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发布时间:2019-06-21 11:16
[Abstract]:The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), as a mesoscopic method, is widely used in micro-scale flow and heat transfer, porous media, biological fluid, magnetic fluid, nano-fluid, multi-phase flow, In many fields, such as fuel cell, this paper provides a new approach to the mechanism of many complex phenomena. However, in the application of the laminar flow limited impact jet, the flow of the random porous medium and the heat transfer application, the LBM has insufficient and empty space, which is to be further improved and expanded. Therefore, this paper makes a useful attempt to the above-mentioned two aspects by using the LBM, and provides a new inspiration for the deep understanding of these problems, and lays a good foundation for the follow-up research work. In general, the work of this paper mainly includes: (1) the problem of four-cylinder flow around the regular and diamond-shaped arrangement is simulated based on the LBM method, and the influence of the number of Re and the spacing ratio L/ D on the flow pattern, the drag coefficient, the lift coefficient and the Nu number is revealed. The numerical simulation of the flow characteristics and the force characteristics of the four-cylinder flow around the cylinder shows that the critical L/ D is different when the flow pattern is changed under different Re number, and the average drag coefficient and the average lift coefficient change when the flow pattern is changed. These conclusions are consistent with the known study results. The results show that the number of Nu in the cylindrical surface increases rapidly with the increase of the number of Re, and the number of Nu increases with the increase of L/ D, and for the same flow pattern, The number of Nu increases with the increase of L/ D. The results of this study provide the basis for the study of the flow and heat transfer of the porous media. (2) In order to study the impact jet, this paper simulates the impact jet of plane and surface, and reveals the influence of the Reynolds number, the dimensionless impact distance H/ W on the flow characteristics and the temperature distribution characteristics of the laminar flow limited impact jet. In this paper, a new numerical simulation method of LBM is used to avoid the determination of the empirical parameters. The numerical simulation results show that, with the increase of the number of Re, the transition from the stable structure to the non-stable structure, the larger the H/ W, the smaller the critical Re number corresponding to the transition of the flow structure. The number of Nu at the stagnation point increases with the increase of the number of Re, and decreases with the increase of H/ W. In these two parameters, the Re number has a more significant effect on the heat transfer characteristics. The results of the study on the heat transfer of the jet impingement surface show that the number of Nu of the cylindrical surface increases with the angle of 0, and the number of Nu decreases gradually when the angle increases from 0 掳 to 90 掳, and the minimum value is reached at 90 掳, and the number of Nu increases with the increase of 0 from 90 掳 to 135 掳. This part of the work verifies that the LBM can accurately simulate the strong spin flow. (3) For the random porous media, the influence of the randomness of the porous structure, the particle size distribution and the particle shape on the flow and heat transfer characteristics is studied. (a) It is found that the relationship between the permeability of the porous media and the porosity of the porous media has a great difference, and the influence of the complex internal structure of the porous media is well demonstrated. In this paper, a process-based reconstruction technique is used to generate a random porous medium, and the flow field in the pore is discussed in-depth. The results show that the particle size and quantity of the porous media are the same, the dimensionless permeability K of the randomly generated porous structure is very different, and the internal porous structure has a non-negligible effect on the flow. For the two-dimensional structure, a formula for permeability K of a porous medium, which is suitable for cylindrical formation with a Gaussian distribution, is proposed. On this basis, a new b 'Den calculation formula for the Forschheimer equation is given. The effect of particle size distribution and particle shape on the three-dimensional structure is studied. When the particle size of the different particle sizes is not more than 5, the permeability increases with the increase of the particle type. The non-dimensional permeability of the spherical particles is greater than the cubic particles. At the same time, the research result of the cube is extended to the case where the length (a) of the cuboid is less than the height (b), and the permeability K decreases as a/ b increases. (b) According to a large number of literature, the correlation formula of the heat transfer coefficient of different forms of porous media is different, and even some contradictory conclusions are present. Based on this, this paper studies the heat transfer characteristics of the interior of the porous media. The results show that the size and quantity of the particles that make up the porous medium are the same, and the number of the Nu of the randomly generated porous structure is very different, and the internal porous structure has a non-negligible effect on the heat transfer. For the two-dimensional structure, the Nu number expression considering the influence of porosity is given. The effect of particle size distribution and particle shape on the three-dimensional structure is studied. When the particle size of the different particle size is not more than 5, the number of Nu decreases with the increase of the particle size. The effect of the porosity on the number of Nu is most significant for the porous media with the same particle size distribution, and the effect of the porosity on the number of the Nu is much larger than that of the spherical particles for the particles with the same particle size. In conclusion, the research work in this paper is of great significance to the in-depth understanding of the micro-scale impact jet and the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the random porous media. The research not only has important engineering application value, but also extends the research scope of the LBM in these fields.


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