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发布时间:2018-02-05 04:18

  本文关键词: 城市轨道交通 输送能力利用率 列车开行方案 多交路 时变客流需求 遗传算法 出处:《北京交通大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:城市轨道交通以其运量大、准时性好、单耗低等特点成为各大城市解决交通拥堵问题的首选。近年来,.我国城市轨道交通建设进入快速发展期,城市轨道交通线路客流需求的时空差异也随着线网规模的扩大而不断增加。由于城市轨道交通系统建设投资巨大,如何在满足城市居民出行需求的前提下,更好地利用有限的资源来优化能力配置,是城市轨道交通系统运营管理面临的重要课题。提高城市轨道交通服务水平、降低企业运营成本是运营管理的两个重要目标,实现这两个目标需要深刻认识城市轨道交通系统能力供给与出行需求的关系。本文在深入分析既有研究成果的基础上,研究城市轨道交通系统输送能力利用率的主要影响因素,提出考虑输送能力利用时空不均衡性的输送能力利用率计算及评价方法,并基于列车开行方案分别提出城市轨道交通系统输送能力利用率空间不均衡和时间不均衡优化方法。本文主要工作及结论如下:(1)结合既有研究成果,从固定设施设备、移动设施设备、列车运行组织方案和客流需求特征四个方面分析城市轨道交通系统输送能力利用率的影响因素,并研究各影响因素相关关系及对列车载客能力利用率的影响。研究表明,四类因素主要影响线路可提供的最大输送能力、车辆额定载客量、实际提供的输送能力范围和列车载客能力的利用。调查与研究表明:列车车厢满载率与乘客满意度直接相关,车厢满载率超过0.65后,乘客满意度显著下降。(2)以各断面列车载客能力利用率为基础,提出城市轨道交通系统断面、线路和网络各层面的输送能力利用率计算方法,从输送能力利用的平均水平、均衡程度和波动特性三个方面分析北京市轨道交通线网输送能力利用率的时空特征。结合列车载客能力利用率划分乘客舒适度评价标准;根据输送能力利用率的加权平均值和标准差率对应的舒适度级别,划分输送能力利用率合理范围。研究表明,受运营组织模式单一影响,北京市轨道交通系统断面和线路输送能力利用率的时空变化规律与客流需求特征高度吻合,城市轨道交通系统输送能力利用率的时空差异特征显著。城市中心地区线路各断面全日输送能力利用率较高,约为40-50%,外围地区偏低,多在30%以下,且外围地区全日输送能力利用波动性较大。线路输送能力利用率在中午平峰和下午平峰的均衡程度较高,而早晚高峰时段的不均衡性较大。市内环线输送能力利用适中且均衡,服务水平较高,郊区线早高峰进城方向服务水平偏低。(3)考虑线路输送能力利用的空间不均衡性,以交路形式、发车频率、列车编组为决策变量,建立以线路输送能力利用率最大化、上线车组数最小化、乘客出行费用最小化为目标的多交路列车开行方案优化模型;结合开行多交路列车时的组团客流需求,提出不限交路形式的乘客候车等待时间、换车次数和在车拥挤费用计算方法。根据模型特点,设计线性加权法与遗传算法相结合的求解算法。结合算例,对比分析单一交路、嵌套交路和衔接交路最优开行方案下的列车运行效果及在不同客流特征下的适用性。研究表明,采取多交路运营模式,能够有效提升线路输送能力利用率及其空间均衡性,符合乘客和企业双方的共同利益。算例中,相较于单一交路,嵌套交路和衔接交路线路输送能力利用率分别提升了 19.55%和23.70%,空间均衡性提升了 63.74%和51.92%;上线车组数、车辆运用数等企业效益指标提升了 11.29-19.17%;乘客出行费用减少了 14.58%和14.63%。以线路输送能力利用率最大化为目标,能够更好匹配乘客出行需求,降低企业成本,且提高输送能力利用率目标权重有利于提高总的运营效益。算例结果表明,对于单峰型客流集中线路,保持最大客流断面位置及取值不变,当单峰内客流需求比例超过30%时,适宜开行多交路列车。(4)在城市轨道交通线路列车交路已知的前提下,充分考虑客流到达时变特性以及线路中各断面输送能力利用率的时间不均衡性,建立以线路区间断面输送能力利用率标准差率之和、上线车组数和乘客出行费用最小化为目标的嵌套交路列车开行方案优化模型,提出考虑客流时变特性的列车载客能力利用率计算方法。设计线性加权法和遗传算法相结合的求解算法。结合算例,对比五种发车方案开行效果;分析客流到达时变特性对线路区间断面输送能力利用率均衡性的影响。研究表明,以断面输送能力利用的均衡性为目标,能够更好适应客流的时变特性。在本文算例中,相较于均匀发车方案,本文最优开行方案中断面输送能力利用率的时间均衡性优化了 53.95-64.11%,线路最大满载率降低了 13.31-18.5%;相较于其他非均匀发车方案,本文结果中线路输送能力利用率提高了 17.09%,断面输送能力利用的均衡性提高了 44.09%,线路最大满载率降低了 6.85%。模型能够对线路中各断面列车载客能力利用率起到"削峰填谷"的作用,且乘客到达分布越不均匀,优化效果越明显。
[Abstract]:City rail traffic with its large volume, punctuality, low consumption is to solve the problem of traffic congestion in major city of choice. In recent years, city rail transit construction of our country entered a rapid development period, city spatial difference of urban mass transit passenger demand with the expansion of network scale and increasing due to the construction of city. Rail transportation system of huge investment, how to meet the travel needs of city residents, make better use of limited resources to optimize the allocation of capacity, is an important topic facing the operation and management of city rail transportation system. Improve the urban rail transportation service level, reduce operating costs are two important goals of operation and management, implement the two target requires a profound understanding of city rail traffic system supply capacity and travel demand. Based on in-depth analysis of the existing research results, research The main factors influencing the utilization ratio of transmission capacity of city rail transit system, considers the transmission capacity of the spatio-temporal unbalanced transport capacity of calculation and evaluation method of utilization, and train plan were put forward based on transmission capacity of city rail traffic system space utilization is not balanced and unbalanced time optimization method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) combined with existing research results, from the fixed equipment, mobile equipment, the four aspects of organization of train operation plan and passenger demand characteristics analysis of transmission capacity of city rail traffic system utilization factor, and study the relationship between various factors and the influence on the utilization ratio of train passenger capacity. The results show that the maximum transmission the ability of four kinds of main influencing factors of line can provide the vehicle rated capacity, the actual transport capacity provides range and train passenger capacity The investigation and research show that. Train load ratio and passenger satisfaction is directly related with the rate of more than 0.65 cars, passenger satisfaction decreased significantly. (2) to each section of trains capacity utilization as the foundation, the city rail transit system section, calculation method of the utilization rate of the power transmission capacity and network level. From the average level of transmission capacity utilization, three aspects of equilibrium degree and fluctuation characteristics of temporal and spatial characteristics of the utilization of Beijing city rail transit network transmission capacity. Based on the train passenger capacity divided by rate of