxidation during the heating process, some active molecule side chain cleavage 105 DEG C and fresh samples, continue to produce reactive free radicals and free radicals; 400 C quality of fresh sample was quickly consumed, the junction temperature can produce a large number of new to maintain the free radical oxidation reaction, thus reducing moisture. The spontaneous combustion tendency of pre oxidation activity of free radicals increased; water samples in accelerated oxidation stage to produce free radicals, maintain the oxidation temperature, and moisture like in spontaneous combustion oxidation This study provides a theoretical support for the industrialization of low order coal extraction and utilization.



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