
发布时间:2018-03-25 20:09

  本文选题:腔量子电动力学 切入点:腔光机械 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Information science is the study of information movement and the application of the method of science, in the past 30 years, the combination of information science and quantum mechanics of quantum information science and the rise has attracted widespread attention. Quantum information science because of some novel properties, such as quantum non clone, linear superposition, entanglement,. In quantum computation, quantum information, quantum measurement shows a very broad application prospect. The parallel processing ability of quantum computer to calculate much faster than classical computers, the password is cracked, quantum search and other aspects show great potential. The use of quantum information quantum state can not be cloned, entanglement characteristics in quantum cryptography, quantum communication and other practical fields and made great progress. The high precision measurement of physical quantity needs to promote the development of quantum metrology, in quantum clock and Research in the field of gravity detection is more and more hot in some areas has exceeded the limit of classical physics, is toward the approaching Heisenberg limit. The information carrier of quantum information science advantages to attract people to seek to achieve the diversiform quantum computer. The quantum computer needs to consider various factors on the physical realization of compromise, in an ion trap, superconducting electronics circuit, linear optics, much progress has been made in cavity quantum electrodynamics and NMR systems. But the actual dissipative quantum physical systems in various, and the number of qubits more dissipation will be more severe. Fortunately some advantages in some aspects of the system is very obvious, so mixed physical system has attracted more and more attention. Optomechanical system in quantum information storage, quantum chaos, aspects of wavelength conversion is big The potential application prospect, especially the mixed physical system formation and coupling of atoms or quantum dots, it is a research hotspot in recent years. The cavity quantum electrodynamics (C-QED) is between atom and optical mode coupling is an important field in the optical cavity. High quality factor, photons and atoms can be multiple interactions, the atoms and the light field is strong coupling, thereby preparing spin squeezed state (SSS) for quantum measurement. In this thesis, we first briefly introduce some basic knowledge of quantum information science, discusses the mechanical system and optical cavity quantum electrodynamics. The optical mechanical system, we study the system of some basic properties and application, analyzes its formation and hybrid physical system coupled quantum dots, input and output, single and two photon phonon laser for cavity quantum electrodynamics. We have prepared device, spin squeezed state are discussed, mainly including the following: in the cavity compression system by detuning to strengthen spin squeezing; in nitrogen vacancy (NV) center system based on geometric phase by spin phonon induced by continuous compression; drive NV spin chain to produce steady compression specific contents into four aspects as follows: 1. cavity optical mechanical system of optical mechanical system is the realization of quantum communication and quantum computing is a very important system, there are abundant physical phenomena and many potential applications. We are in the light mechanical induced transparency, Brillouin scattering induced transparency and non reciprocal optical storage and so on do some simple discussion. Hybrid physical system formed in the coupling of mechanical and quantum dots, we found that the vacuum cavity induced transparency phenomenon from two aspects in detail the coupling strength Analysis. In addition, we will also control the classic transparent phenomenon of light with the vacuum chamber under the induction were compared. Finally, in order to better understand the induced transparency phenomenon, we in general three level atomic system, the non coherent control of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and Autler-Towns splitting (ATS) conversion of the two, and made a distinction between input and output. In the light of the machine, we get the output in the case of a single photon coupled square spectrum, which shows the characteristics of even phonon excitation. On this basis, we further study the input and output of double photon in real space. For phonon laser, we put forward several feasible scheme of.2. cavity detuning strengthen spin squeezing theory we discussed each parameter has been achieved on experimental spin cavity compression scheme on spin compression effect, and the near resonance Compared, we found the detuning can be compressed from a S cavity of 2 / 5 greatly increased to S-2/3, where S is the total number of spins. In addition, we also found that the interaction between the atoms and the cavity is weak and large detuning can strengthen spin atomic ensemble compression. The results show that the spin the compression comes from the laser driven and spin state geometric phase induction, so here the large detuning is very important for the actual physical system, some noise is inevitable. We analyzed the Raman scattering on atomic spin squeezing the influence, the results show that the appropriate detuning can optimize the spin compression. Large detuning laser drive into the optical cavity of the light field effectively reduced, therefore need longer time to achieve optimal compression. In this case, the single spin decoherence had to be taken into account, we find more Strong driving light can reduce this noise effectively on spin squeezing damage. Large detuned laser driver may also be emitting other optical cavity model, we on multi mode light field and atomic ensembles coupling also discussed in detail, find other light field of spin squeezing can be we will be ignored. Finally, parameters can be realized on the experimental scheme, the results show that by adjusting the detuning to enhance the spin squeezing is easy to implement in the present experimental conditions. As a supplement to produce spin compression, based on this scheme we measured by non classical states have done some discussion.3. nitrogen vacancy (NV) phonon geometric phase induced spin compression we propose a mechanical model induced by single geometric phase scheme to realize spin compression based on center system, here NV chain scattering Coupled to a single mechanical oscillator. The geometric phase because of its own property, the initial state is not sensitive to the phonon, this is a very important advantage of experiment. We studied the thermal noise and mechanical quality factor (Q) under different spin squeezing properties, results show that perfect uniaxial compression can be achieved the ratio of thermal noise and mechanical quality factor appropriate. In the physical system, NV chain and some thermal reservoir coupling, the coupling caused by decoherence, resulting in damage to the spin squeezing through our dynamic decoupling pulse sequences to suppress the thermal reservoir effect on spin squeezing, in diamond nitrogen high quality factor - hole spin chain, uniaxial compression spin we can achieve perfect. Finally, we present some experiments on the feasibility of the scheme, the parameters of some experiments has made some Analysis results show that our proposed scheme in the present experimental conditions is feasible by.4. nitrogen hole continuous drive (NV) spin chain produce compression homeostasis in NV spin chain with coupled to the system with an optical model, we put forward by continuous light driven NV to generate spin spin squeezing state scheme. Under certain frequency matching conditions, we obtained by rotating wave approximation effective Hamiltonian. The effective Hamiltonian that collective NV spin dark state, through the study of this dark state, we found that the dark state is spin squeezed state. By way of field dissipation the preparation of this spin squeezed state, thus became the source of coherent dissipation here. We studied in the light of different driving frequency and intensity under steady-state conditions of spin squeezing, the greater the frequency to meet the conditions of the rotating wave approximation The better dynamic fluctuation of spin squeezing decreases, compression is also better, but the final stable compression depends entirely on the driving light intensity. In addition, we also analyzed the influence of photon noise on compression. Finally, we discuss the scheme in the frequency distribution of the spin transition phenomenon.



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