passenger comfort evaluation standard; according to the comfort level weighted utilization rate of transmission capacity of the average value and standard deviation corresponding to the division of transportation capacity utilization reasonable range. The results show that the operation mode of single effect, Beijing city rail transit system section and line transmission capacity utilization time Variation and passenger demand characteristics of highly consistent, spatial and temporal differences the utilization rate of transmission capacity of city track traffic system features. Each section of the central area of the city line day delivery capacity utilization rate is higher, about 40-50%, the peripheral area is low, less than 30%, and the peripheral area of diurnal fluctuation. The transmission capacity of transmission line capacity utilization at noon and afternoon peak rate of flat flat peak equilibrium degree is high, and the morning and evening peak periods large imbalance. Moderate and balanced use of the link capacity, high service level, suburban line early high level peak town in the direction of service is low. (3) considering the spatial imbalance of transmission capacity of lines used to pay. Road form, departure frequency, train as decision variables, based on the transmission capacity of transmission line to maximize utilization and minimize the number of on-line car, passenger travel cost minimum as the goal Make the road train plan optimization model; combined with the operation of multi routing group train passenger demand, proposed limited routing forms of passenger waiting times and waiting time, change in the car congestion cost calculation method. According to the characteristics of the model and algorithm for the combination design of linear weighting method and genetic algorithm. With examples. Comparative analysis of single cross road, cross road and cross road linking nested optimal operation scheme of the train operation effect and applicability in different traffic characteristics. Research shows that adopting multi routing operation mode, can effectively enhance the transmission rate and energy equilibrium of space utilization, in line with the common interests of passengers and enterprises of both sides. In the example, compared to the single cross road, cross road and cross road linking nested lines capacity utilization rate were improved by 19.55% and 23.70%, the equilibrium of space increased by 63.74% and 51.92%; the number of on-line car group, vehicle The number of enterprises to enhance the 11.29-19.17% efficiency index; passenger travel cost reduced to 14.58% and 14.63%. lines capacity utilization maximization as the goal, to better match the passenger travel demand, reduce costs, and improve the transmission capacity utilization target weight is conducive to improve the overall operating efficiency. Numerical results show that for the single peak type passenger traffic on the line, remain the biggest passenger flow section position and value, when the peak in passenger demand ratio of more than 30%, suitable for operation of multi routing trains. (4) of road known in the city rail transit line train, fully considering the passenger arrival variable utilization rate of each section of transmission capacity characteristics and line in time the imbalance, established in line transport capacity utilization interval section standard deviation and the set of cross road line car number and to minimize the cost of passenger travel The optimization model of the train scheme of passenger train, the capacity utilization rate calculation method considering the time-varying characteristics of passenger flow. The combination of the design algorithm for solving the linear weighting method and genetic algorithm. Combining with the examples, five grid scheme comparison operation efficiency; analysis of the influence of passenger arrival variation on the line interval section conveying capacity utilization rate of the balance. The study shows that the balance of the sectional transport capacity utilization as the goal, to better adapt to the passenger time-varying characteristics. In the example, compared to the uniform grid scheme, the optimal operation scheme in transmission capacity utilization section time equilibrium optimization 53.95-64.11%, maximum load line rate decreased by 13.31-18.5% compared with; other non - uniform grid scheme, the line transmission capacity to improve the utilization rate of 17.09%, the balance of the section transport capacity increased by 44.09%, line The maximum full load rate decreases, and the 6.85%. model can play the role of "peak shaving and valley filling" for the train carrying capacity in every section of the line, and the more uneven the passengers arrive, the more obvious the optimization effect is.



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