本文关键词: 氮化铝 固相法 稀土离子 Tb Dy Ce 荧光 显现指纹 出处:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:白光发光二极管(light emitting diode,LED)是未来节能发光器件的主流方向,因为它具有高亮度,低能耗,使用寿命长且对环境十分友好等特点。稀土离子掺杂的AlN基荧光材料,完美地将AlN基质的性质与稀土离子的发光特性结合起来,在白光LEDs上有潜在的应用。但是AlN纳米材料的合成条件较为苛刻,限制了AlN基荧光纳米材料的发展。因此,探索一种简单的化学方法降低AlN纳米材料的合成温度是十分重要的。本论文研究主体是稀土离子掺杂的AlN荧光纳米材料,主要内容如下:1.探索了一条采用绿色的有机氮源(尿素及其衍生物)而非氨气,通过化学方法制备AlN纳米材料的途径。通过该途径,我们能够在较低温度(850℃)下制备结晶性良好的AlN纳米材料。首先,通过调节氮源和铝源的比例和焙烧温度,确定了AlN纳米材料的合成条件。通过X射线粉末衍射,透射电镜,X射线能谱,热重-差示扫描量热分析,红外和荧光光谱等表征手段,提出了AlN纳米材料的成核机理。结果表明,所制备的AlN纳米材料呈不规则形貌,表现出蓝色(发光中心为450 nm)荧光性质,并且揭示了AlN的光致发光性质来源于其晶格中的氧缺陷。2.以Tb~(3+)为激活剂,通过固相法,制备了具有绿色荧光的AlN:Tb纳米材料。探究了Tb~(3+)离子的掺入对AlN纳米材料的结构,形貌和荧光性质的影响。利用荧光光谱,确定了Tb~(3+)在AlN基质中的最佳掺杂浓度,并提出了发光机理。此外,还探索了AlN:Tb作为光催化水分解反应催化剂的活性,结果发现以AlN:Tb为催化剂,在紫外-可见光范围内产氢速率可达68μmol g-1 h-1。3.以Dy~(3+)为激活剂,制备了AlN:Dy纳米材料,并研究了Dy~(3+)的掺杂浓度和焙烧温度对AlN纳米材料的结构,形貌和荧光性质的影响。结果显示,Dy~(3+)离子的浓度和焙烧温度并不改变AlN基质的结构和形貌,但是对其荧光性质产生影响。AlN:Dy的发射光谱包括AlN基质的发射峰(450 nm)和Dy~(3+)的特征发射峰。利用AlN基质出色的热稳定性和化学稳定性,对所制备的AlN:Dy荧光纳米材料进行空气氛围热处理。结果发现,空气氛围热处理,不会破坏AlN的晶体结构,而且能够有效地增强AlN:Dy样品的荧光强度,使其发射的光更加接近白光。4.为了研究稀土离子共掺对AlN纳米材料的影响,设计了AlN:Ce,Tb和AlN:Ce,Dy纳米材料。研究表明,Ce~(3+)离子的共掺,不仅能够显著地提高Tb~(3+)和Dy~(3+)的荧光强度,而且AlN:Ce,Tb和AlN:Ce,Dy的最强激发峰波长相比于AlN:Tb和AlN:Dy发生红移,使其更加适合应用于白光LEDs。并提出在AlN:Ce,Tb和AlN:Ce,Dy纳米材料中,Ce~(3+)离子与Tb~(3+)和Dy~(3+)离子间存在能量传递。5.最后是应用的探索,将制备的AlN:Ce,Tb荧光粉作为荧光标记,测试了其在显现隐藏指纹方面的效果。结果表明,AlN:Ce,Tb荧光粉用于显现指纹具有高的对比度,良好的实用性和较低的背景干扰等特点。
[Abstract]:White light-emitting diode (light emitting diode, LED) is the main direction of future energy saving light emitting device, because it has high brightness, low power consumption, long service life and is very friendly to the environment. The AlN based fluorescent materials doped with rare earth ions, the luminescence properties of perfect quality AlN matrix combined with rare earth ions that has potential application in the white light LEDs. But the synthesis conditions of AlN nanomaterials are more demanding, limiting the development of AlN based fluorescent nano materials. Therefore, to explore a kind of simple chemical method to reduce the synthesis temperature of AlN nano materials is very important. This paper is the main AlN fluorescent nano materials doped with rare earth ions the main contents are as follows: 1., explore a using organic nitrogen source green (urea and its derivatives) rather than by way of ammonia, AlN nano materials by chemical method. By this way, we can Enough at low temperature (850 DEG C) under the preparation of crystalline AlN nano materials well. Firstly, by adjusting the source of nitrogen and aluminum source ratio and calcination temperature, the synthesis conditions of AlN nano materials are determined. Through X ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, X ray spectroscopy, thermogravimetry differential scanning calorimetry, infrared and fluorescence spectra, the nucleation mechanism of AlN nano materials was proposed. The results show that the prepared AlN showed irregular morphology, showing (blue luminescence center is 450 nm) fluorescence properties, and reveals the defects of.2. oxygen AlN photoluminescence from the lattice of Tb~ (3+) as an activator, by solid phase method, AlN:Tb nano materials with green fluorescence were prepared. To explore the Tb~ (3+) ions are incorporated into the structure of AlN nano materials, morphology and fluorescence properties. Using fluorescence spectroscopy, to determine the Tb~ (3+) in AlN in the matrix The best doping concentration, the luminescence mechanism was put forward. In addition, AlN:Tb was also explored as photocatalytic water splitting reaction activity of the catalyst, the results showed that the AlN:Tb catalyst in the UV visible range of hydrogen production rate of up to 68 mol g-1 h-1.3. Dy~ (3+) as an activator of AlN:Dy nano materials were prepared. System, and study the structure of Dy~ (3+) doping concentration and calcination temperature on AlN nano materials, influence of morphology and fluorescence properties. The results showed that Dy~ (3+) ion concentration and calcination temperature does not alter the structure and morphology of the AlN matrix, but the emission peak of emission spectrum.AlN:Dy including AlN matrix the fluorescent properties (450 nm) and Dy~ (3+) emission peak. The thermal stability and excellent chemical stability of AlN matrix, AlN:Dy fluorescent nano materials prepared by atmosphere heat treatment. The results showed that the air atmosphere heat treatment, not The crystal structure of AlN damage, and can effectively enhance the fluorescence intensity of AlN:Dy samples, so that the emitted light is more close to the white.4. in order to study the influence on rare earth ions Co doped AlN nano materials, the design of AlN:Ce, Tb and AlN:Ce, Dy nano materials. Research shows that Ce~ (3+) Co doped ions, not only can significantly improve Tb~ (3+) and Dy~ (3+) fluorescence intensity, and AlN:Ce, Tb and AlN:Ce, Dy showed the strongest excitation peak wavelength in AlN:Tb and AlN:Dy than the red shift, making it more suitable for application in white light LEDs. and raised in AlN:Ce, Tb and AlN:Ce, Dy nano materials, Ce~ (3+ ion and Tb~ (3+)) and Dy~ (3+).5. energy transfer finally is the exploration on the application of ion, we prepared AlN:Ce, Tb phosphors as fluorescent labeling, testing the show hidden fingerprint area. The results showed that AlN:Ce, Tb phosphors for fingerprint with high contrast, Good practicality and low background interference.
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