[Abstract]:With the increase of vehicle ownership, the incidence of traffic congestion and traffic accidents is increasing. As an important means to solve this problem, the study of driverless vehicles is becoming more and more urgent. In order to accomplish this task, it is necessary to detect and track dynamic obstacles accurately and estimate their motion state. Secondly, different kinds of dynamic obstacles have different motion characteristics. In order to improve the rationality of collision avoidance behavior, it is necessary to identify them. Finally, in order to avoid the potential collision with the dynamic obstacles, the unmanned vehicle is required to accurately predict the trajectory of the dynamic obstacles, especially the fast moving vehicles. The method has low accuracy and speed in the process of dynamic obstacle detection and tracking, and can not meet the requirements of dynamic obstacle avoidance safety. The dynamic obstacle recognition algorithm based on contour features and motion state has low accuracy and small recognition range, and can not meet the requirements of the rationality of unmanned vehicle collision avoidance. Vehicle trajectory is determined by many factors. Existing trajectory prediction methods based on dynamic vehicle real-time motion state have large errors and do not meet the requirements of collision avoidance accuracy of unmanned vehicles. Recognition method and dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction method based on driving behavior intention detection are used to achieve more safe, reasonable and accurate dynamic obstacle avoidance. The main research contents are as follows: 1) Dynamic obstacle detection and tracking: In order to improve the accuracy and speed of dynamic obstacle detection and tracking, a multi-feature fusion method is proposed. A combined dynamic obstacle detection and tracking method is proposed. First, the outline features and laser pulse reflective intensity features of obstacles are extracted from the data obtained by three-dimensional lidar and multi-layer lidar respectively, then the extracted features are fused and the dynamic obstacles are modeled, and the dynamic obstacles are completed by constructing similarity matrix. Dynamic obstacle recognition: Different types of dynamic obstacles have different motion characteristics and require different collision avoidance strategies for dynamic obstacle recognition and dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction. In order to make the unmanned vehicle choose the collision avoidance behavior more reasonably, this paper proposes a dynamic obstacle recognition method for unmanned vehicle based on space-time feature vector. Firstly, the geometric contour feature of obstacle space dimension, the Zernike invariant moment feature of time dimension and the pose information construction of unmanned vehicle are combined. On the basis of space-time feature vectors, AdaBoost algorithm is used to construct a dynamic obstacle classifier. Finally, the classifier is used to identify the dynamic obstacles and provide obstacle class information for collision avoidance decision-making. 3) Dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction: On the basis of dynamic obstacle recognition, aiming at the problem of inaccurate dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction, the dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction is proposed. A trajectory prediction method based on driving behavior intention detection is proposed. Firstly, driving behavior patterns are learned from driving behavior data and road structure information by using Gaussian mixture model and used to detect driving behavior intention of dynamic vehicles. Finally, the reliability and stability of the above techniques are verified by the real vehicle experiments in urban traffic environment, which greatly improves the accuracy and speed of dynamic obstacle detection and tracking, and improves the accuracy of dynamic obstacle identification. Accuracy and dynamic vehicle trajectory prediction accuracy and extend the range of dynamic obstacle recognition.
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