
发布时间:2018-08-11 10:04
[Abstract]:Based on the three dimensional seismic data of new acquisition, full basin coverage and long cable seismic profiles across regions and deep layers, this paper starts with the identification of basin boundary faults and the determination of basin attributes. The qualitative and quantitative study on structural style and evolution process of Baiyun depression basin is carried out systematically. A large scale detachment fault in the deep water area of the northern continental margin of the South China Sea has been found. The genetic properties of Baiyun Sag as a large detachment basin have been determined, and the process of noninstantaneous extensional rupture of the lithosphere in the northern margin of the South China Sea has been discussed. Achieved the following major research progress and understanding of the results. 1. A large detachment fault at the southern boundary of the control basin was found in the deep layer of Baiyun Sag. In the profile, the detachment fault has a macroscopic tendency of inclining north, rising steeply and slowly down, converging down to the Moho surface, while the plane is an arc of SE protruding. In the west, middle and east of the depression, the structural styles of the detachment fault system are faulted terrace type, single fault type and complex slope flat type, respectively. The discovery of the detachment fault provides the key evidence for determining the geological properties of the separated basin in Baiyun sag, and has important theoretical significance and practical application value. The identification, calibration, tracing and closure of different order sequences in the basin filling sequence are carried out for the purpose of separating the basin, and the tectonic stratigraphic framework of the basin since the Cenozoic is established. In particular, the tectonic sequence interface SD and PDs, which correspond to the beginning and end of the strong activity of the detachment fault, are determined, and the detachment sequence, which is different from the shallow water basin of the continental shelf, is distinguished. The evolution of the same rifting stage in the basin is divided into fault curtain controlled by high angle normal fault, detachment curtain controlled by large detachment fault and fault receding curtain. The basin archetype of different tectonic episodes and the uniqueness of detachment curtain are determined. A quantitative study on the geometry, fault activity and basin subsidence history of important faults in Baiyun sag was carried out by using paleo-drop method and backstripping technique. The results show that the main detachment faults were active in the late Middle Eocene, which cut and destroyed the structure of the early faulted basin, and the subsidence center of the basin has the temporal and spatial distribution and migration law from the early multi-center dispersion distribution to the single center aggregation of the detachment curtain and the depression curtain. Based on the main section, the tectonic stratigraphic evolution process of Baiyun sag was reconstructed. The essential meaning of fracture unconformity interface in rift basin is analyzed, and the response interface of continental lithosphere cracking is defined. Taking Baiyun sag as an example, the relationship between fault-sag transition interface and fracture unconformity interface is clarified, and the non-isochronicity of fault-sag transition mask in different tectonic unit basins of South China Sea continental margin is proposed. The fracture unconformity interface does not represent the understanding of "post-fracture unconformity interface" in the basin. The lithosphere structure and extensional degree of the basement of Baiyun sag are studied. It is further proved that the depression is developed on the strongly thinned crust and may be a mantle outcrop area. The quantitative calculation of extensional and thinning degree shows that the main area of Baiyun sag shows depth-dependent extension, but in the extreme thinning area, the horizontal tectonic activity along the detachment fault can basically regulate the extension of the whole crust. It is suggested that Baiyun Sag is a "non-instantaneous" extensional fracture process of the lithosphere in the northern South China Sea, which is formed by simple shear deformation mechanism and developed in the continental margin fine neck zone during the process of "non-instantaneous" extension and rupture. Deep water oil and gas exploration has broad prospects.


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