本文选题:惯性约束聚变 切入点:高功率激光驱动器 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Large-scale laser devices are one of the most important tools in the field of high-energy density science HEDS. The research of high power laser driver required by ICFF is always a hot research field at home and abroad. The construction of laser driver is a large complex scientific project with advanced technology, large scale and interdisciplinary. Among them, the preamplifier system has the characteristics of multi-function, multi-parameter test and control, large range and high precision adjustment and high reliability requirement, among which, the preamplifier system has the main technical characteristics, such as multi-function, multi-parameter test and control, high precision regulation and high reliability requirement, etc. The main task of this paper is to study the realization technology, optimization method and state management method of the key technical index of the system in the construction of very multiplex according to the task demand of the current preamplifier system, the main task of this paper is to study the realization technology of the key technical index of the system in the very multiplex construction. Firstly, by studying the main ICF laser drivers at home and abroad, the main functions and characteristics of the preamplifier system and their respective technical processes are analyzed. The typical technical route of preamplifier system, the realization method of key technical index, and the key problems in the development process of preamplifier system under the background of very multiplex construction are studied. Secondly, under the background of very multiplex user device development, The key technical problems, such as stability, reliability and predictability, sensitivity and consistency, are studied. The laser technology theory, reliability correlation theory and statistics correlation theory are adopted. The differences of stability and reliability of typical technical schemes are analyzed and studied. The theoretical and experimental studies on energy stability, the theoretical and experimental studies on the quality and consistency of near-field beams are carried out. The key optimization direction and reference optimization parameters of the main technical route preamplifier system are obtained. Based on this, the reliability comparison analysis of typical system is carried out based on the system reliability research. The failure model and fault tree of the preamplifier system are established, and the main weak links of the current preamplifier system are analyzed, and then 48 channels of state monitoring are established in combination with the requirement of improving the operational reliability. The failure prediction, daily safe operation and system state health management have laid a technical foundation for the implementation of very multi-channel pre-amplification system engineering. Finally, two large-scale engineering practices and NIF engineering practice experience are introduced. In this paper, the state management method of NASA engineering technology is studied, and the basic method of preamplifying system risk prevention in multiplex construction is established by combining with the experience of space system technical condition management. The research contents, methods and results of this paper are of great significance for the engineering design and construction of the preamplifier system of many large laser devices in China.
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