
发布时间:2018-03-01 01:18

  本文关键词: 微纳结构 共振荧光 量子纠缠 热化 出处:《兰州大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The micro nano structure is the size in the object structure between the molecular scale and micrometer. In quantum optics, as the micro electromagnetic mode structure in the space with local effect is very strong, it is light and matter of strong interaction and an important platform for state manipulation of quantum systems. In quantum information, micro nano structure in the all solid state properties become integrated single photon source and ideal carrier of information storage, conversion and transmission of photonic devices. In this paper, we master equation method based on open quantum systems, on the one side surface of plasma micro nano stable quantum entanglement between the structure of mechanical vibration in mesoscopic quantum dot resonance fluorescence and power system in the preparation, on the other hand, the establishment of conditions of regular thermalization equilibrium statistical mechanics is investigated in the method of nonequilibrium dynamics. First, we study on the layered surface plasmon The sub body micro nano quantum dot structure in the resonance driving power of the fluorescence emission spectrum and correlation statistics. In the traditional theory of atomic resonance fluorescence system developed mainly based on the dipole approximation, but we found that the intensity of quantum dots size expansion and surface plasma induced dramatic changes in space, four moments of quantum dots have significant influence on the fluorescence characteristics: on the one hand, the dipole approximation of quantum dots fluorescence spectrum rotation symmetry of quantum dots with space toward destruction, on the other hand, through the reasonable choice of the quantum dot orientation and four order moments, fluorescence spectrum can achieve the conversion between single peak and the peak of Mollow three structure; two order correlation function can be realized from the single photon weak radiation region transition to strong radiation area. We work on the use of quantum dots in quantum dot mesoscopic effect development as the carrier Has the meaning of single nano photonic devices. Secondly, based on the power system, we propose a library project through the preparation of stable quantum entanglement between two vibration mechanical oscillator in single cavity scheme. The thermal noise due to the existence of the macro mechanical system in basic could not observe the quantum coherence effect, power system provided by the pressure to reduce the ideal platform for mechanical oscillator, thermal vibration noise by using an optical and mechanical oscillator radiation, thus to quantum entanglement properties observed in macroscopic mechanical motion as possible. Unlike previous widely used scheme, we propose a new preparation method of double mirror vibration stability of quantum entanglement in a single cavity. Our scheme without resorting to pre cooling of the mechanical oscillator thermal vibration noise, the main use of the compression library engineering idea: we found that the cavity field into a broadband squeezed driving field Two, a mirror can obtain quantum entanglement stable. Analysis shows that the role of the media played in the mechanism from the cavity cavity: it will be from the broadband compression driver quantum field obtained compression transfer to the relative momentum of double mirror, which makes the double mirror steady show quantum entanglement of the collective quantum correlation characteristic. Our scheme provides a pre cooling scheme without stable entanglement preparation of mechanical motion system. Finally, the balance of the dynamics in finite temperature balance environment through the study of the quantum harmonic oscillator, we discussed the conditions of establishment of equilibrium statistical physics canomical thermalization from microcosmic point of view. On the basis of statistical physics knowledge of Physics from the micro perspective of ergodic hypothesis and the assessment of the scope of its establishment is the core problem in statistical physics. Previous studies found that any complex system of pure state will be accompanied by open system The regular heating, the results suggest that the establishment of regular heating and study; open system is not always intense. How to understand these inconsistent conclusions? Around this problem, we use dynamic path integral method to study the effects of functional oscillator balance in finite temperature, the results showed that the influence of nature thermalization behavior formation composite system and environment form bound states and non Markoff effect on the balance of the system: the Born Markoff approximation, the system will tend to be the only and the environment has regular hot temperature (the traditional canonical ensemble theory); while in non Markoff dynamics, when there is no bondage state, the system is still tends to be a regular state, but it is completely different from the temperature of the environment; and when the bound state is formed, the equilibrium state of the system will not be described by the regular state. The results of our study not only reveals the traditional system of regular conditions, and to build a bridge of equilibrium statistical physics and non equilibrium statistical dynamics. On the one hand our work contributes to the experimental realization of quantum state manipulation of micro nano structure of the physical system, on the other hand, as the micro foundation from non-equilibrium dynamics study of equilibrium statistical mechanics is established.



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