
发布时间:2018-01-10 06:05

  本文关键词:基于系统动力学的区域页岩气开发水资源承载力研究 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 页岩气 水资源承载力 系统动力学

[Abstract]:With the global energy supply and demand contradiction and national energy right game, shale gas exploration and development to the attention of the world. The United States is currently the world's first and only to achieve large-scale commercial exploitation of shale gas in the country, all over the world in the early evaluation and exploration and development of the pilot test process is mainly studying and summing up the related U.S. technology and experience. At present, the exploitation of shale gas is mainly used in hydraulic fracturing, is a lot of water, chemicals and sediment mixtures by high-pressure way underground injection wells, rock tectonic zone near the fracturing of shale gas, so that the shale gas release to the wellhead, so as to realize the efficiency and economy of shale gas exploitation. In addition, a large amount of water is also used for cleaning cooling and other bits of shale gas development process. Due to the scarcity of fresh water resources and health Domestic water, industrial water, agricultural water, water demand increases, the development of shale gas and water resources use, treatment and protection issues more and more attention. How to through capacity model and empirical scientific data analysis of shale gas exploration and development of regional water resources bearing has become an important research topic. This thesis analyzes the shale gas dynamics system of water resources development from the perspective of the whole, and the nonlinear relationship study main factors affecting water resources demand for shale gas and water resource usage, so as to build a set of "water resources subsystem", "population development system", "system" development industry, "shale gas development subsystem" one of the regional water resources carrying capacity of shale gas development system dynamics model was established. The complex network model, analysis the elements of color angle in the model from the overall perspective, factors The relationship between the network and the whole structure. Combined with the test model of Marcellus shale gas to Bradford, the empirical data, simulation and correction under different scenarios, on the basis of summing up the reference and Enlightenment to develop Chinese shale gas development and related policy. Through the analysis of this paper has the following enlightenment to China shale gas development: (1) need to consume a large amount of water resources in shale gas mining process, for lack of water resources Chinese, will form a threat to the population and industry development of water, so in the development of the former system needs analysis of population and industry development as well as shale gas well exploitation of water resources demand, arrangement of shale gas development plan reasonably. (2) through scenario analysis can be found, the rate of return of shale gas, re utilization and wastewater for reuse Has obvious influence bearing capacity of shale gas development in water resources. So for China, in the process of development, gradually increase the recycling technology of water resources of shale gas, through the formulation of relevant laws and regulations and subsidies, improve the shale gas reflux rate and re utilization, encourage the use of regional sewage after treatment of shale gas in order to improve the development of regional water resources carrying capacity for shale gas development.



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