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发布时间:2018-02-17 05:57

  本文关键词: 系统安全性 尖点突变 系统风险 风险场 出处:《北京交通大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Dynamic monitoring of the safety state of the system during the operation phase can effectively avoid the occurrence of accidents. By observing the running state of each part of the system at a small enough time scale, the connection of system security can be approximately understood. Continuous changes. For system runtime security, In this paper, the system safety catastrophe is analyzed, and the system risk curve is studied. By using the cusp mutation in the catastrophe theory, the system safety catastrophe model is constructed to describe the continuous change process of the system security in the running phase. It also emphasizes the sudden change of the system safety before or at the moment of the accident. Taking the train control system as an example, it is discussed that the continuous variation process of the system safety in the operation stage has five inherent characteristics of the cusp mutation process. In this paper, the system safety catastrophe model is qualitatively verified. Using the differential equation of manifold corresponding to the model, the dynamic process of system safety in Yong-Wen railway accident is taken as the research object. Based on the quantitative analysis of the continuous changes in system security during the evolution of the accident, this paper quantitatively verifies the system safety catastrophe model. According to the system safety catastrophe model, this paper extends the mathematical definition of system risk at the dynamic level. In this paper, the differential equation which defines the system risk has five factors which should be covered by the risk function. The dynamic level mathematical definition of system risk is theoretically correct. According to the dynamic level mathematical definition of system risk, the existence of internal risk field and external risk field that influence the continuous variation of system risk is deduced in this paper. This paper discusses the principle of continuous change of system risk with a new concept, according to the mathematical definition of dynamic level of system risk and the concept of risk field, In this paper, the system risk curve is derived. The main innovation of this paper is as follows: 1) the system security catastrophe model is constructed to describe the continuous change process of the system security in the running phase. It also highlights the sudden change of system safety before or at the moment of the accident. Taking train control system as an example, it is discussed that the continuous variation process of system safety in operation stage has five point mutation characteristics. The system safety catastrophe model is verified qualitatively, and the continuous variation process of the whole safety of train control system in Yongwen railway accident is analyzed quantitatively by using the differential equation corresponding to the safety analysis model. It is also quantitatively verified that the system safety catastrophe model. 2) extends the mathematical definition of system risk at the dynamic level. By using the differential manifold theory, the dynamic characteristics of system security and the catastrophe characteristics are incorporated into the dynamic level mathematical definition of system risk. The differential equation corresponding to the dynamic level mathematical definition of system risk covers five basic factors of risk function. It is shown that the mathematical definition of dynamic level of system risk is theoretically correct. (3) the existence of risk field is deduced, which includes the internal risk field and the external risk field, and divides the risk field into the internal risk field and the outer risk field according to the risk boundary. The concept of outfield. The concept of risk field can explain the principle of continuous change of system risk from a new angle.) the curve of system risk is derived. Based on the mathematical definition of dynamic level of system risk and the concept of risk field, A kind of curve which can describe the continuous change trend of system risk in the course of accident evolution is derived, and the system risk curve proposed in this paper is derived directly theoretically.


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