[Abstract]:Phytosterol (PS) has been widely used in food, pharmaceuticals, health products and other industries because of its remarkable functions of reducing total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein in human blood, inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, reducing inflammation and fever. Phytosterol oxides (POPs) are harmful to human health. However, due to the limitations of detection methods and simulation systems, the study on exposure risk, deterioration mechanism and control technology of POPs at home and abroad has just started, and needs to be further explored. In order to evaluate the exposure risk of POPs, clarify the mechanism of POPs deterioration, and explore the effect and action site of antioxidants to inhibit the deterioration of POPs, the risk assessment, deterioration mechanism and control technology of POPs were systematically studied with mathematical modeling and chemometrics methods. A GC-MS method for simultaneous determination of 34 POPs in edible oils was developed and optimized. The results of methodological validation showed that the method had good linearity, regression coefficient (R2) 0.98, detection limit less than 36.30 ng/mL, daytime precision and intraday precision less than 10%, recovery rate 89.72%-117.42%, and could be applied to edible oils and other oils. (2) Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate the exposure and risk of POPs in typical oil-rich hot-processed foods (baked foods). The exposure assessment showed that the average exposure of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly to POPs in baked foods was 10.91, 6.20, 3.63 and 3.40 mg / (kg) respectively. The cumulative risk assessment showed that the median exposure risk coefficients of POPs of rural adolescents, adults and the elderly were all less than 1 under the current level of baked food consumption, and there was no risk at present. The risk coefficients of urban and rural children of all ages were between 1 and 10, which were in the risk range. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis showed that (3) The effects of light intensity, heating temperature, metal ions and lipid composition on the deterioration of PS in edible oils have been clarified. Both light intensity and heating temperature are positively correlated with the deterioration of PS. The deterioration mainly occurs at C5, C6 and C7 sites of B ring, resulting in the formation of 7-keto, 5a, 6a/5beta, 6beta-epoxy, 7a/beta-hydroxyl groups. 6-hydroxy and 3-hydroxy oxides. Metal ions, especially transition metal ions, can significantly promote the deterioration of PS at low concentrations. Under the action of high concentrations of metal ions, PS not only oxidizes to form POPs on B ring, but also dehydrates to form steroids on A ring. The results show that the deterioration laws of all kinds of PS conform to the first-order kinetic model, and the regression coefficients of the model are good. The influence of R20.9444. PS structure on the stability is mainly reflected in: the more the number of double bonds, the easier PS is. The longer the branched chains are, the more stable the PS is; the number of double bonds and the branched chains are between different steroid nuclei; the double bonds at C7 site are more likely to deteriorate than those at C5 site. Further, the QSAR model is constructed by genetic algorithm (GA), partial least squares (PLS) and principal component regression (PCR) to clarify the closest relationship between the topological structure of PS and its thermal stability. (5) Inhibitory effect and action site of BHA, EGCG, VE and BHT on PS deterioration were studied. The results showed that four kinds of common antioxidants had certain inhibitory effect on PS deterioration, and the inhibitory effect of BHAVEEGCGBHT was 22.8%, 5.3%, 3.5% and 1.8% respectively. HA decreased POPs production rates by 7.80%, 6.67% and 6.53% respectively, while VE increased POPs production by 9.51%. The increase of light intensity, heating temperature and metal ions during food processing can promote PS deterioration, unsaturated fatty acid esters, the increase of PS structure saturation and branched chain length, and the rational use of antioxidants can inhibit PS deterioration. In order to prevent nutrient loss and reduce health risk of PS, PS deterioration can be inhibited by avoiding contact with mutagenic factors, adding antioxidants or modifying PS structure.
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