[Abstract]:The China Fusion Engineering Test reactor (CFETR),) is a Tokamak device designed to fill the technical gap between the international thermonuclear fusion test reactor (ITER) and the future fusion demonstration reactor (DEMO). Its main scientific goal is to obtain the fusion power of stage I 200MW and phase II 1GW, demonstrate the steady-state operation of the fusion reactor (the operating factor is 0.3-0.5) and realize the self-sustaining of tritium (tritium increment ratio is greater than 1.0). Diagnosis system is an important subsystem of Tokamak device, and it is an important way to protect, control and improve plasma performance. The design of CFETR diagnostic system is an important and challenging research work. This paper mainly includes the following four parts. The first part introduces the ITER diagnostic system. ITER will integrate the main scientific and technical achievements of the international controlled magnetic confinement fusion research. So we can design a CFETR diagnostic system based on digesting and absorbing ITER diagnostic system. ITER diagnostic system is complex and comprehensive. It will use magnetic, laser, microwave, spectrum, About 70 diagnostic systems in areas such as neutrons and fusion products provide nearly 100 measurement parameters. The second part is the main content of this paper, and introduces the development of conceptual design of CFETR diagnosis system. The challenges faced by CFETR diagnostic system are evaluated, and the values of neutron wall load, neutron flux and neutron integral flux under CFETR environment are calculated, and then the design flow of CFETR diagnosis system is given. Then according to the different characteristics of CFETR stage I and II, the programming of CFETR diagnosis system is given, and two sets of diagnostic schemes, ITER-like and DEMO oriented, are put forward in the early stage and the later stage of CFETR, respectively. At last, three schemes of ITER-like diagnosis system with different functions and redundancy are introduced, and the challenges that these diagnostic techniques may face in CFETR environment are described. The third part is the research of CFETR diagnostic window integration design. It describes the challenge of diagnosis window integration, the process of diagnosis window integration and the factors to be considered in the layout of diagnosis window. The 3D modeling of CFETR device and diagnostic window plug-in is carried out by using CATIA software, and the three diagnostic subsystems of polarization interferometer, H- 伪 spectrum and visible infrared imaging are integrated into the same diagnostic window. The fourth part introduces a research work for reactor diagnosis: the system design of far infrared laser compensation interferometer. Under the condition of future fusion reactor devices, the short-wavelength far-infrared laser interferometer for electron density measurement will face the serious problem of vibration error. Compensation interferometer is a necessary technique for far-infrared diagnosis of fusion reactor in the future. The method of simultaneous measurement of dual-wavelength laser is used to eliminate the vibration error from the measured results. In this part, the basic principle of compensated interferometer is introduced, then the modulation signal of 1MHz is obtained by using dual-acoustooptic modulator and its stability is measured, and the fine displacement of nanometer level is measured accurately. Finally, based on the environmental conditions of EAST tokamak, the system design of compensation interferometer is completed.
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