本文关键词: 金属玻璃 非晶多形态转变 高压 双体分布函数 逆向蒙特卡罗 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The metallic glass material as a new member of the glass family, because of its disordered structure and behavior caused extensive research in materials science and condensed matter physics. The traditional glass material with network structure has been reported to have caused by the atomic coordination number increases the pressure induced polyamorphous transition. Such as ice, quartz and silicon and other materials. The metal glass is composed of non directional metal bond is quite different from the traditional glass, because the maximum coordination number of the space lattice structure and has not considered possible pressure induced polyamorphous transition. However, phase transition metallic glass under high pressure was found in recent years and in-depth study. This paper combine many kinds of analysis means of evolution high-pressure structure of metallic glass was studied by using high technology, including the absence of transitional element transformation in Ti matrix The Department and the lanthanide based metallic glass transition phenomenon, the main research results are as follows: (1) using in situ high-energy X ray scattering experiment combined with pair distribution function analysis and reverse Monte Carlo fitting of two yuan of metallic glass Ti_ (62) Cu_ (38) high voltage structure were studied. In the long term scale. System of relative atomic volume under pressure curve showing continuous changes smoothly, the isothermal bulk modulus B0=132 by equation (3) GPa, B0'=5.8 (0.4). In the short distance scale, short topological order compression obtained by fitting the RMC atom close packed structure shows that the system for surface deformation of twenty and keep a steady state under pressure. The system of relative volume and coordination sphere size rate of change in the relationship between Ti_ (62) Cu_ (38) atom distance four peak scale metallic glass in the fractal dimension is 2.5 . (2) the compression behavior of Yb based metallic glass in situ high-pressure synchrotron radiation X ray scattering experiment, observed the changes in the system by the state to the low density high density state, and accompanied by the isothermal bulk modulus discontinuity reflects the change in volume collapse. Volume collapse system is composed of twenty surface shrinkage deformation body short program under pressure to change the body surface is twenty, the Yb element of the pressure induced polyamorphous transition phenomenon and compression conditions contained in the 4f electron delocalization effect, and transport properties of in situ measurements with high voltage electronic accord with.Yb based metallic glass is amorphous phase transformation phenomena with the relevant research reports show that the pressure induced multi form phenomenon is a common behavior of lanthanide based metallic glass. (3) Yb based metallic glass pressure induced polyamorphous transition phenomenon indicated that the lanthanide based metallic glass containing lanthanide The solvent atoms have inherited their electronic structure, so the lanthanide solute atoms in metallic glasses have inherited the electronic structure? By in situ high pressure X ray scattering experiments of solute atoms containing Pr La_ (43.4) Pr_ (18.6) Al_ (14) Cu_ (24) in the structure of the metallic glass. The results show that the system produces with the changes of low density state volume collapse to the density of states of pressure induced polyamorphous transition. At the same time there is a trend toward the local structure of twenty face changes, short program scale P-r1 relations and program scale P-Q1 relationship to characterize the system structure change because does not occur by the coordination number caused by the increase of transformation system, which contains La elements and does not contain 4f, so that the polyamorphous transition system is composed of 4f electron delocalization of solute atoms Pr effect caused by this, can be determined. The solvent and solute atoms will contain metallic glass system has inherited its electronic structure. This finding is a supplement to the study of lanthanide based metallic glass, and provides new ideas and direction of amorphous form of metallic glass containing lanthanide elements. To sum up, this thesis for the first time in the experiment found that 2.5 power-law relations follow the metallic glass system beyond the scope of the nearest neighbor in real space; Yb based metallic glass has the phenomenon of pressure induced amorphous morphology showed that the amorphous phase is a common characteristic of Ln based metallic glass, also confirmed the Ln elements Ln based metallic glass has the electronic structure of inheritance; La_ (43.4) Pr_ (18.6) Al_ (14) Cu_ (24) of high-pressure structure of metallic glass shows that lanthanide solute atoms also has the electronic structure of 4f inheritance, first discovered the polyamorphous transition of Ln solute atoms caused. The research achievements of this paper promote the research progress of high pressure metal glass materials, and provide new research direction and prospect for it.
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