本文选题:非政府组织 + 社区规划 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文
【摘要】:当前多数城市社区已进入相对稳定平缓的发展阶段,此时城市社区建设和规划面临的主要任务是:①更新物质设施环境以防止衰败;②改变生活方式以适应社会需求和进步方向;③促进社区网络构建,培育社会资本以防止社会原子化。然而原有政府主导的社区规划模式存在过分关注物质环境、超负荷运作、占有资源过多、参与环节受阻、缺乏创新等问题和局限,不能有效地帮助社区应对当前挑战。本文认为应当跳出政府主导的固有视角,尝试从NGO介入的角度探讨社区的可持续发展路径,借鉴社会学和公共经济学理论,以由NGO承担公共物品供给为锚,提出NGO介入社区规划的研究视角。本文以“事件对象”和“过程深度”两个维度出发,构建了 NGO介入社区规划的模式界定体系,结合相关的案例,将NGO介入社区规划类型界定为三类:规划主导型介入、治理型参与、协助支撑型介入。随后本文以“绿色浙江促进会”NGO的社区生态营造规划实践作为“协助支撑型介入”的实证研究,详细跟踪考察了绿色浙江2011年至2016年在杭州市开展的五个社区案例(西牌楼社区、现代城社区、十五家园社区、柳翠井巷社区、魅力城社区),并对其一般特征、演化进程、阶段分化进行了分析。在此基础上,研究以柳翠井巷和魅力城两个社区的居民为抽样调查样本,通过构建满意度评价模型,对居民问卷数据的定量分析,同时结合对社区、NGO等重点对象的访谈,综合评价子模式(二)生态社区规划的合理性和可靠性,及其实践意义和社会价值。经过研究,本文认为:①NGO介入社区规划并承担部分公共职能,缓解了基层政府的工作负荷,为职能转移和权力改革提供了可行路径;②结合实证研究和评价,NGO介入社区规划能够有效帮助社区应对社区在物质、生活方式和社群网络三方面的挑战,一定程度上满足了当前社区的基础需求和进阶提升,具有积极的实践意义和社会价值;③但NGO所承担的社区营造并非万能,存在经费、机制、业务能力和支持不足等问题。最后,本文提出加强社区规划与法定规划体系对接、引导NGO进入法定规划体系公众参与环节的技术路径,并从五方面提出完善NGO介入社区规划的进阶性对策:①构建多元化的社区发展动力体系;②提升NGO自身专业能力和业务水平;③构建从“长效”到“常效”的维护机制;④强化专业规划设计机构同社区与NGO的合作;⑤拓宽社区规划的项目资金渠道。
[Abstract]:At present, most urban communities have entered a relatively stable and gentle stage of development. At this time, the main task of urban community construction and planning is to update the physical facilities environment to prevent decay.(2) changing the way of life to meet the needs of society and the direction of progress. 3) promoting the construction of community network and cultivating social capital in order to prevent the atomization of society.However, there are some problems and limitations in the original government-led community planning model, such as paying too much attention to the material environment, overloading operation, occupying too much resources, obstructing participation, lacking innovation and so on, which can not effectively help the community to cope with the current challenges.In this paper, we should try to explore the sustainable development path of the community from the angle of NGO intervention, draw lessons from the theory of sociology and public economics, and take the public goods supply by NGO as the anchor.This paper puts forward the research perspective of NGO intervention in community planning.Based on the two dimensions of "event object" and "process depth", this paper constructs a model definition system of NGO intervention in community planning. Combined with relevant cases, NGO intervention in community planning is defined as three types: plan-oriented intervention.Governance participation, assist support type intervention.Then this paper takes the community ecological planning practice of "Green Zhejiang Promotion Association" NGO as an empirical study of "assisting and supporting intervention".Five community cases (West Arch Community, Modern City Community, Tenth Five-Year Home Community, Liu Cui Jing Xiang Community, charm City Community, etc.) carried out in Hangzhou from 2011 to 2016 were investigated in detail, and their general characteristics and evolution process were analyzed.Stage differentiation was analyzed.On this basis, this paper takes residents of Liucui well Lane and Charming City as sampling samples, through constructing satisfaction evaluation model, quantitative analysis of residents' questionnaire data, and interviews with key objects such as community NGOs, etc.The sub-model of comprehensive evaluation (2) the rationality and reliability of ecological community planning and its practical significance and social value.Through the research, this paper thinks that the intervention of the 1 NGO in community planning and undertaking some public functions has alleviated the workload of the grass-roots government and provided a feasible path for the transfer of functions and the reform of power.(2) combining with empirical research and evaluation, NGO intervention in community planning can effectively help the community to cope with the material, lifestyle and social network challenges, and to some extent meet the basic needs and advance of the community.It has positive practical significance and social value. However, the community construction undertaken by NGO is not omnipotent. There are some problems, such as fund, mechanism, business ability and insufficient support, etc.Finally, this paper proposes to strengthen the connection between community planning and statutory planning system, and to guide NGO into the technical path of public participation in statutory planning system.And from five aspects to improve the NGO intervention in community planning advanced countermeasures: 1 to build a pluralistic community development power system to enhance the professional ability and professional level of NGO to build from "long-term effect" to "constant effect" maintenance mechanism;(4) strengthen the cooperation between the professional planning and design organization and the community and NGO.
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