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发布时间:2018-01-05 19:13

  本文关键词:盾构刀盘高效电液驱动技术研究 出处:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刀盘系统 调速特性 效率特性 刀盘连续调速电液驱动系统 优化决策方法 刀盘变转速变排量电液驱动系统

[Abstract]:Shield machine can carry out the integration work of tunnel construction in the premise of not affecting the ground facilities, national infrastructure construction and development of large complex equipment. With the shield machine technology continues to improve, the construction method of shield tunnel has been widely used. The cutter system as the key sub shield machine system, is not only the energy consumption great, but its performance has a direct impact on the speed and safety of tunnel construction. Therefore, the cutter head drive technology is the key technology of shield machine. The main purpose of this paper is to improve the speed and efficiency characteristics of the cutter system characteristics, research on cutter electro hydraulic drive system to carry out optimization design and control optimization. The specific research contents as follows: the first chapter introduces the construction principle and construction features of the shield machine; elaborates the development condition of the shield machine, introduces the domestic shield machine development situation in recent years; almost The main drive of existing shield machine cutter system, research and optimization design of optimal control oriented cutter electro hydraulic driving system and energy saving technology development, summarize and analysis; and put forward the research content of this paper. The second chapter, the design of a cutter continuous speed control electro-hydraulic drive system. Based on the analysis of the traditional the cutter speed characteristics of electro hydraulic driving system, this chapter brings forward a cutter continuous speed control electro hydraulic driving system design. According to this new system, design a compensation control method, numerical analysis of rated working domain characteristics of the system in the control methods. Through loss modeling method, revealing the knife disc hydraulic system efficiency distribution characteristics, provide a reference for energy-saving system. In addition, can also be proposed to improve the efficiency of the hydraulic system of the cutter method by optimizing the pipeline connection mode. Finally, through the construction of imitation Really, analysis of cutter rotation inertia, influence of pipeline mode and motor displacement of cutter head speed regulating characteristics of stiffness and speed, and provide theoretical guidance for the control of cutter electro-hydraulic drive optimization design and optimization of the system. The third chapter puts forward the system optimization decision method for driving the cutter by analyzing the electro-hydraulic. The load parameters of traditional cutter, a cutter defining method of load characteristics, and designs the cutter load characteristics online prediction algorithm. Based on the field data, the prediction accuracy of the model prediction algorithm is analyzed by numerical simulation. Through the experimental method, the efficiency of the system properties of cutter electro hydraulic driving system in different motor mode the combination of the cutter. The load characteristics online prediction algorithm and efficiency characteristics of the system analysis, put forward an optimization decision method of cutter electro-hydraulic drive system. The fourth chapter carry out cutter electro-hydraulic Analysis of optimal control of driving system. The optimization decision of 5 parameters interval tunnel excavation section of the tunnel, and get the optimal control model of test bench. The 5 section of the tunnel knife wheel torque data speed and cutter, the cutter to electro-hydraulic similarity transformation after loading drive test bench test and characteristics of energy consumption and energy analysis system before and after optimization of the transmission characteristics, to analyze the characteristics of efficiency optimization optimization decision method. Through further experiment, the cutter electro-hydraulic drive system model of emergency switch drive (cutter failure mode optimization control of electric shock). Finally, through the modeling and Simulation of. Analysis of the speed fluctuation in emergency driving mode in the process of switching the cutter system. The fifth chapter analyse the test efficiency characteristics of the cutter of variable speed electro-hydraulic variable displacement drive system of a change. The rated speed domain variable displacement pump controlled motor test system by numerical analysis. Through the experiment, analysis of changes in efficiency of the new driving mode which changes with the variable displacement pump, reveal the reasons for the change from link angle, and the displacement of variable pump maximum efficiency and the corresponding system in different working points. By optimizing the driving efficiency, further system work efficiently in the whole working domain spectrum. The spectral efficiency and efficiency of the traditional variable displacement pump controlled motor electrohydraulic drive system spectrum were analyzed, the advantages of efficiency domain of each of the two systems are analyzed. In addition, the standby power consumption characteristic of variable speed and variable model displacement pump controlled motor electrohydraulic drive system. Finally, and propose a design of cutter driven variable speed electro-hydraulic variable displacement drive system. The sixth chapter summarizes research work mainly for Some suggestions on the future research work of the electrohydraulic drive system of the knife plate are put forward.



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