
发布时间:2018-02-16 06:10

  本文关键词: 黑龙江东部 中-新生代 构造演化 低温热年代学 盆山耦合 出处:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国东北广泛发育的数十个中-新生代沉积盆地,不仅是我国油气、煤炭资源最为富集的地区之一,而且为认识东北亚大陆边缘的复杂构造演化历史和大地构造过程提供了重要信息。黑龙江东部是中国东北中-新生代沉积盆地最为发育的地区之一,空间上多期盆地叠合发育,构造面貌尤为复杂。虽然目前对这些盆地的地层、构造特征和演化开展了一定的研究,但这些盆地的地层发育时代、构造属性和演化阶段仍然存在一定的分歧。本论文充分利用野外地质调查资料和盆地内部的地震、钻井等勘探资料,以黑龙江东部中-新生代盆地群为主要研究对象,通过对火山灰夹层年代学研究,完善了黑龙江东部中-新生界年代地层格架;通过对中-新生代盆地的构造解剖和构造平衡恢复分析,重建了盆地构造演化史;在此基础上,开展了两条近东西向贯穿黑龙江东部主要盆-岭单元的低温热年代学剖面研究,取得了以下成果和认识:黑龙江东部鸡西群滴道组形成时代为Hauterivian-Aptian早中期(~133-117Ma),城子河组沉积时代为Aptian中晚期至Albian早期(-116-1 1 OMa),穆棱组沉积时代为Albian期(~110-101Ma),东山组的沉积时代为Albian末期(~101Ma);猴石沟组为Cenomanian期,海浪组为Coniacian- Santonian期,七星河组为晚Santonian- Campanian早期,雁窝组为Campanian- Maastrichtian早期。通过对三江盆地和鸡西盆地的构造解剖,认为黑龙江东部从中侏罗世晚期至早白垩世早中期为两期断陷盆地发育,早白垩世晚期为坳陷盆地发育,晚白垩世经历两期挤压变形改造;而方正断陷和汤原断陷的构造变形分析则表明黑龙江东部在新生代期间主要表现为古新世-始新世伸展、晚始新世右旋走滑改造、渐新世斜向伸展和晚中新世右旋走滑改造,古新世-始新世的伸展作用要强于渐新世,晚始新世和晚中新世的走滑改造对盆地演化以及盆地内部烃源岩和储层的发育均有着重要影响。通过两条区域性低温热年代学剖面的研究表明,黑龙江东部主要山岭隆起单元的冷却剥露过程具有显著的时间和空间差异:东小兴安岭和张广才岭在早中侏罗世~200-170Ma时期存在快速冷却过程,平均冷却速率为-2.3-3。C/Ma;在中侏罗世-早白垩世(~165-101Ma)时期则为缓慢冷却阶段,平均冷却速率为~0.08-0.29。C/Ma;在晚白垩世(-95-70Ma)时期,那丹哈达岭、鸡西盆地和张广才岭具有快速冷却历史,平均冷却速率为-1.0-8.5。C/Ma,而东小兴安岭则表现为缓慢冷却(~100-65Ma),平均冷却速率为-0.08℃/Ma;古近纪时期,东小兴安岭和三江盆地桦川-富锦隆起进入快速冷却阶段(-50-30Ma),平均冷却速率为伍3-8℃/Ma,而那丹哈达岭和张广才岭表现为缓慢冷却阶段(-65-23Ma),平均冷却速率为伍0.14-C/Ma;新近纪-第四纪(伍23-OMa)时期,黑龙江东部地区普遍经历了较为缓慢的冷却阶段,平均冷却速率为0.14-0.3。C/Ma。综合盆地构造变形和主要盆-岭单元的低温热年代学分析,以及前人的碎屑锆石年代学、沉积古地理、构造变形和低温热年代学研究,认为早侏罗世-中侏罗世初期(-200-170Ma)小兴安岭-张广才岭的快速剥露隆升可能与佳木斯地块与松辽地块的碰撞造山有关,而这一时期松辽地块上可能发育周缘前陆盆地与其构成时空耦合过程;中侏罗世-早白垩世(伍165-101Ma)小兴安岭-张广才岭处于缓慢剥露阶段,大致对应于包括黑龙江东部在内的中国东北广泛的多期伸展裂陷作用以及紧随其后的大型热沉降坳陷作用过程,形成了以松辽盆地和黑龙江东部大三江盆地为代表的大型坳陷盆地,这一区域性陆内伸展过程可能与蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带垮塌和古太平洋板块俯冲后撤两大动力体系的联合作用有关;晚白垩世时期(伍100-66Ma)中国东北遭受到逐步增强的挤压应力作用,经历了自东向西的挤压隆升扩展过程,黑龙江东部地区快速隆升发生在伍95-70Ma,而松辽盆地在70-65Ma期间才开始发生大规模构造挤压和反转抬升,可能反映了东北亚活动型陆缘由西太平洋型向安第斯型的转变;古近纪期间(伍50-30Ma),小兴安岭和三江盆地内部桦川隆起快速隆升可能记录了新生代伸展背景下的控陷正断层下盘的被动隆升剥露过程,反映了太平洋板块新生代俯冲后侧引起的东亚陆缘广泛的伸展过程。
[Abstract]:Dozens of Mesozoic Cenozoic sedimentary basin in Northeast Chinese widely developed, not only is China's oil and gas, one of the most rich in coal resources, but also for understanding the complex structure of Northeast Asia continental margin evolution history and tectonic process provides important information. The eastern part of Heilongjiang is one of the most developed areas in the Northeast - New China generation of sedimentary basin, spatial multi period superimposed basin development, tectonic features is particularly complex. Although these basin, tectonic features and evolution carried out some research, but the basin development era, tectonic evolution stage and there are still some differences. This paper make full use of the internal field geological survey data the basin and the earthquake, drilling exploration data in eastern Heilongjiang Mesozoic Cenozoic basin group as the main research object, through to the volcano sandwich chronology, perfect The eastern Heilongjiang Mesozoic Cenozoic chronostratigraphy; by constructing of Meso Cenozoic basin tectonic anatomy and restoration of balance analysis, reconstruction of the tectonic evolution history of the basin; on this basis, to carry out the two East-West Heilongjiang east of the main ridge basin unit low-temperature thermochronology profile research through, achieved the following results and conclusions: Eastern Heilongjiang Jixi group Didao formation for Hauterivian-Aptian early middle age (~ 133-117Ma), Chengzihe formation sedimentary time is early Aptian period to Albian (-116-1 1 OMa), Muling formation deposition period is Albian period (~ 110-101Ma), deposition time is Albian at the end of Dongshan formation (~ 101Ma); Hou Shi ditch group Cenomanian, the group Coniacian- Santonian group Santonian- Campanian, Qixinghe late early, Yan Wo Group Campanian- early Maastrichtian through to the Sanjiang basin and Jixi. Basin structural anatomy that Eastern Heilongjiang from late Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous early and middle stages faulted basin development, late Early Cretaceous depression basin, Late Cretaceous tectonic transformation has experienced two extrusion deformation; and Fangzheng rift and Tangyuan Rift deformation analysis indicates that the extension for the Paleocene Eocene the main performance in eastern Heilongjiang during the Cenozoic, the late Eocene dextral strike slip and oblique extension transformation, Oligocene late Miocene dextral slip transformation, Paleocene Eocene extension than the late Eocene Oligocene, Miocene and late in the strike slip transformation of the source rocks in the basin and basin evolution and reservoir development have an important impact. Through the study of two regional low-temperature thermochronology profiles showed that the main mountain in eastern Heilongjiang uplift exhumation cooling unit has significant time and space There are differences: the rapid cooling of the East Xingan mountains and zhangguangcai ridge in the early Middle Jurassic ~ 200-170Ma period, the average cooling rate is -2.3-3.C/Ma; in the Middle Jurassic Early Cretaceous (~ 165-101Ma) period for slow cooling stage, the average cooling rate to 0.08-0.29.C/Ma; in the late Cretaceous period (-95-70Ma), the Nadanhada range the Jixi basin, and zhangguangcai with fast cooling history, average cooling rate of -1.0-8.5.C/Ma, while the East small Xingan mountain showed slow cooling (~ 100-65Ma), the average cooling rate of -0.08 DEG /Ma; Paleogene period, Huachuan East small Xingan mountain and Sanjiang basin and Fujin uplift into rapid cooling stage (-50-30Ma) on average, the cooling rate with 3-8 DEG /Ma, and the Nadanhada range and zhangguangcai range for slow cooling stage (-65-23Ma), the average cooling rate with 0.14-C/Ma; new tertiary - quaternary period (23-OMa), Heilongjiang eastern region generally experienced a relatively slow cooling stage, the average cooling rate for 0.14-0.3.C/Ma. comprehensive analysis of tectonic deformation and the main basin ridge basin unit low-temperature thermochronology, and previous detrital zircon geochronology, sedimentary palaeogeography, tectonic deformation and low temperature thermochronology study, that the early Middle Jurassic early (-200-170Ma) rapid stripping Xingan small dew hump - zhangguangcailing rise possible collision orogeny and the Jiamusi block and the block, and this time the plots may constitute a foreland basin and its spatio-temporal coupling process; Middle Jurassic Early Cretaceous (165-101Ma) Xingan - zhangguangcailing in a slow exhumation stage, roughly corresponding in eastern Heilongjiang, northeast Chinese more extensive extensional rifting, followed by large heat subsequent depression process, The formation of large basin depression in Songliao Basin and Sanjiang basin in eastern Heilongjiang as the representative of the stretching process of land in this area may be related to the Mongolia Okhotsk orogenic collapse and the subduction of the paleo Pacific plate back joint action of the two dynamic systems; the late Cretaceous period (five 100-66Ma) China northeast suffered increasing the extrusion stress, experienced from east to West compressional uplift expansion process, the eastern region of Heilongjiang rapid uplift occurred in the Songliao Basin and Wu 95-70Ma, during 70-65Ma began large-scale tectonic compression and inversion uplift, change may reflect the activity of Northeast Asia to the Western Pacific continental type reason Andean type during the Paleogene; (50-30Ma), small Xingan mountain and Sanjiang basin Huachuan uplift rapid uplift may record the Cenozoic extensional background control subsidence fault under the disc is The process of uplift and exudation reflects the extensive extension of the East Asian continental margin caused by the subduction of the Pacific plate in the subduction side of the Pacific plate.





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