本文选题:下刚果盆地 切入点:钾盐矿床 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:The relative lack of potash resources in China is one of the target minerals of our country's "going out" strategy.In a new round of overseas potash exploration and development, potash salt in the Lower Congo coastal salt basin has become the focus and hot spot.The Lower Congo coastal salt basin is located in the West African passive continental margin rift basin group, is located in the middle part of West Africa, and distributes in a north-southwest striped direction, parallel to the coastline. In the Cretaceous strata, extremely thick evaporite deposits are widely developed.Among them, potash minerals of industrial value have been deposited in the coastal basins of Lower Congo and Gabon.In order to clarify the development and occurrence of potash deposits controlled by the tectonic evolution of the Atlantic rift basin, this paper focuses on the basin tectonic activities for potash mineralization and its later transformation, and enriches the typical potash metallogenic models.This paper explores the constraint mechanism of tectonic activity on potash mineralization and its later transformation, which provides a useful reference for further mineral exploration and mining development.Bas-Congo salt basin is a typical rift basin. On the basis of previous studies, this paper makes a detailed study of the relationship between tectonic activity and potash mineralization in the study area by using the exploration data such as material, chemistry, telecontrol and drilling.Combined with the regional tectonic background, the history of tectonic-sedimentary evolution and the sedimentary sequence of evaporite, the structural patterns of the study area are determined: due to the tilting of passive continental margin, the basin is high in northeast direction and low in southwest direction.The characteristics of gently tilting to the sea and the geometric center of the basin deposition are in the southwest of the study area. The variation characteristics of the main stress field in the NNE direction of the mining area are determined, and the tectonic environment of the basin is generally stable.A variety of geological data show that tectonic activity as the core element plays a very important role in the ore-forming model of Bas-Congo salt basin and runs through the process of potash mineralization.On the basis of coupling mechanism of three key factors of tectonics, provenance and climate, the stratigraphic system in the area is systematically established, the sedimentary rhythm and environment are analyzed in detail, and the basin balanced section restoration method is used to combine structural analysis.The tectonic activities in the study area are divided into three main stages: metallogenic preparation stage, evaporative depositional metallogenic stage and post-metallogenic transformation stage.Using the rich rhenium and osmium isotopes of organic intercalation in evaporite strata in the study area, the accurate sedimentary age of evaporite is obtained for the first time: 78.7 卤1.1 to 96 卤7 Ma.Based on the above work, the evolution law of ore-forming basin is summarized, the genesis of ore deposit is clarified, and the tectonic mechanism of potash mineralization in Lower Congo Salt Basin is put forward.Exploring the ore-controlling mechanism of structure in the study area can enrich, perfect the kalium model put forward by predecessors, promote the study of metallogenic law in the basin, make the work before and after mutually verify and complement each other, and establish the spatial model of regional potash deposit deposit.To provide the necessary theoretical support for the future directed looking for potassium.
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