发布时间:2022-09-30 12:01
临床植入物的成功取决于植入物表面和骨组织细胞之间的相互作用,包括促进骨整合作用、长期稳定性能及优异的抗菌作用。羟基磷灰石(HA)是一种具有促进骨生成作用的生物陶瓷材料,被广泛应用于骨科和牙科领域。其中,单相及双掺杂磷灰石因其优异的骨传导能力受到大量关注,有望应用于骨科及牙科植入物等领域。本文旨在研究Zn2+和Sr2+两种重要的生物阳离子共掺杂羟基磷灰石材料的生物学特性,采用水热合成法,将前驱体中Zn2+和Sr2+替代部分Ca2+位置,制备了 6种不同掺杂浓度Zn2+和Sr2+的纳米羟基磷灰石材料。同时,通过XRD、ICP、FTIR、拉曼光谱、FESEM、TEM和TGA等技术手段对纳米材料共掺杂、结晶度、相纯度、晶格参数、元素组成、颗粒形貌及热稳定性等性能进行评价。结果表明,样品中Zn2+的含量随着Sr2+的掺杂量增加而提高,然而,在20%Zn10%Sr或10%Zn20%Sr的溶液中,磷灰石晶体结构消失。此外,体外细胞实验表明,即使在含高浓度Zn2+(10%)双掺杂的样品表面,MC3T3-E1细胞仍具有良好的增殖能力,表明Sr2+可以抵消Zn2+的细胞毒性作用,提高材料的生物相容性。此外...
【文章页数】:172 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Aims and Objective
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Biomaterials
2.2 Hip and Knee Replacement
2.3 Calcium Phosphates
2.4 HA Coating for Orthopaedics Implants
2.5 Synthesised HA and Ions-substitution
2.6 Substituted HA coating
2.7 Bone: A Solid Structure and Living Tissue
2.8 Fabrication of (Sr, Zn)-HA Coating
2.9 Plasma Spray Process
2.10 Characteristics of Hydroxyapatite Coating
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods
3.1 Synthesis of Co-substituted Hydroxyapatite and Reagents
3.2 Atmospheric Plasma Spraying method
3.5 Sample Preparation
3.6 Coating Parameters
3.7 Characterization of HA Nano-powder and Plasma Coating
3.8 Cell culture
3.9 Statistical Analysis
Chapter 4 Synthesis, Characterization and in Vitro Evaluation of Zincand Strontium Binary Doped Hydroxyapatite for BiomedicalApplication
4.1 Characterization of Zn-Sr Substituted HA
4.2 Chemical Analysis
4.3 FTIR
4.4 SEM Observation
4.5 TEM Morphology Observation
4.6 Raman Spectroscopy
4.7 Thermal Behavior
4.8 In Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
4.9 Discussion
Chapter 5 Prepration and Materials Cells in Teraction of Sr Containingand Zn Substituted Hydroxyapatite Plasma Sprayed Coating onTI-6AL-4V Alloy
5.1 Surface Morphology
5.2 Phase Composition
5.3 Bonding strength
5.4 Morphological Characteristic of the Coating
5.5 In Vitro Phase Analysis
5.6 Dissolution study
5.7 In Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
5.8 Discussion
Chapter 6 Mechanical, BiologicalI and Antibacterial Characteristics ofPlasma-Sprayed (Sr, Zn) Substituted Hydroxyapatite Coating
6.1 Characterizations of (Sr, Zn)-HA Powders
6.2 Surface Roughness and Morphologies of Coating
6.3 Cross-sectional Microstructures
6.4 Phase Evolution of Coating
6.5. Raman Spectroscopy
6.6 Mechanical properties
6.7 Contact Angle
6.8 In-Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
6.9 Discussion
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Author's Biography
Published academic paper during school
【文章页数】:172 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Aims and Objective
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Biomaterials
2.2 Hip and Knee Replacement
2.3 Calcium Phosphates
2.4 HA Coating for Orthopaedics Implants
2.5 Synthesised HA and Ions-substitution
2.6 Substituted HA coating
2.7 Bone: A Solid Structure and Living Tissue
2.8 Fabrication of (Sr, Zn)-HA Coating
2.9 Plasma Spray Process
2.10 Characteristics of Hydroxyapatite Coating
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods
3.1 Synthesis of Co-substituted Hydroxyapatite and Reagents
3.2 Atmospheric Plasma Spraying method
3.5 Sample Preparation
3.6 Coating Parameters
3.7 Characterization of HA Nano-powder and Plasma Coating
3.8 Cell culture
3.9 Statistical Analysis
Chapter 4 Synthesis, Characterization and in Vitro Evaluation of Zincand Strontium Binary Doped Hydroxyapatite for BiomedicalApplication
4.1 Characterization of Zn-Sr Substituted HA
4.2 Chemical Analysis
4.3 FTIR
4.4 SEM Observation
4.5 TEM Morphology Observation
4.6 Raman Spectroscopy
4.7 Thermal Behavior
4.8 In Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
4.9 Discussion
Chapter 5 Prepration and Materials Cells in Teraction of Sr Containingand Zn Substituted Hydroxyapatite Plasma Sprayed Coating onTI-6AL-4V Alloy
5.1 Surface Morphology
5.2 Phase Composition
5.3 Bonding strength
5.4 Morphological Characteristic of the Coating
5.5 In Vitro Phase Analysis
5.6 Dissolution study
5.7 In Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
5.8 Discussion
Chapter 6 Mechanical, BiologicalI and Antibacterial Characteristics ofPlasma-Sprayed (Sr, Zn) Substituted Hydroxyapatite Coating
6.1 Characterizations of (Sr, Zn)-HA Powders
6.2 Surface Roughness and Morphologies of Coating
6.3 Cross-sectional Microstructures
6.4 Phase Evolution of Coating
6.5. Raman Spectroscopy
6.6 Mechanical properties
6.7 Contact Angle
6.8 In-Vitro Cell-Material Interaction
6.9 Discussion
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Author's Biography
Published academic paper during school