
发布时间:2018-06-23 22:04

  本文选题:太赫兹辐射源 + 本征约瑟夫森结阵 ; 参考:《南京大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:High temperature superconducting terahertz radiation source is an intrinsic Josephson junction array of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (BSCCO) prepared by microfabrication technology. It has the advantages of moderate frequency band, tunable, continuous wave and easy preparation, and has promoted the development of terahertz technology. It has important research significance and great application potential. In this paper, from the perspective of structural innovation and practical innovation, the performance optimization of HTS terahertz radiation sources, such as increasing radiation frequency and enhancing practicability, has been actively explored and tried. The main research results are as follows: 1. BSCCO array with pore perturbation. A BSCCO intrinsic Josephson array with pore perturbation was designed and fabricated by introducing the perturbation method into the study of high temperature superconducting terahertz radiation source. It is found that voltage steps appear on the current-voltage characteristic (IVCs) curve when the number of pores is larger than 1. More importantly, as the number of pores increases, the array voltage increases and the radiation frequency increases. Therefore, this kind of structure perturbation provides a new feasible way to optimize the performance of the array. " On-chip "temperature detection method." For the BSCCO array, we propose a "on-chip" temperature detection method. The BSCCO detector junction is prepared in situ on the surface of the radiation junction array as a temperature sensor. By comparing the IVCs curves of the nodule at different temperatures with those under different bias conditions, the surface temperature of the nodule is obtained. This is the first time to detect the surface temperature of a junction array by means of experiments, which has a positive significance for the study of the thermal distribution and heat conduction in the junction array. Terahertz "flashlight". Most of the existing terahertz radiation sources have many disadvantages, such as large volume, high cost and complex system. Therefore, a portable high temperature superconducting terahertz radiation device with liquid nitrogen cooling has been developed and has the function of temperature regulation. The volume of the device is less than 40 cm ~ 3, the maximum radiation power is 1.17 渭 W, and the maximum tunable bandwidth is 100 GHz. In addition, a 1.5 V dry battery and offset adjustment module can be used to replace the complex current source system, making it as easy to use as a flashlight. This work has preliminarily realized the miniaturization, practicality and low cost of terahertz source, and has played an important role in promoting the practical application of HTS THz technology. High temperature superconducting terahertz radiation device with adjustable power. Vanadium oxide (VO _ 2) has the characteristics of metal-insulator phase transition, which can regulate the transmission of electromagnetic wave. For the first time, the VO _ 2 phase change thin film is effectively combined with the high temperature superconducting terahertz source. The VO _ 2 low temperature electronic controlled phase transition is used as an adjustable attenuator, and the power control of the high temperature superconducting terahertz source is realized under the condition of keeping the temperature and frequency constant. The maximum attenuation of -5.6dB and -4.3dB is obtained at 20K and 25K, respectively. The power tunable terahertz source and its attenuator suitable for full low temperature environment further enrich the functionality and practicability of terahertz technology and provide a typical example for interdisciplinary cross fusion. In addition, through the electrically controlled phase transition experiments at room temperature and low temperature and with the aid of electron correlation effect, we provide a basis for the viewpoint that "the interaction of heat and electric field leads to the electric excited phase transition".


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