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发布时间:2018-11-02 17:38
[Abstract]:Changes in the composition and distribution of aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere cause changes in the average net radiation flux in the tropopause, resulting in radiation forcing effects. Aerosol effects on atmospheric radiation are considered to be one of the most important and uncertain aspects of climate change prediction. Therefore, accurate measurement of atmospheric aerosol physical parameters is of great significance in evaluating the radiative and climatic effects. The atmospheric aerosol density spectra of the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Coastal region, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean are statistically analyzed in this paper. The distribution characteristics of aerosol particle number and number density spectrum and the extinction characteristics of marine aerosol were obtained. A method of measuring aerosol mass concentration distribution on horizontal path by using micropulse lidar combined with particle counter visibility meter and particle mass concentration monitor is proposed. A two-channel aerosol mass concentration measuring instrument is developed, which can be used to measure the aerosol concentration in real time. Finally, the seasonal variation characteristics of aerosol optical thickness and vertical extinction profile in typical regions of China are analyzed statistically. The main achievements and innovations of this thesis are as follows: (1) the measured data of aerosol particle spectra in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and coastal areas, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean during the period from August 2004 to March 2016 are analyzed. The distribution characteristics of particle spectrum in each sea area are obtained by logarithmic normal fitting. On this basis, the influence of meteorological parameters on aerosol particle spectrum is analyzed and the statistical results are given. The optical transport characteristics of marine droplet aerosols are studied in depth. It is found that under the condition of gale weather, The extinction characteristics of aerosols in 1-3 渭 m band are almost independent of wavelength. (2) A method for calculating the horizontal path distribution of aerosol mass concentration is proposed. The source of pollution in an area with a radius of 6 km at the center of the observation point can be scanned and measured with a resolution of up to 30 m. The aerosol mass concentration obtained by inverse calculation is compared with that measured by particle mass concentration monitor, and the reliability of the algorithm is proved. Compared with fixed-point monitoring, the inversion algorithm has the advantages of large monitoring range and high resolution. In addition, the inversion algorithm can scan a particular area and obtain the surface distribution information of aerosols near the ground. Furthermore, it can analyze the distribution characteristics of pollution sources, space-time change information and transportation path, and provide effective data support for the prevention and control of urban aerosol pollution. (3) the origin and transport path of aerosols is an important subject in the study of atmospheric aerosols, and there is a certain correlation between the types of aerosols and the chemical composition of particle sources and the characteristics of particle spectrum distribution. An atmospheric aerosol mass concentration measurement system has been developed, which can directly measure the mass concentration of atmospheric aerosol particles and provide samples for the subsequent study of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles and the analysis of absorption characteristics. So as to provide data support for studying the source and composition of aerosol particles. (4) according to the data of surface meteorological visibility from 120 stations in China for 2009-2013, The atmospheric aerosol optical thickness is retrieved and the vertical profile of atmospheric aerosol extinction coefficient is further calculated. The seasonal mean values of visibility, aerosol optical thickness and aerosol vertical extinction profile in typical regions of China from 2009 to 2013 were analyzed, and the seasonal variation and regional distribution characteristics were obtained.


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