本文关键词:大兴安岭中南段铅锌多金属矿地球化学建模及定量预测 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 地球化学模型 典型矿床 水系沉积物 定量预测 大兴安岭成矿带中南段
【摘要】:通过建立典型矿床模型进行资源量预测,可避免和减少勘查风险、提高勘查效率,因而成为政府部门和相关学者日益关注的问题,具有重要的研究意义和现实意义。大兴安岭成矿带是我国19个重要的成矿区带之一,中南段发现了拜仁达坝、白音诺尔、花敖包特等大型—超大型银铅锌多金属矿,且近年不断有新的矿点被发现,愈来愈受到相关学者的关注,并被中国地质调查局列为铅锌多金属矿重点找矿区域。区内地质、地球化学、地球物理工作程度均较高,便于建立准确性较高的找矿和预测模型,而地球化学资料开发利用程度相对较低,亟待开发和利用,因此,本文在大兴安岭中南段针对铅锌多金属矿开展以地质、地球化学资料为主的地质—地球化学建模与定量预测研究,旨在解决一些现存的问题,并能为该地区实现找矿突破提供参考资料。本文以成岩、成矿、成晕的地质—地球化学理论为指导,针对矿产资源勘查的地球化学建模和预测方法中存在的部分主要问题,结合研究区实际情况,从6个方面开展了研究工作,并取得了如下主要成果:1、综合利用1∶20万水系沉积物、1∶5万水系沉积物(或土壤)和1∶1万土壤(或岩石)以及钻孔原生晕资料进行地质—地球化学建模,提高了模型的科学性,弥补了以往研究利用1∶20万水系沉积物数据或更小比例尺数据建模在精确性和科学性上的缺陷。2、在建立典型矿床的地质—地球化学模型的基础上,建立了成矿亚带(区域)的地质—地球化学模型,提高了预测区的圈定精度和资源量估算的可信度。3、开发了一套能进行原生晕三维可视化处理、能利用地表的区域化探数据预测矿产资源量的“地球化学三维分析预测系统(GKAP V1.0)”软件,实现了成果转化,可提高工作效率。4、总结了大兴安岭成矿带中南段铅锌富集成矿的机制综合分析大兴安岭成矿带中南段铅锌多金属矿带的地质、地球化学特征,认为岩浆热液作用及后期叠加是大兴安岭成矿带中南段铅锌多金属矿成矿的主导因素,二叠纪地层是主要的物质来源,各级次断裂构造为导矿、容矿提供了有利空间。5、提取了不同比例尺的地球化学调查数据的信息,特别是1∶20万水系沉积物测量数据的多种地球化学信息:(1)(W+Sn)/(As+Sb)的比值等值线图可以用来判断剥蚀程度;(2)(Pb+Zn),(W+Sn)/(Pb+Zn)衬值比值图可以判别Pb、Zn矿化信息和Sn矿化信息;(3)元素的衬度异常量可以判别矿床的主成矿元素;(4)因子组合将研究区分为西坡、主峰、东坡等3个地球化学区;(5)典型矿床的相似度图可以判别未知矿化信息。6、筛选出地球化学A级预测区3个,B级预测区33个,总资源量分别为5.25万吨、302.48万吨;预测区查证效果良好。
[Abstract]:The prediction of resource volume by establishing typical ore deposit models can avoid and reduce exploration risks and improve exploration efficiency. Therefore, it has become an increasingly concerned issue of government departments and scholars. It has important research significance and practical significance. Greater Khingan Range metallogenic belt is one of the 19 important metallogenic belts in China, south section of Bayern dam, found Baiyinnuoer, flower Oboo, large-superlarge Ag Pb Zn polymetallic ore, and in recent years there have been a new point was found, more and more attention by related scholars, and Chinese geological survey column prospecting areas will lead zinc polymetallic ore. In the area of geological, geochemical and geophysical work levels are high for prospecting and prediction models of high accuracy, and the earth's development and utilization of chemical data is relatively low and the urgent need to develop and use, therefore, this article in Greater Khingan Range in the southern section according to the geological and geochemical data of the geological and geochemical modeling and quantitative to prediction of lead zinc metal ore, aiming to solve some existing problems, and to provide reference for the breakthrough of the region for prospecting. In this paper, diagenesis and mineralization and halo forming geological geochemistry theory as a guide, for some main problems of geochemical modeling and prediction method for exploration of mineral resources in the study area, combined with the actual situation, from the 6 aspects of the research work is carried out, and the main results are as follows: 1, 1: comprehensive utilization 200 thousand, 1: 50 thousand sediment sediment (or soil) and 1 / 10 thousand (soil or rock) and drilling data of primary halo of geological and geochemical modeling, improve the scientific model, makes up for previous studies using 1: 20 Wanshui system defects of sediment data or smaller scale data modeling in accuracy and science of the. 2, based on the establishment of geological and geochemical models of typical deposits, a geological geochemical model of metallogenic subzones is established, which improves the accuracy of prediction area and the credibility of resource estimation. 3, we developed a set of software which can carry out 3D visualization processing of primary halos and use geochemical data to predict mineral resources in the surface area. The software of geochemical GKAP V1.0 has achieved transformation and improved work efficiency. 4, summed up the Greater Khingan Range metallogenic belt in the middle part of a comprehensive analysis of the mechanism of Pb Zn mineralization in Greater Khingan Range metallogenic belt in the middle part of lead-zinc polymetallic ore belt, the geological and geochemical characteristics, that magmatic hydrothermal process and late superposition is the dominant factor in the southern section of Greater Khingan Range metallogenic metallogenic belt of lead-zinc polymetallic ore, Permian is the main source of the material. Every fault for ore, provided favorable ore bearing space. 5, the extraction of geochemical survey data in different scale information, especially the 1: 200 thousand stream sediment survey data of geochemical information: (1) (W+Sn) / (As+Sb) ratio of the contour map can be used to determine the degree of denudation; (2) (Pb+Zn), (W+Sn) / (Pb+Zn) the ratio of Pb, can lining Zn mineralization information and Sn mineralization information identification; (3) the main metallogenic element contrast anomaly amount can distinguish deposits; (4) factors can be divided into west slope, peak, Dongpo 3 geochemical zones; (5) the typical ore bed similarity graph can distinguish unknown mineralization information. 6, there are 3 geochemical A-class prediction areas and 33 B grade forecasting areas, with a total resource amount of 52 thousand and 500 tons and 3 million 24 thousand and 800 tons, respectively. The results of the prediction area are good.
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