[Abstract]:As an important biomass resource, the corn straw is gradually being paid attention to by the economic times of the increasingly scarce resources. Because the corn straw has a complex and diverse internal structure, it has unique individual difference, thus presenting different mechanical properties and directly affecting the utilization of the corn straw. In this paper, the mechanical properties and the difference of each component of the corn stalk are studied deeply, and a corresponding mechanical model is established to study the change rule of the mechanical property under the action of the external load, which provides a theoretical basis for the comprehensive utilization of the maize straw and the mechanical design of the pre-treatment process. Based on the research of the physical and mechanical properties of the corn straw, the discrete element method of the maize straw is established by means of the discrete element method, which includes the following steps: A discrete element model of shear and tensile mechanical properties of a single corn straw, a discrete element model of the radial compression of a single corn straw, a discrete element model of a bending mechanical property and a bundling mechanical characteristic discrete element model of the corn straw aggregate, and the like. The paper studies the physical and mechanical properties of the maize straw, and the main research results are as follows: (1) The basic material property parameters of the corn straw are tested, and the average diameter of the corn stalk is 16.14-4.05mm. The average density of the outer skin is 0.9mm, the average density of the outer skin, the inner layer and the whole is 1.12, 0.66 and 1 g/ cm3 respectively, and the cross section diameter of the corn straw vascular bundle is 0.15 mm by the method of image processing, and the water content of the fresh corn straw is 80% by the drying method, and the moisture content of the air-dried corn straw is 8%. (2) The discrete element model of the axial shearing and mechanical properties of the corn straw outer skin is established, and the shear test and the simulation comparison are also carried out. The results of the shear test show that the average shear strength of the skin is 3.00 MPa, the average elastic modulus is 0.23 GPa, the axial shear strength and the elastic modulus of the outer skin decrease with the increase of the position of the internode, and the water content and the variety have no effect on the shear strength and the elastic modulus. The simulation results show that the mechanical characteristics of the simulation after loading the axial shear model of the corn straw outer skin are similar to that of the actual test mechanics, and the load displacement curve in the simulation is in line with the measured curve of the test, and the discrete element model parameters between the outer sheath and the pipe bundle are obtained. The values of s-bond and kn are 0.14-0.32 N and 1-106-1.2-107 N 路 m-1, respectively. (3) The discrete element model of the tensile and mechanical properties of the outer skin and the inner surface of the maize straw was established, and the comparison of the tensile test with the tensile model was also carried out. The tensile test results show that the tensile strength is 131.1-48MPa, the elastic modulus is 22.93-13GPa in the fresh state, the tensile strength is 113.42-40MPa, the elastic modulus is 15.71-6GPa, and the tensile strength of the corn straw is characterized by the brittle material. in the fresh state, the tensile strength is 1.09-0.27MPa and the elastic modulus is 0.06-0.02GPa; in the air-drying state, the tensile strength is 0.86-0.67MPa, the elastic modulus is 0.12-0.07 GPa, the tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the corn straw are reduced along with the increase of the position of the internode, and the elastic modulus is increased with the increase of the water content, The tensile strength is affected by the variety, and the tensile elastic modulus is not affected by the variety. The tensile strength of the straw in the straw is higher than that of the air-dried straw, and for the tensile elastic modulus, the air-dried straw is larger than the fresh straw, and the internode position and the variety have no significant influence on the tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the inner layer. The simulation results of the discrete element model show that the mechanical characteristic curve of the axial tensile and mechanical properties of the discrete element model of the corn straw outer skin and the inner-shell tissue are similar to those of the test characteristics. And the main mechanical property parameters of the outer skin axial model are 85.64-131.11 Pa 路 m-1 (fresh straw) and 80.53-113.42 Pa 路 m-1 (air-dried straw), and the pb-kn is 4.58-1013-1.05-1014 Pa 路 m-1 (fresh) and 3.79-131013-6.97-1013 Pa 路 m-1 (air-dried). And the discrete element parameter kn of the internal discrete element model is 0.5-106-1.5-106N 路 m-1 (air-dried) and 1.6-106-3-106N 路 m-1 (fresh), ks is 1.0-106N 路 m-1, n-bond is 5-30N (air-dried) and 35-50N (fresh), s-bond is 10-20N (air-dried) and 40-50N (fresh). (4) The discrete element model of the radial compression and mechanical properties of a single corn straw is established, and the comparison of the radial compression test with the simulation results is carried out. The simulation results of the model show that the virtual load-displacement curve mainly includes the elastic phase, the failure stage and the strengthening phase, and the virtual compression failure phenomenon and the micro-mechanical response in the compression process are analyzed, and the test results are compared with the simulation results. It is considered that the model is reasonable and is in good agreement with the actual material, and the internal binding mechanism of the corn straw under pressure is analyzed through the model. (5) A discrete element model of the bending and mechanical properties of a single corn straw is established, and the comparison of the bending test with the simulation results is carried out. The simulation results show that the curve of bending mechanics mainly includes the elastic phase and the viscoelastic phase, and the virtual bending failure and the micro-mechanical response in the compression process are analyzed. The results of the test and the simulation results are compared and analyzed, and the model is considered to be reasonable and consistent with the actual material. And the internal binding mechanism of the corn straw bending and destruction is analyzed through the model. And (6) establishing a discrete element model of a bundling mechanical property of a plurality of corn straws, and comparing the virtual bundling simulation with the test result. The relationship between the binding density and the bundling diameter is the quadratic curve, and the relationship between the rope tension and the binding diameter of the straw bundle is an exponential function. The virtual bundling simulation results in that the virtual bundling mechanical property curve is similar to the test curve, and the load of the virtual bundling simulation is in exponential function relation with the radius of the round bundle. The result of the test is the same as that of the model, which indicates that the discrete element model can be used to simulate the mechanical properties of the material in the mechanical design of the corn straw processing.
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